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Karando Tull's page

146 posts. Organized Play character for ChesterCopperpot (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, Contributor).

Full Name

Karando Tull


HP 125/125 | AC 30 (32 with Shield Raised) | F +18 R +14 W +17 Juggernaut| Perc +14| Resist Slashing 3


speed 25 ft | focus 3/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:


NG male human (skilled) champion (redeemer) 9 l

About Karando Tull

Karando Tull
NG Human Champion of Kazutal 9

Perception +14;
Languages Common, Druidic, Fey
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +16, Crafting +11, Diplomacy +19, Intimidation +16, Lore: Warfare +11, Nature
+18, Religion +14 (Untrained Improvisation)
Str +4, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +3

Items +1 Resilient Full Plate, Adventurer's Pack, Repair Kit, Handwraps of Mighty Blows (+1), Jade Cat, Diplomat's
Badge, Lifting Belt, Wand of Longstrider, Scroll of Create Water, Scroll of Dispel Magic (3rd), Scroll of Fireball,
Scroll of Glitterdust, Scroll of Spider Climb, Scroll to Water Breathing, Wand of Create Food, Doubling Rings,
Flaming Star (Greater), Endless Grimoire, Martyr's Shield (Hardness 12, HP 120, BT 60)

AC 30 (+32 with shield raised)
Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +17; Juggernaut
HP 125
Speed 20 ft.

Shield Block
Glimpse of Redemption Trigger An enemy damages your ally, and both are within 15 feet of you. Your foe hesitates under the weight of sin as visions of redemption play in their mind’s eye. The foe must choose one of the following options: - The ally is unharmed by the triggering damage. - The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. After the damaging effect is applied, the enemy becomes enfeebled 2 until the end of its next turn and takes 3 persistent good damage. (11)

+1 Striking Ghost Touch Machete +18 (Deadly d8, Sweep, Magical), Damage 2d6+6 S
Light Hammer +17 (Agile, Thrown 20 ft.), Damage 1d6+6 B
+1 Striking Cold Iron (Low-Grade) Shield Boss +18 (Attached to Shield, Magical), Damage 2d6+6 B

Sling +13 (Propulsive), Damage 1d6+4 B
+1 Striking Composite Longbow +14 (Deadly d10, Propulsive, Volley 30 ft., Magical), Damage 2d8+4 P


Trick Magic Item (General, Manipulate, Skill) Prerequisites trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion. You examine a magic item you normally couldn’t use in an effort to fool it and activate it temporarily. For example, this might allow a fighter to cast a spell from a wand or allow a wizard to cast a spell that’s not on the arcane list using a scroll. You must know what activating the item does, or you can’t attempt to trick it. Attempt a check using the skill matching the item’s magic tradition, or matching a tradition that has the spell on its list, if you’re trying to cast a spell from the item. The relevant skills are Arcana for arcane, Nature for primal, Occultism for occult, Religion for divine, or any of the four for an item that has the magical trait and not a tradition trait. The GM determines the DC based on the item’s level (possibly adjusted depending on the item or situation). If you activate a magic item that requires a spell attack roll or spell DC and you don’t have the ability to cast spells of the relevant tradition, use your level as your proficiency bonus and the highest of your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifiers. If you’re a master in the appropriate skill for the item’s tradition, you instead use the trained
proficiency bonus, and if you’re legendary, you instead use the expert proficiency bonus.
Success For the rest of the current turn, you can spend actions to activate the item as if you could normally use it.
Failure You can’t use the item or try to trick it again this turn, but you can try again on subsequent turns.
Critical Failure You can’t use the item, and you can’t try to trick it again until your next daily preparations.

Evangelize (Auditory, General, Linguistic, Mental, Skill) Prerequisites master in Diplomacy, you follow a deity or philosophy You point out a detail that incontrovertibly supports your faith, causing a listener’s mind to whirl. Attempt a Diplomacy check and compare the result to the Will DC of a single target that can hear you and understands your language; that target is then temporarily immune to Evangelize with respect to your deity or philosophy for 1 day. A creature that already agrees with you is unaffected, and at the GM’s discretion, a target
that genuinely changes its perspective to support your faith as a result of the argument is also otherwise unaffected.
Critical Success The target is stupefied 2 for 1 round.
Success The target is stupefied 1 for 1 round.
Failure The target is unaffected.


Diplomat's Badge (Enchantment, Invested, Magical) Activate Recall Knowledge; Frequency once per day;
Effect Attempt a DC 20 check to Recall Knowledge about people of a human ethnicity, a non-human ancestry, or
some other type of creature. (The GM determines what your options are.) If you succeed, the badge's bonus
increases to +2 for Diplomacy checks with creatures of that group for the rest of the day.

Lifting Belt (Invested, Magical, Transmutation) Activate Interact; Effect You lift an object of up to 8 Bulk as
though it were weightless. This requires two hands, and if the object is locked or otherwise held in place, you can
attempt to Force it Open using Athletics as part of this activation. The object still has its full weight and Bulk for
all other purposes-you just ignore that weight. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

Primal Prepared Spells DC 26, attack +16; 3rd Earthbind; 2nd Heal ; 1st Jump, Gust of Wind; Cantrips (5th) Electric Arc, Stabilize

Focus Spells (3 points)
Lay on Hands Range [one action] touch; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature Your hands become infused with positive energy, healing a living creature or damaging an undead creature with a touch. If you use lay on hands on a willing living target, you restore 6 Hit Points; if the target is one of your allies, they also gain a +2 status bonus to AC for 1 round. Against an undead target, you deal 1d6 damage and it must
attempt a basic Fortitude save; if it fails, it also takes a -2 status penalty to AC for 1 round. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 6, and the damage to an undead target increases by 1d6. (30; 5d6)

Unimpeded Stride [one action] Nothing can hold you in place. You immediately escape from every magical effect that has you immobilized or grabbed unless the effect is of a higher level than your unimpeded stride spell. You then
Stride. During this movement, you ignore difficult terrain and any circumstance or status penalties to your Speed.

Untamed Form [two actions] You reach within for a different part of yourself, and you set it free, transforming your body into another form. You polymorph into any form listed in pest form, which lasts 10 minutes. All other untamed form shapes last 1 minute. You can add more shapes to your untamed form list with druid feats; your feat might grant you some or all of the shapes from a given polymorph spell.
When you transform into a shape granted by a spell, you gain all the effects of the shape you chose from a version of the spell heightened to untamed form’s rank. Untamed form allows you to use your own shapeshifting training more easily than most polymorph spells. When you choose to use your own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form’s default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your attack rolls.
Heightened (2nd) You can transform into shapes listed in animal form.

Ancestry Feats
Natural Ambition (Deity's Domain)
Cooperative Nature
Cooperative Soul

Class Feats
Deity's Domain (Freedom)
Weight of Guilt
Druid Dedication
Basic Druid Spellcasting
Basic Wilding (Untamed Form)
Quick Shield Block

General Feats
Untrained Improvisation

Skill Feats
Cat Fall
Trick Magic Item
Intimidating Glare
Assurance (Athletics)
Assurance (Acrobatics)

Divine Ally (Divine Ally (Shield)), Divine Smite(Redeemer)

Shopping List Glamour rune Wounding rune? Training: Scrolls Lore: Scribing Bonus Feat: Assurance

Battle Form
Giant Cat (Huge)
Large Speed: 40 feet HP: 20 AC: 29
Athletics +20
Melee jaws (reach 15 ft.) +20, Damage 4d6+7 piercing;
Melee claw (agile, reach 15 ft.) +20, Damage 2d10+7 slashing