
Kageshira's page

45 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Merm7th wrote:
Avoron wrote:
Merm7th wrote:
They can spend a point to add 20+lvl to any physical roll and succeed at the seemingly impossible.
Wow, a +20 bonus to Acrobatics! So fighters will finally be able to master the world-shaking power of jumping eight or nine feet in the air!
At 5th lvl that would be an average of 12 feet using one point and jumping from ground lvl. At 10th it would average 15 feet. That would allow the fighter to hit the 20' square which is enough within most dungeons. Outside they launch themselves off a climbed obstacle.

This reminds me of a monk (in 3.5 though) I played that moved at 250ish Km/h and had Jump of 60ish and tumble of 30ish (but in 3.5 you didn't need more than 15 in tumble unlike PF where you need as much as you can). While running my jumps became 100ish. All of this at 8-9th level, what did all of this mean? nothing, fly was still better, feather fall was infinitely better, and actually due rules everytime I jumped I fell prone (you can ignore the first 10' with tumble 15, but the rest means d6, thanks to monk I got an extra of 20', but if I jumped more than 40' which I did, meant I was falling prone) rules that PF maintain. But I was pretty good at withdrawing and fleeing that's for sure.

All I wanted was a char that didn't need magic and spells items to do awesome stuff but even what I did was above human, was still worse than low level spells or cheap wands.

As for something mentioned above:
"It's a teamwork game!"
Says the quarterback to the waterboy. Except in this situation the waterboy doesn't become the hero at the end of the movie and is still the waterboy

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Too much sarcasm in here.

Couple of things, and this is my opinion:

1. I don't enjoy being useless and meaningless, just being the comical relief doesn't do it for me either. When you reach the level in where weapon damage is the least effective way to end encounters is when martials stop being useful and just become furniture

2. There's this thing called levels, which measure the power of a character, characters of the same level should have similar power. I don't get why people think casters SHOULD be more powerful than martials at the same level. If it takes the same exp to reach X level as a martial and as a caster, why caster SHOULD get way more benefits?

I know true balance is hard to achieve, but the disparity between some classes is absurd and pretty obvious. Luckily I found a nice and experienced group (after some bad) so the disparity problems are reduced quite a lot

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Ok. Also I didn't ask this but I assumed it, that if you have racial/stat requirements from classes/feats/traits you can't use them but you still "have" them (as in you don't gain a new feat to replace the one you can't use anymore), right?

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Instead of creating a new thread and seeing this is more or less related I'm going to steal this for a second:

In case of reincarnation, what happens with favored class race bonuses?

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Zenogu wrote:
so why would a monk want to trade down, other than getting around immunities?

To use Medusa's Wrath for several turns instead of just once per stunning fist.