Blue Dragon

Kale Wieland's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

GM here, I was planning on throwing a Poisoner Rogue against my players in an upcoming adventure. I was going to have him convert a couple doses of Large Scorpion Venom into Inhaled rather than injury and start the fight by dropping those in the middle of the group. I wasn't sure if they would have to be dancing around the poison cloud for the rest of the fight or if it would dissipate quickly.

It says that most fill a 10 foot cube per dose but it doesn't say how long the cloud of poison lasts? I would assume it's like a smokestick, 1 round in moderate or stronger winds and 1 minute otherwise, or is it dependent upon something else like the poison's duration?