
Kail'ar's page

Organized Play Member. 96 posts (341 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.


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the one where Chuck Norris eats a bible while water skiing is hard to belive
the bible is three meals, breakfast, lunch and last super

but Chuck Norris can travel back in time.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

you wait till we need to hit, it will be down to our two dog friends and mr stick

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i love you.....
it works with the wife and little one.... well that and sticking out my tongue

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

no i am back , i am sorry to all again for the lateness of my returns, but i am slowing catching up on what i need to be doing.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i have to ask..
are we going to have to change to the d21 system soon?
it looks hard to understand...

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

loved it all...
mind me not to piss the dm off... ever
or the death you will think up

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i think this might be another dead by pot battle
i hope we all don't blow alot of rolls..... and get eatten

I see that alest one person agrees with me about have a bit of fun. I do not think i will agree with 4thE that a figher is now a tank and a wizard/magic user is not someone that has spent years of training to throw a life saveing bolt of lighting or fire ball 2 times a day. But is now a pump shotgun/fireball thrower with feet.

This is not 4th,this is Pathfinder we are talking bout, and i would hope that something like giveing human player a chance to use ONE better weapon in a none martial class. I can't see this being an end all, no fun game now. I see it as being the chance to add some roleplaying to a game that so many still look at as a big system that needs to be fair and even.

I can't see that at all. Human being a short lived spot on the history of a single dwarf or elf, i could live with human picking up a longsword over his short life and learning to use it. To add to that, i could understand an elf, dwarf, gnome and halflies ( elfs or orcs or shorties) all picking up a skill, feat or hell even a little lighter that shoots happness and sunshine if it brings a little fun back to the game.

I really do home some day people will play a game to have fun and do something a little crazy, like save a priness from the dragon with a wizard weilding a greatsword or a fighter rideing a paper swan with crazy stats, just for the hell of it.I might be fun.

Hope to hear more.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

If you can't tell, when i get going, i am hard to shut up. I had gotten to the point i even plan to keep useing our little game by adding to the story on my own. I just got the darkmoon vale pdf, and it adds alot of detail to the area. I even have plans to us everyone as inportant NPCs. I will have to keep you all informed.

Oh and to our DM, if i can figure it out, i will send you the pdf, if you should want it.An e-mail that would be fantasic.

I can see where this board is going and i thought i would throw some ideas and a little hate speak, but bear with me for a second.

The idea of giveing one martial weapon prof to a class that would not normaly have it, i find builds a little flavor.The growing trend in this and other pen and paper (not game box or key board) is numbers, numbers, numbers.
If the figher class is not hitting 5d20 for damage, then the build is bad. If the magic class can't use all the possable spells at level 10, the system is broken. If the races are not even down the middle, and do not get anymore or less skills, feats or abilties, then there needs to be in writeing changes.

I am not about any of that, and as far as i am consured, it should be about FUN... you know that magic word that people will pay money for....
If the little old ( mostly old ) wizard player wants to carry a great sword around..... well why not, he might use it?
If the figher player wants to take unarmed strike, becase he views his PC as a bare fist fighter, are we going to tell them they are wrong?

I see all the messageboards give point and point and point for bad builds, bad combat and race A getting more feats then race B. I do see alot of the same people complaining more then fix things, so lets play a little game then.

Every one roll one (1) dice, and take that one roll and use it for ever.
I have seen the best builds come from bad rolls, none-normal builds and different plays on the in word books.
If i remember one of the most famous, his name was Drizzt.

Hope i threw a bone to someone.
p.s. i rolled a 1d20=10

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

Thank you very very much. I have updated to the story todate.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i can make two attack a round with my base attack, or does it mean if i have two attacks i cant move to use them?

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

well i stay with your games

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

Love your villan, you so beat me to the punch on evil bard ness. Curaigh, fantasic.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i think this is all a great tie in.

Now a little off topic, I am working on a villian, and no not for the superstar contest, i was to late to get one stared. I would like some feed back if possable. so where to start.....

I was trying to think of a villian that i would play, and think back to all the normal super-villians and how they alway catch the hero/bond/hobit.... and hey always seem to be a mix of a spell caster or heavy fighter {with lots of magic extras}. I was going down the bard route, but i have never really played a bard ( i know might make things hard, but bare with me ) I was thinking of a very charming big talker, that has a evilness to burn the village and start a big war with small kindom..... but has a very good 401k plan......

I would like to see the look on the players face, they storm the keep, cut there way thought all the suprisely odd defenders rangeing from holy knights to devil worshipers... to a show down with our villian ( normal monloging you will be defeated bla bla bla).... and the battle begins........ and from the back round a small man walks out,

" umm sir we have a problem, the cook can't get the of ribs for the feast tonight,the beer shipment has not arived and it seems someone ate your lunch."

to Heros"Ok wait a second, i need to deal with this."

to Page"So the ribs and the beer are not here and my dog is sick.... So many things to do and so little time."

to Heros"We are not going to beable to finsh this battle tonight, and tomorrow is the spring ball, so that is no good. Can we do this tusday? No wait tuesday i was burning down your village.... Ok i move the burning to Thursday and we will meet up here Wedsday after lunch."

I am looking to make him have a way with people that makes them want to work for him, to a point where yes he is burn and killing all before him, but on the plus side his retirement plan is great, pay is good and has 3 weeks paid vaction.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i have been looking in a few of my old books
and we have a group that might make good use of a halfling war-wagon
3 more halflings =/< and they would beable to man it without normals
that is from sword and fist, a book that was not worth alot out side of the few feats and new weapons

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i think this will be fun
umm do both of you guys know how to convert to pathfinder?
i think we are playing with modded pathfinder rules.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i think what would be funny
tho keegan would pick on them for wearing masks

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

Two Gnomes, a halfing, 3 men and a cat, a fox, and a weseal.... oh and a Hors

Robert Brambley wrote:

Gods no; please not another feat.

First, I agree wholeheartedly that movement penalty should go the way of the dinosaur for armor worn - unless it puts a person into an encumbered category.

Too often, heavily armored is not the hardest to hit AND has too many other associated penalties for having worn it.

If it's going to be a mechanic that is going to affect combat, it should affect it without need of a feat. Otherwise, once again, the Paladin - a paragon example of heavy armor wield is screwed because he is one of only two character classes that don't get bonus feats as they advance; while the fighter continues to go to bank with all their feats, AND their armor training ability that already leaves other melee combatants in the dust. (For the record I dont mind the fighter being at the head of that - but I don't see the need for exacerbating that discrepancy).

Wearing Fullplate and carrying a big shield should be a BOON, not a bone of contention. The Armor Check Penalty and Max Dex is enough of a deterrent (the latter especially since fighters now will be allowed to increase their Max Dex Allowed w/ Armor Training).

In the Curse of Crimson Throne game Im playing a human paladin and my wife is playing a halfling rogue.

I am 9th level, have Full Plate and a Tower Shield - each with +1 enhancement. I have Amulet Nat Armor +1 and Ring of Prot +1. I have a 26 AC, and that's about as protected as a person can get - I look like a Sherman Tank

She has a 22 DEX, Leather Armor +2 (she could afford the extra enhancement since I have two items of +1 each with masterwork quality and the cost of full plate), she has a ring and amulet the same as I and a +1 size mod, and the Dodge Feat. She has more combat feats than I do too since as a rogue she spent two of her talents on Weapon Focus, and Weapon Finesse. Hell she has a higher attack bonus (thanks to those two feats, and no -2 to hit for tower shield), and does more damage thanks to her sneak attacks that work on everything now..

She has a 24 AC - only two points less than me. we have the same movement, her skills are signifantly; she can jump better, climb better, swim, balance etc all better, I have a -14 Armor check penalty! She has 0! Touch AC? mines an 11, hers is a 19!!! 8 points better! Guess who the wizards attack with their ranged touch spells...... :-)

So what's the point of heavy armor I ask?

Thus, remove the movement penalty so that wearing armor isn't as bad as it has been.


I think you hit the nail on the head Robert, and yes the fighters do get to play the feat shuff game to try and comeup with something playable in like 5 more levels when they need to kill devils and demons. I think we have all seen how armor with melee classes is a big drain on skills and combat latter in levels then running around with nothing.

The speed drop is a little much for the amount of ac gain

the dex max for the best kit

Fighters and Paladins fall into the same catagory as have heavy armord, sharp thing swingers.

they get no class skills or skill points to make up the gap
and that would not help that the skills are also in the - becase of wearing battleship armor that is make of breadsticks for that +5 to ac

i know not the topic, but how can the dead techs be less off then a cloth wearing old man that can make fire or lighting 5 times aday before he needs nap becase he has a hat and gloves that is +5 armor, and he magic pipe shoots laser beams

give the armor real pluses and real losses so it can be used

like who uses half plate when full plate gives better cover and you get a dex
or who would want to used ring mail, if the bracers of armor do not drop you 10 feet a turn of movement.

it is about time to get some changes to armor

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

so who is frodo and who is sam again?
we might need a stout and short dwarf to even things off
all pokes aside, i can't wait to meet him

I seem to agree, the loss to someone who trained to us the armor, is almost as bad as someone just putting it on for giggles. This as been talked about again and again. On another posting, that talked about overpower mages, but to be fair, they just evolved, and make use of the low level running away, which is half the battle. Most fighter/melee classes can't meet the large jumps magic classes gain in highter levels. To no use heavy armor is silly for these classes, but to say they have a max movement is also meaning they can't keep up to Mr always running magic man.

So i think there should be ajustmeants for armor as with the melee classes in total. Yes i know should not be part of the topic, but just talking about armor, we need to talk about who uses it the most.

Thinking about that, we should start a post about the melee classes.....

I seem to agree and disagree. I do see an ajustment to the dex lose and movement loss in heavy armor as a good thing, but they should still make the class have to chose from armor or combat mode. The knight in shining armor on horse would be slilly not to take the biggest , heavest armor his squires could drop on him and his horse, but that does not mean the footman would be at a disadvantage in the same armor. But that would not go for the swordman or duelest that need that mobilly for there combat style.

The dex loss would seem a good start, but i do not think not haveing a drop in movement would also be unrealistic. Yes footman A would be saved time and time again from Axeman A, with heavy armor, but he would not be moveing to quick across the battle field, and not for very long. The possable responds it to make an endurice roll for long rounds of movement, and that would even mean combat. Str is used alot for carrying heavy things.. which i agree, but when you can carry it , how long.To combat the dex or movement loss, roll endurance, and then Footman A can run to Axeman B in the turn or two.

This is only me thinking out loud, becase then your movement would not be stoped, but more realistic. So yes you can run or move better, or use that rolling feat, but you will not beable to do it forever.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

I do agree with group on everything so far, and if you are going to add a few new players, it would be great. I will miss Raph, the clean backstaber, i did like how he was played. If you can find a rogue it would be great, as with a back up hitter or three. I found the Jaden was in almost all close combat, and i do not want to take all the fun away from the rest of the group. I have loved the over all play dinamics of this group, and how they have all fell into little nice round holes.

That being said, we had many of our number laying on the ground in the "battle of the cookware", and it was down to Keegan and Jaden, and even then we need alot of big rolls to do any damage. So a god speaking warior would be a big help too. I know asking alot and that is only if we find a few people ready to jump into the game. I am up for new people joining with us, and i so want to keep this story going.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i would love to keep going with the story. But stories aside i can understand with family and work. So i will throw in my vote with the boss. I will join any story to keep playing with your guys.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i take it trey is no longer with us

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

it would make me laught is the most horable way
Jaden would not think of killing the damitest thing.... well yet...
never know how Keegan will rub off and all...
bisides, need a mascote sometime

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

we do have some hides
did we let the goblin go, or kill him
or we going to drag him with us?
could make a good anchor

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

well i have all of them, i will send them to you
do you have an e-mail?
and i will send you the players 1+2, dm 1+2 the monsters books i have, and the Complete sets, as well as stormwack, sandstorm, frostmorn things

thrown weapon. i would say take quick draw and latter weapon focus this will help you in the earler levels to hit something, you will have the weapon out quick, and most other range feats will work.

Brutal throw will let you use your stg over dex
and then Power throw is the power attack but in throw form,and you need brutal throw and power attack, so for monk, i would let it go, uless you do take fighter, but the skills you would lose.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i happen to have a good amount of them on pdf, mostly 3.5 rules, can i ask what you might be looking for

I do not agree with a class for this one set of rolls. I have played as and with some of the best characters all created with less then super rolls. I have heard every complait about bad rolls, getting the 3 or 6 or 9 on a roll and begging for re-rolls.

The rolls mean nothing but what you put into them, and i do not really think a new class to befit this great set of rolls is called for. It would help you more in skill and abiltys class more then say a fighter or a rage monkey, but even that said, they would be the most likely to be played into another class.

I find alot of people do forget to this is a roleplaying game to, so as much as my bird like worbling( not to offend anyone on the post) or any of my other player/dms might like to think. So.. i think this could be the best think for a very interesting game.
But i say again rolls are rolls are rolls, only mean so much, you will run into stronger giants, and smarter villans, so do not let that all go to your head, and play them how they should be, in the game.

Hope it helps your case and everyone else's.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

the worg is dead, the lizard is a new pet ( so do not kill it keegan ) and the heart and hide are yours, uless someone else calls it. Found the srooms, and Hor and Effan are off getting high, we do need some of them guys.

Good to have you back

did they get bought yet?

to add to this post, i have seen alot of possable changes that would happen if a dm would let a chain-crossbow, or a gattling gun, but are we really going far out of the game. Yes gun powerpower is almost a battle of gods, and it would change alot, but when you think of it, you would just change what you wear , heavy steel armor would suck agest gun power, but them bullet armor is just refabricated cloth/silk, so stop bullet, but still bulky and mr axe or mr sword would still cut thought it good, and you can add blistic plates, but then it is like wearing a big pan on a sling.

So one thing changes, but things stay the same. I have read alot on Ebberon, and yes magic is around, and it seems to just be as in use in the magic rich citys like Sharn, as say Waterdeep in FR. Flying ships are know as well in the southen end of FR, and north they have gunpowder, but nether have taken over the known world, and even fewer from the city of towers have taken the great magic past many of the great cities.

So who is wrong, a pc wants to make a crossbow-gattling gun, well what would he beable to do shoot 5 or 10 bolts a around, unload a 100, that is alot of weight, and he will not be spending alot of money on anything but ammo and repairs. Ok then they make it magic.. ok well magic is never free, so they have 200 magic bolts a day, as fast as they want to shoot... any smart vilain will be loading up on ani-magic and lots of bolt fodder.

I have yet to see a pc come up with an idea that can't have 100 bad things following them. So i think, well if you can figure it out, and explain why you want it, and even spend a good amount of time on it, why not. In a D&D it should not only be about killing the dragon, why not put him to work, or useing some new gear on him, might work, might piss it off, might kill of pc.

Just for the hardcore D&D player who say the rule book is what the rule book says, no excepations, to the first player that wants to play a good goblin, or a semi-evil drow. It is not like they might not be real. Or make a crossbow that shoots moldy cheece.. let them, it might be fun.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

t1d100=83 here i got that many of 100
me being a dink

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

umm not to be a big fun dumper,
but Jas, i do not think you need to roll for every round you swim, i think the roll would have been like 10 or 15 you needed, and mabe roll two or three times more if the dm was being keen
but just so you need not roll a 100 times or more to swim 400 meters
unless our dm wanted you to roll a 100 times, but i think two d10s would still give you how many rolls of a 100 you got

that is just me, but then again i can spout off with eought writeing to drive a english teacher batty

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i never did see what became of knocking big mouth out
did he get up, or was he a little more quite

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

a question for the boss, do you want us to work for our new levels or just add them? if so i will work out the new level when we get back to town, work it out with the guards.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i was thinking how we could keep the liard alive, but not kill it... or have to worry bout the knife in the back... bout about just puting straps thought him, and useing him like a teddy bear back pack... just with teeth and arms.... and just stuff things down it's neck

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

we missed effan and raph

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

me and the wife found out about 5 weeks ago
i hope you guys do well

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

wow that is creapy close... like that guys that drinks on the bus and pulls his willy out..... i only sit next to him when i have to

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

alignment any nonlawful
skils: knowledge(arcana) 4, knowledge (nature) 4
spellcasting, must have ability to case gust of wind and either lighting bolt or call lighting

must ask dm nicely
must use powers to blast things to little bits

also good
legendary captain

attack bonus +4
skills: profession (sailor)8, knowledge(geography)5
feats: leadership
special: must be captian or master of a ship

anything else i have all the complete sets(warior,mage,arcane ect), sandstorm, stormwrack and frostburn
as with about 50 other 3.5 and 3.0 on pdf, i even will e-mail them if you wish

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

congrads on the last battle lads, it was really cool ... all things considering you fought a big bowl of jello.. ok evil jello with teeth
but all and all good ending to great frist chapter

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

it has been how long since we heard from raph
and you have been dming him right?

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

Well to be far,
I am 24 and i have been working for the Canadian Military since i was about 19.I live in New Brunswick.
I played D&D since i was about 12 when i started playing D&D , then after 4 years i took a break and got into the world of Darkness, and i was a storytell for Werewolf.

I only just got back into D&D with the post boards and i have been haveing blast.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i do have to ask would Adamantine be abtainable before this trip, i was going to have an item or two with some
what is your thoughts?

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

well my e-mail is i_big_freak_devil@hotmail.com
and i do have the whole savage tide from dungeon, so are we already on the iland?

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

Ok i am here
would you mind if i used Jaden, or if not i will re-roll