High Clockmother Athenth Llanalir

Kalanth's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 143 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Please cancel my rulebook subscription as I can no longer justify the financial expense.

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Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

The temp cover art is fantastic, and you guys should just keep that cover in place!

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I use the Gamemaster Chase Cards to add some flavor to the chase scene, but other than that I also am a fan of using words and such to get the scene completed. I remember the Skill Challenges in 4th ed and how they took out the aspect of a character having a purpose and instead replaced that with a round robin toss of the dice to see who could succeed. It bogged down the game and became less fun as a result. The Chase Rules remind me of that.

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I am not sure I see where Stealth does not work properly, but then again I may not be following the rules as intended and that may be the case. My group generally does not take, nor do they really know about, free actions and usually only use Move and Standard actions. Stealth is largely rolled well in advance to sneak around, and the rogue and ranger understand that attacking, talking, signalling, or any other action that would make themselves noticeable will either give the enemy an opposed check or take them out of stealth. To re-enter stealth the player has to break line of sight with all enemies, or be a Shadowdancer. Reading through the re-write of this makes the entire skill appear unwieldy and undesirable. I would avoid any character that uses it if we were to follow the suggested re-write.