![]() About Kaliban T GrenvaelKaliban Thameri Grenvael Male half-orc unchained rogue (scout) 2/transmuter (enhancement[APG]) 5 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 134, 145, Pathfinder Unchained 20) NG Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10 --------------------
hp 52 (7 HD; 5d6+2d8+19) Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6 Defensive Abilities evasion --------------------
Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +1d6 Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +9)
Base Atk +3 CMB +10 (+12 dirty trick, +12 disarm, +12 reposition, +12 steal, +12 trip); CMD 21 (23 vs. dirty trick, 23 vs. disarm, 23 vs. reposition, 23 vs. steal, 23 vs. trip) Feats Agile Maneuvers, Arcane Armor Training, Combat Expertise, Craft Wondrous Item, Deadly Aim, Deft Maneuvers, Dodge, Knowledge Is Power, Power Attack, Scribe Scroll, Twist Away[ACG], Weapon Focus (Light Blades) Traits pragmatic activator, senatorial hopeful, student of philosophy Skills
Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive Languages Common (Taldane), Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Kelish, Orc SQ arcane bond (ring of austere majesty), augment, finesse weapon attack attribute, orc blood, overlooked mastermind, overprotective, physical enhancement (+2), rogue talent (weapon training), trapfinding +1 Combat Gear
Other Gear
Money 1,148 gp --------------------
Kaliban's Story:
Kaliban's mother was a Kellish woman who'd run from her family rather than allow them to slay her half-orc son. Selling pieces of her jewelry along the way to afford the passage to Yanmass, she's finally made it. If was some time later as she hawked wares at a stall, when she spied a man having trouble with his mount. She couldn't tell which she felt more for the man or the horse, but she gathered herself and hurried over and calmed the horse, with but a touch and a word. Later he, they... would return to see her. He accepted her, a foreigner and her son the half-orc as his own. Eventually man and woman were wed. With that union his house thrived, starting a breeding and grooming business with halfling partners. The caravans would come and their horses, mules, elephants and camels would receive the best care. Life was good. Kaliban grew up helping and running through the tent city outside of Yanmass. He was a helpful lad, especially to his elders... a trait passed on to him from both parents. Always a thinker and perhaps an intellectual, he loved to absorb knowledge, especially of history. How it both limited and helped form individuals and how individuals made history. How even the law was both made by and above individuals. Both protected and yet sometimes held people back or even hurt the innocent. Symbiotic, he thought. And, in time he decided he'd use his particular skillset to help others and make the world around him a better place. Being a senator seemed a longshot, but what if it happened? He'd imagine all the good he could do. How many more people he could help! In hime his interests took a turn from the mundane to the arcane, with one fateful encounter. But seriously, who would have thought that old man he ran errands for was a wizard? It added yet another facet, another skillset with which he could help others. That was his true calling, to help others. Helping them transform and become their best self, achieve their greatest potential. Always keeping his finger on Yanmass' pulse... the recent rumors were disturbing, missing cavalry, a cult? Caradinna was being more vocal than usual about nightmares and she was a friend. She seemed to have connected some dots. Sure, most people that knew her thought she was crazy. But, Kaliban had taken the time to spend some time with her. Helping her, running errands, bringing her a cooked meal and convincing her it was fine to eat... oftimes having to eat it with her. During those times when she wasn't fighting to be heard... she had her most lucid moments. He'd be a fool not give her words a modicum of credence and check things out himself. Besides, there were newcomers and what was better than meeting new people? So much was happening in the capital, in the kingdom and now here in Yanmass. Could be all be connected? Now, he was sounding like Caradinna. Princess Eutropia certainly inherited a powder keg. A lone female against the odds... hmm. Reminded him of his mother in a way. He'd love to help her, but what could he do, so far away? Me and Why:
I'm an old school player from way back. I enjoy crafting a character that "fits" while giving them a bit of the "uncola" is in "this isn't your typical... " fill in the blank. It's why I tend to end up multi-classing.
In some respects, I'm going to a well roundedness that I find optimal vs. optimizing for a specific and expected thing. It works for me. I was just commenting elsewhere, that all my characters were always NG, unless they were forced to be LG/CG (mechanics - monk, paladin, barbarian) and that all my characters were undercover paladins. No matter their alignment or class. They find their way to be heroic. I don't get to play many social skill games and I've wanted to showcase Overlooked Mastermind for a very long time. But, honestly any adventure will do... it's the other folks at the table that matter most. The collaboration between DM and players and the awesome stuff we can create together. |