KageCM's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. 13 lists. 1 wishlist. 25 Organized Play characters.

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John Compton wrote:
Muser wrote:
Why so low a tier? Thralls was 5-9, so almost no one in-universe will be familiar with Valais. I'm a tad disappointed.

My responses fall into a few categories.

1) To ensure that Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild continues to grow and provide new opportunities for beginning and experienced participants to play at the same table, we push to have a considerable number of Tier 1–5 scenarios each season—close to one a month. That means that real estate for higher tier adventures (particulalry 7–11) is pretty tight, and we have very clear goals for those adventures this season. There are enough seconday plot lines that giving each one a high-tier progression isn't readily feasible—not without a serious change to the level ratio that we use now.

2) Should high-level PCs get all of the fun if traveling to other planes? For us, the answer is a resounding no, and this adventure promises to be a really fun one for low-level PCs.

For point two couldn't some other plane hopping scenario be made for low levels that doesn't involve Valais? I know several people including myself that have PCs that have played both previous scenarios featuring Valais and have anxiously awaiting her return. And now there's a chance to help restore her and we're stuck on the sidelines missing out because we're too high level. This is very disappointing.

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What I did was in adobe I cropped each page twice separating top and bottom. I labled them front and back and combined them all into a new pdf. I printed four to a page.