KapowLtd's page

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You gents are welcome to make the trip anytime! It's really sad that such a huge city doesn't have organized PFS play.

All fantastic ideas that I will definitely be taking advantage of. I definitely like the points system with GMing getting more points then playing. Could easily convert the pts into store credit of some sort.

Keep 'em coming!

Pathfinder Society meets every Thursday at 6pm at Kapow Comics, Cards and Games (320 6th Ave S) in Lethbridge. We have a Venture Captain usually in store.

We also welcome other groups and GM's to play their own games, on their own days (whether Pathfinder or other systems). We have a spacious, clean, comfortable and welcoming store! Come on down, check us out, start scheduling games, or join in the ongoing PFS campaign!

We also run Pathfinder Society every Thursday at Kapow Comics, Cards and Games (320 6th street south) and welcome new GM's and groups for any other day they want to play! Same goes for any RPG really.

I saw his video on youtube. Super classy. The reward was obviously well deserved!

I do think that GM's being called out on "cheating" is a bit overblown. It isn't cheating, a GM really has ultimate authority. He obviously wants to the story to progress in a certain direction. No one ever calls them on cheating when they flub something to make sure the players don't die!

If the GM is outright ruining a game, that is another matter, but most of the time the GM is in the right to make decisions. If a powergamer is ruining the game for everyone else, I'd fluff rolls to teach him a lesson too. :)


As a store owner, I want people in here, playing PFS at my tables. And it's been a success. It's easy when you're a big fan of Pathfinder to pump it to every rpger out there.

The problem has arisen, however, that we can't find other GM's aside from our Venture Captain. Players want to play, no one wants to GM. Usually it's because the ones who DO GM, already are and don't want to take on more.

Solutions? How have other store owners and V-C's solved this in the past and in their own stores? I offer good discounts and perks to anyone willing. Still, hard to find them. I've had to GM a game, an as the owner of a busy store it's not something I can always do. Easy to find players though! :)

One solution is to do alternating weeks for groups, do one table a week, the same table every other week. I've heard of other stores and GM's doing this to solve it. My V-C sure can't run two tables at once, and we sure can't run tables of 8+

Thanks for the help and advice in advance!