
Kaanyr Vhok's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Matthew Morris wrote:
RonarsCorruption wrote:

Also to be clear, the judges are fine with "fluff", but only so long as it adds to the item. "crafted from sterling silver" is good fluff "also, this will prevent you from losing your keys" is fluff the judges don't really like.

What the judges hate, however, is backstory. Wondrous items are not unique. They are also not based on unique items or historical events. And most importantly, they never reference characters (unless the character is an existing Golarion pantheon god - they one only get a flag, instead of a reject).

See, I'm going to disagree.

Sometimes that little bit of fluff is what makes it 'Superstar'.

Ohhh boy interesting..

Ok that clears it

Avatar. Really I should say screen name. I registered on the site a while ago as a customer. I lurked a bit but never posted. So I didn't know my screen name was my own until after I submitted. I saw that you aren't supposed to use your real name.

I'm a little worried that I didn't change my avi name in time. If I changed my avi name after submitting am I ok?