High Clockmother Athenth Llanalir

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 143 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Please cancel my rulebook subscription as I can no longer justify the financial expense.

I am still awaiting the completion of my subscription order of the Bestiary 2. I also have not received access to the .pdf of the Bestiary 2. I am hoping that this matter can be resolved.

Thank you!

I have the stage set for this big moment. The players enter a room in which an artifact has been used to open a portal to the plane of Limbo. The spirit of an ancient dragon lives within the artifact and has been using those that opened the portal, and now that dragon is pulling all chaos from Limbo in order to give himself the perfect resting place for eternity. This will create a gray waist of Limbo, and could destroy the material plane with the excessive amounts of chaos. Enter the players, seeing a swirling portal, a trapped Githzerai, dark tendrils chaos holding the Gith in place, and Slaadi on the other side slowly dying from all these events.

And it is here that the problem comes into play. How can I make this an epic and interesting encounter without there being a combat to solve the problem? There should be a way to resolve this without a battle, but I can't think of one.
The party consists of an Oracle, Wizard, Bard, Ninja, and Alchemist. They have all the elements they need to resolve this, but the problem is that I am just not sure how to present it to them in a way that they can resolve it without swords drawn. Any ideas?

I can't find anything in the rule books that speaks to this specific question, so I figured I would bring it to the internet for a solid answer. I have a player that has taken the ability to tattoo "magic items" onto your body. During that conversation he mentioned that he crafted a tattoo for the ring slot that had about three or four different effects at one time. I wanted to check to see if this was a legal move? Can a ring carry more than one effect short of being an artifact? If it is one effect on a ring only, is this then ruled differently for the magical tattoo's?

So I have this idea bouncing around in my head but I don’t know how to make it really effective. In the campaign that I am running I have introduced this sect of evil monks that also are skilled in the arts of the arcane. But now it is time for the party to go up against these monks and I am trying to make them formidable opponents for the party that would make the entire section of the campaign a memorable challenge.

The party is level 15, so the NPC’s can be around 15th – 17th level for this to work. My thought process was to use stuff like a Monk 2 / Sorcerer 14 (for example) and have them do a lot of grapple moves with Still Spell as a feat in there to “zap” the player that they have grappled. I would appreciate any suggestions, builds, advice, whatever, that might help me make this adventure great and filled with many exciting battles.

Ok, I had this thought for an NPC to throw at my party but I never use Monks in anything so I was not sure if this thought is actually possible. What I am asking is if a monk can combine touch spells with flurry of blows. The thought is that a Monk / Wizard (or whatever) has Quicken Shocking Grasp and a regular Shocking Grasp available. The monk then casts Shocking Grasp, but does not discharge the spell that round, then on the next round the monk casts the Quickened Shocking Grasp and makes a full round action to attack with Flurry of Blows, thus setting off the two Shocking Grasp spells on the target.

Problem is that I am not sure if this is possible in the RAW or not.