Karde58's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (24 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Hi all looking for some onfo on pbp games, and hoping to pick the brains of the wiser heads here.

Due to life cant play at a table as much as would like and really want to get some more games in especially Starfinder, but have a couple of concerns.

As im in the UK would the time zone diffrence be too large a problem, currently its British summer time so GMT +1, would this cause too much of a delay between my posts and the posts of other players.

Also have been looking at the boards and like the idea of perhaps playing starfinder society games so could develop the same charater with out being in single long term story but would there still be same opportunity for games with just having level 1 charater.

Just dont want to waste other people's time if these would be too much of problem.

Thanks for everybodys time.