KYWhodat |

I'm reviewing the teleportation trap in the Akhumemnet--it indicates that it sends any creatures attempting to use teleportation magic to get into or out of the vault into H8. Reading H8's description, it says it's warded by a Dimensional Lock--that spell indicates "Once dimesional lock is in place, extradimensional travel into or out of the area is not possible."
This seems like the teleportation trap isn't going to be able to successfully direct anyone using Dimension Door, Teleport, etc. into a Dimensional Lock warded room, so the magic just fails.
Am I missing something? Or is this one of those things that I explain to the players who notice (if they try such magic) as "Because maaagiiiiic"?
The way I plan to handle it is H8’s Dimensional Lock was weaved into the trap and only activates once someone enters the room, and stays active until the person dies or escapes.