Kalnix's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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To be honest this is all way too confusing. I was writing an adventure based around the Brainchild, a non-ORC monster, and was planning on releasing it for free. Now I am not even sure if I can reference it (since it isn't ORC). If I can reference it I would need to wade through all this legalese to figure out how to reference it, what licenses to use and where I could release this adventure.

My solution is to just give up creating Pathfinder content and I feel I am not the only one.

How does this affect map remakes of adventures and adventure paths? The FCP states "You may not use artwork, including maps, that have not been published in the blog, although you may create your own interpretations of material presented in our artwork and maps, provided that your interpretations don't look substantially similar to our materials."

What counts as substantially similar? Is a near 1:1 remake of a map with different assets and higher pixels per square such that it works better in VTTs allowed? What about making a compilation of those into a module so that others don't need to manually set up every map it just has all of them ready for them (barring things like monsters and treasure since that would be getting into rules stuff).

EDIT: Mark confirmed on Reddit that this exact thing is fair game.

How is Tchekuth supposed to be pronounced? I have been saying che-kooth with che as in chef and leaving the t silent.

Full Name

Kal-Yik, or "Kal"


Tengu Rogue (15)


Medium (4' 7", 86 lbs)



Special Abilities

Claw Attack






Puddles District


Speaks 33 languages


Owner of "The Dirty Bird" in Absalom and "The Learned Crane" in Goka

Strength 14
Dexterity 26
Constitution 14
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 16
Charisma 7

About Kal-Yik

Would you like a Business Card?

Became a Seeker after surviving #4-26: The Waking Rune.

Finished Eyes of the Ten on 03/22/14. Earned the "Favored of the Ten" boon.

Check out my Handy Guide to Creature Traits, a useful tool for GMs who need to give Knowledge check information on the fly!

Rules references:

Invisible creatures still benefit from flanking.
An Amulet of Mighty Fists does not grant a bonus on combat maneuvers.
Yes, you can take 10 on Stealth.
Sneak Attack gets added to each and every attack that qualifies.

As of Level 15 my Trap Spotter is now +49 and my Disable Device is +40.


1st - Improved Initiative Toughness
2nd - Finesse Rogue
3rd - Weapon Focus (Claw)
4th - Trap Spotter
5th - Power Attack
6th - Weapon Training (Bite)
7th - Step Up
8th - Combat Trick: Following Step
9th - Combat Reflexes
10th - Opportunist
11th - Step Up and Strike
12th - Feat: Skill Focus (Perception)
13th - Snake Style
14th - Offensive Defense
15th - Additional Traits