
Kantrip's page

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I created a 3D map of the ruined cyclops city in the "Island of Empty Eyes" module, part 4 of the Skull and Shackles adventure path. I made the cyclops city map so my players would have a better visualization of how the ruins looked in relation to where they were.

As GM you might not want players to see all the city map from the beginning, but this was no problem with my group. The map doesn't show building interiors or underground areas.

I did this by pasting the GM's map into Sketchup, then drawing the buildings atop it to exactly match the scale and locations.

If you'd like to view it, it's on Youtube: Go to 3D Cyclops City Ruins.

I have several Pathfinder setting slide shows there, including 3D Kaer Maga, 3D The Black Keep from Shattered Star adventure path, and a History of Golarion slide.

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I am currently running a campaign set in Kaer Maga, taking over from another GM who was running an excellent game set there before he moved away.

As players, we were always trying to get a handle on just what the city looked like. The maps available from Paizo are great, but it's hard to appreciate the unique nature of the city presented in 2D. As often as not, I didn't picture the multi-layered sections within the walls.

When I took over as GM I used Sketchup 8 and drew the city. For my players I load up Sketchup and can rotate around the city with the mouse to give them any angle I want.

I decided to post it on Youtube but the conversion to .avi possible with Sketchup isn't very good, so I made a slide show from shots I took of the 3D model I drew.

I posted the slide show on Youtube if anyone is interested:
Go to Kaer Maga Slide Show

(Or go to Youtube and do a search for Pathfinder Kaer Maga)

Let me know if this is helpful to your players.

Please cancel Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide and Character folio. I'm going to try picking up most of my Pathfinder stuff at my local hobby store to support them.

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