Flying Blade

Kapelo v’Adril's page

31 posts. Alias of Nathanael Love.

Full Name

Kapelo v’Adril


| HP: 17/22 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 140 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +2 | Init: +8 | Perc: -1, SM: +4


| Speed 30ft | Panache 3/3 | Burning Hands: 1/1 | Active conditions: None.


Male LG Ifrit Swashbuckler (Noble Fencer) 1 Warrior 2

Strength 10
Dexterity 19
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 17

About Kapelo v’Adril

Kapelo v’Adril


LG Medium Ifrit Paladin (Virtuoso Bravo) 2 Swashbuckler (Noble Fencer) 1

HP: 22/22
AC: 18 Tough 14 FF 14 (+4 Dex, +4 Armor)
CMD: 17

Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +6
Will: +2

BAB: +3
CMB: +3

STR: 10 (+0)
DEX: 19 (+4)
CON: 10 (+0)
INT: 10 (+10)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 17 (+3)

Languages: Common, Ifrit
Speed: 30ft
Darkvision: 60ft
Fire in the Blood
Wildfire Heart (+4 Initiative)
Spell-Like Ability: burning hands 1/day
Sprinter: Members of this race gain a +10 foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

Black Powder Bravado
Issian Noble (Hearth Noble)

(Paladin Abilities currently unavailable)
Aura of Good 3
Detect Evil
Smite Evil (1/1)
Divine Grace (+3)
Lay on Hands

Swashbuckler Abilities
Panache 3/3
Swashbuckler’s Finesse
Derring-Do (+1d6 to Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim)
Social Panache (+1d6 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive)
Opportune Parry & Riposte

Weapon Focus (Rapier)
Fencing Grace

Skills (including 2 favored class bonus)
Acrobatics +9 (2 ranks, 4 DEX, class skill)
Bluff +7 (1 rank, 3 CHA, class skill)
Climb +4 (1 rank, class skill)
Diplomacy +8 (1 rank, 3 CHA, class skill, +1 trait)
Knowledge (nobility) +4 (1 rank, class skill)
Knowledge (Local) +4 (1 rank, class skill)
Knowledge (Religion) +4 (1 rank, class skill)
Perform (Dance) +9 (3 ranks, 3 CHA, class skill)
Sense Motive +4 (1 rank, class skill, -1 WIS, +1 trait)
Swim +4 (1 rank, class skill)

+1 flaming Rapier
Mithral Chain Shirt (1100 gold)

Courtesan’s Outfit 8 gp 4 lbs
Courtier’s Outfit 30 gp 6 lbs (need 50 gp of jewelry)
Dancer’s Garb (silver) 200 gp 5 lbs
Dilettante’s Outfit 20 gp 8 lbs
Explorer’s Outfit 10 gp, 8 lbs
Noble’s Outfit 75 gp 10 lbs (need 100 gp of jewelry)
Soldier’s uniform 1 gp 5 lbs
Traveler’s Outfit 1 gp 5 lbs

Masterwork Backpack 50 gp 4 lbs (+1 str for carrying with)
Bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs
Blanket 5 sp 3 lbs
Flint & Steel 1 gp
Hip Flask 1 gp
Holy Symbol (gold) 100 gp
Mirror 10 gp
Rope, Silk 50 ft. 10 gp 5 lbs

150 gold in jewelry
100 gold signet ring

10 days trail rations
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2 (100 gp)

1373 gold 4 silver

Common Attacks:

[Dice=+1 Flaming Rapier]1d20+9[/dice]
[Dice=Magic Piercing Damage, Fire Damage]1d6+5+1d6[/dice]


Kapelo v’Adril was born to a noble family in the Ifrit capital of Hearth, the scion in waiting of a lesser noble house. Trained in etiquette and swordplay from his youth, when he was in his mid-forties he went to the temple to be inducted into the Holy Orders of Knighthood as a Paladin. The Paladin Oath was a great burden in the eyes of the v’Adril family, for though Kapelo told his mother always that he had taken a vow of chastity, not one of celibacy, the thought of her only son not continuing the family and doing his duty of marriage and child bearing was one which she could not take, particularly since his father had died so tragically when he was young.
Temple trained and returned to the family, Kapelo chafed at the idle life of the nobility, but nevertheless took up a position in the house of a powerful Duke, as was expected of a man of his station. It was here that Kapelo strayed from the light of Volcano and the Oath of the Paladin.
While in service to the Duke, Kapelo fell in love with the Duchess. Courtly Love, when practiced with grace and panache is a thing of delicate beauty—verses composed, notes written and read, a handkerchief given in tribute, a kiss upon the hand, and a blush of the cheek while passing in public, but there are limits, and as Kapelo courted the Duchess, one fateful night they broke through all limits, betraying his oath of chastity and befouling the marriage bed of his master. The affair lasted a fortnight, and no more, for the Duchess was a capricious woman, and threw Kapelo over for another lover.
Spurned, disgraced, dejected, and destroyed, Kapelo sought refuge in the only recourse he had left—the army, joining in time to march off on the glorious campaign and fight in the last war. He broke his vows for love, and now had neither love nor vows to turn to, so at least he might die in battle upon the blade!
But death was not to be his fate yet, and the war and battle lasted all too little. Kapelo has developed a sardonic wit to mask the dejection and dissatisfaction of his heart, and though his family still counsels marriage or taking another position in a noble lord’s service, Kapelo has taken to the road to wander—to prove his skill with the blade and find a new path, where’er it might lead him.

10 Minute Background:

5 Background and concept elements

1. Kapelo is the last heir to the v'Adril clan, or to his deceased father's line of it at least, a fact which his mother has never let him forget.

2. Kapelo has broken most of the tenants of his oath-- chastity, temperence, honesty-- but he has never broken his vow to use no blade but the Blade of v'Adril.

3. Kapelo trained his entire youth, for nearly 60 years to be the perfect courtier for his family's ends, and his (surviving family), including his mother and sisters remain his priority to provide for.

4. Despite not being vain, Kapelo has been tought never to allow himself to be dressed "shabbily", and so he despises all things "shabby" in his heart, and is secretly shamed by the depths he's allowed himself to sink to, which is why he insists on maintaining a fashionable wardrode and jewelry.

5. Kapelo has a streak of recklessness when concerning duels, and his skill with the blade, which many interpret as overconfidence or pride, but which is really centered in his simply not caring if he live or dies.

Two goals:
1. I would like Kapelo to work through his demons, atone for his oath breaking, and regain the mantle of a Paladin of Volcano in good standing.

2. Kapelo himself would like to eventually retire to a quiet life, marry some marriageable girl, and found a small estate, while carrying forward the family line.

Two secrets:

1. Kapelo has taken, and broken, the oaths of a Paladin of Volcano, breaking his oath by bedding the Duchess, wife of the Duke who he served. Since this time, he has acted as though he never took the oath and merely trained at the Temple for a period as a youth.

2. Kapelo believes that only he and the Duchess know that their love affair ended in consumation before Kapelo's resignation from the Duke's household, but the act itself was witnessed by the Marquis v'Oliano, a favorite and rumored lover of the Duke, and now both men are secretly bending their resources and agents to hinder if not harm Kapelo.

Three people:

1. Kapelo's closest friend throughout his entire life is the favorite of his three siters, closest to him in age, Kindreth Trintalain (nee v'Adril). The two attended dance academy together for many years, and Kindreth is renowned for her dancing, and has recently married the young Count Trintalain.

2. While in the army, Kapelo and his companion Gindorain saved one anothers lives many times in battle, for while Kapelo did not care much for his own survival, he could not bear to see his friend slain (nor Gindorain him).

3. Besides the Duke and the Marquis v'Oliano, Lady Ignatia Eleanor has sworn revenge on Kapelo for his interfering with an affair of hers. The beautiful and sought after young ingenue, has many admirers she can mobilize to interfere with Kapelo's plans.

5 Quirks or memories:

1. When truly offended, Kapelo retreats to a tap of the heel, and one hand on his sword hilt while bringhing himself to attention.

2. In the Duke's palace, in the center of the most lucious garden sits a single ancient peach tree, to eat of the fruit of which was forbidden to all but the Duke and Duchess themselves. Kapelo desired to eat of it, but never did, and has promised that some day he shall, but that he will not eat a peach from any other tree until that day.

3. In his earliest childhood, the most vivid memory Kapelo recalls is the scent of the particular combination of his father's pomade mixed with his tobacco, a cherised memory of his now slain father.

4. When taking the first step forward, each time Kapelo begins invariably with his left foot, a habit picked up during his time in the military marching.

5. Kapelo remembers the blood in his mouth that he tasted on his first duel, a duel which he nearly lost, save a truly lucky stroke, and which also resulted in his first kill of another man.