male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Percentile 1d100 ⇒ 33 As we pass the lake "Does every have water? We can stop to fill up if someone forgot." ---- Once it is starting to get dark. "I recommend we push on for a couple more hours, thanks to that useless Half-elf we are hours behind the target. We can have someone with darkvision lead and connect people by rope so we don't lose anyone." ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Grunyar Tos wrote:
"Indeed, I wonder if he stands a chance of becoming duke if something happens to the current one. This all seems far too badly managed to be simple incompetence." ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Can everyone push at least 1 hour with ok odds of passing the check? Also looking at the rules we can hustle 1 hour a day without issues. Instead of pushing 9 hours we can hustle for several hours taking non-lethal damage, non-lethal damage heals 1 point per level per hour so overnight we can heal a lot of non-lethal damage. Thoughts? ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() "the way I see it we have two options, 1 everyone grabs their gear and supplies, eats, stocks up on water and we meet at the gate as soon possible. Option 2 we write this day off, get a good night's sleep and leave at first light tomorrow. Either way we travel long days, stopping when it is time and we find a good place or an hour before dark." ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() "Spare me your indignation servant, if you were competent then we would have been called hours ago and if your plan was to send two parties the first wouldn't have taken all the horses. Now you expect us to risk life and limb to chase after a halfling that will likely be dead within days, that has a headstart of half a day and could travel faster than us. Tell me why I shouldn't leave this moment dragging you with me in the search, after all I am clearly to stupid to identify the only halfling north of this town, being a quibbling wildling and all." Kal'Tos has little time for what he sees as stupidity or condescension. Unfortunately I have neither of those skills. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() "My brother and the ratfolk speak the truth, but I suspect nothing will be found till snowmelt. Unless he was secretly an expert at winter traveling and has the food, clothes and maps to take him somewhere. Book knowledge won't get you very far in this weather." GM are there any villages or other human settlement that I am aware of up that way that the halfling could take shelter with?" ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Skivven "Pip" wrote:
I think only your ranks in linguistics give you languages. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() what time of day is it? odds are a southerner on his own won't even survive the night. "do we know if he has any experience in traveling in our winter? Or maps that might show him the way. Without either of those we are just as likely as not only going to find the body come spring. Particularly if he did not bring proper clothes or food." ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() GM Khriox wrote:
Are you suggesting Dwarf construction isn't up to handling a little wind and snow? Because insulting a dwarf's construction skills sounds like you want to fight. But joking aside, that works for me. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() So the way i figure it Grunyar and I are brothers that live in a cabin a couple hours walk outside of town. We survive mostly off hunting and trapping, occasionally selling extra game in town for some coin. We also work as guides from time to time when people's need for a guide outweighs their dislike of the grim and dour brothers. We are most frequently guides for the local militia, which is fine as it provides some drinking money. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Grunyar Tos wrote:
I will have something up in the morning. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Gimpy Grumps wrote:
Kal'Tos will adjust things slightly so he has a pair of these. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() rhino43grr wrote:
Welcome to Clan Tos then. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() I was thinking that Kal'Tos is a local, but lives a few hours walk outside of town. He tends to be direct and to the point which annoys some people and his short temper has gotten him into trouble before. I am fine with most of the characters being connected by a hunting/ trapping business, but as an alternative what if they are all part of the local militia? ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() rhino43grr wrote:
If he is a dwarf, Kal'Tos would be happy to welcome a relative to the campaign. ![]()
![]() Sidewinder2k wrote:
Kal'Tos sees no issues with a entire party of wilderness-types, after all who else would venture into wilds in the dead of winter. ![]()
![]() Khriox wrote:
Kal'Tos is done. With strength 16 (which puts him at medium encumbrance) and being a dwarf he doesn't care that much about weight. His character sheet can be found in this profile. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Cueta Guiding Star wrote:
The Multi-class archetype people are awesome. I was working with them for a while on stuff but got burned out on the idea. Their main group has been doing at least a couple MCAs every month for years and are one their 9th 1000+ post thread. As for the campaign, I think we might be better to start over, it will be easier to find people and as much as love Newspring, there is a lot of baggage for new people to work through. And that way if Nerk ever returns we can start this up again. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Also depending on how Cueta feels about it I helped write a multi-class archetype called the Illusion Walker that is a ninj/ sorcerer hybrid that can cast up to 6th level illusion spells. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Cueta Guiding Star wrote:
Personally I would focus on self buffs and other spells that didn't rely on DCs. things that make a ninja magically better at what they do. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() Vallen Silverclasp wrote:
I think a ninja sorcerer would mesh better together. Cha based spontaneous casting would do awesome things with a ninja. ![]()
male Dwarf barbarian 3
![]() DM Nerk wrote: I appreciate your patience, guys. Things are a little nutty these days, and my posting speed is decidedly subadequate. Life trumps gaming, though, so all I can offer is an apology. As long as this doesn't die. I would be fine with calling the combat over if that would make it easier for you. Organized Play Characters