Karde58's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (24 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Chronicle : 1
Player name: karde58
Character name: Radak Kosor
Organized play #-#: 2366953-701
Faction: wayfinder
XP: 0
Fame: 0
Credits: 167
Day job: none
Reputation: none
Boons: wayfinders champion

Hopfully not missed anything but if so give me a shout. First time player so eill try to keep mistakes to a minimum

Hi, all thanks for all the advice from the discussion page, I also shamless stole the help given to redwolfe77. Really shows what a good group of people are here.

@GM Ilmakis would like to be part of a game of The Commencement, if dont mind having a brand new player at the table.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi all was pointed here by GM Numbat, new to pbp and only been able to run starfinder a few times never play it. And the sfs seems best way to play and develop a charater but still be flexable for real life.

Currently im reading over the pbp guide here and re reading, The Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. My plan is to take next few days to come up with character and the write it up, but would like to know if there are any common mistakes new comers to pbp or sfs play make that I should keep in mind? Thanks

Thank you that seems a good place to start.

Thanks for the response, good to known the time zones shouldn't be a problem. For the game levels just wanted to make sure there were still other people playing at lower levels.

Hi all looking for some onfo on pbp games, and hoping to pick the brains of the wiser heads here.

Due to life cant play at a table as much as would like and really want to get some more games in especially Starfinder, but have a couple of concerns.

As im in the UK would the time zone diffrence be too large a problem, currently its British summer time so GMT +1, would this cause too much of a delay between my posts and the posts of other players.

Also have been looking at the boards and like the idea of perhaps playing starfinder society games so could develop the same charater with out being in single long term story but would there still be same opportunity for games with just having level 1 charater.

Just dont want to waste other people's time if these would be too much of problem.

Thanks for everybodys time.