Thortona Fjortoft

Kílien Halfelven's page

105 posts. Alias of eriktd.


Ranger 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 CMD 17 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +4*


| Init +5 Per +8** SM +5* darkvision 60' | Conditions: none

About Kílien Halfelven

Name: Kílien (pronounced "KY-lee-ann") Halfelven
Race: Dwarf (Adopted: Elf)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Erastil
Class: Ranger (Deep Walker / Wilderness Medic)

Kílien was born and raised in a small elven village in the mountains, the product of a union of two star-crossed lovers, her mother (an elf) and her father (a dwarf). Having come of age, she has been sent by the council of elders to warn the people of Trunau about increased giant activity in the surrounding lands-- and also, secretly, is hoping to find evidence of her father, who was exiled from elf and dwarf lands and is supposed to have lived in Trunau for several years, according to a letter she received from him when she was a young girl.

She has been raised a traditional elven warrior, but she has a strange mystical connection to the earth and mountains from which she draws inner strength that is alien to most of her kin. The priest of Erastil in her village calls it her "better self," and encouraged her to practice her skills on her own in the wild. (This is to say, the elves were aware of her differences and they ostracized her.) Growing up there she has never felt as though she truly belonged, and so she leaped at the chance to go on this adventure when it was offered.

She does not know yet that days after she left her mountain village, giants attacked and killed everyone who remained behind. When she learns of this development, her inner dwarven hatred will be passionately activated.

Kílien is very short for an elf, with a stocky build and less elongated features than are common among her people. Even her ears are only barely pointed, and her hair is bright red-- strange, disturbing. Like other elven scouts and warriors she rarely goes anywhere without her longsword, longbow, and a quiver of arrows, and she wears a suit of tough leather armor. Her voice is unusually deep and full of gravel, when she deigns to speak at all. She wears a small wooden amulet in the shape of Erastil's holy symbol, but besides her pack and a pouch at her belt she appears to be completely and comfortably unencumbered.

Role (Utility):
Kílien is designed primarily to be a ranged specialist, but though she isn't a switch-hitter she can still hold her own in melee combat if she must. As a ranger she also has a lot of utility, including bardlike party buffing, secondary healing, and status removal from her archetype. She can even do some crafting with Profession (herbalist), making things like antitoxin, alchemical fire, and specialty arrows.

Abilities: Str 16 (+3), Dex 17 (+3), Con 15+2 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16+2 (+4), Cha 12-2 (+0)

HP: 14/14 (1d10+3+1 FCB)

AC: 15 (+3 DEX, +2 armor)

Initiative: +5 (+3 DEX, +2 Warrior of Old)

Speed: 20 (Slow and Steady)

Fort +5 (base +2, +3 CON)
Reflex +5 (base +2, +3 DEX)
Will +4* (base +0, +4 Wis, +2 vs charm/compulsion)

BAB: +1 CMB: +4 CMD: 17

Weapons: longbow +4 [-1] (1d8 [+2], x3), longsword +4 [-1] (1d8+3 [+2], 19-20 x2)

Armor: leather armor (+2 armor, +6 max Dex, 0 ACP, light)

Dwarf: Darkvision (60'), Defensive Training (+4 dodge vs giants), Hatred (+1 attack vs orcs/goblins), Lorekeeper (+2 Knowledge: History about dwarves or their enemies), Mountaineer (immune to altitude sickness, do not lose Dex bonus to AC using Climb or Acrobatics on slippery surfaces), Shadowhunter (half damage to incorporeal creatures with nonmagical weapons, +2 to remove negative levels, recover x2 ability damage from undead), Stonecunning (+2 Perception to notice stonework, auto-search within 10'), Stubborn (+2 Will vs compulsion or charm, may attempt to shake it off)

Favored Class Bonus: Ranger, +1 hp

Traits: Adopted (elf), Deadeye Bowman (ignore soft cover from a single creature with longbow), Magical Knack (ranger), Orphaned by Giants (+1 attack/+2 critical hits vs giants), Stigmatized (-3 Diplomacy), Warrior of Old* (+2 initiative)

Ranger Abilities (Deep Walker / Wilderness Medic): favored enemy (humanoid: orc +2), herbalist training (+half level to Heal and Profession: herbalist, finds twice as many herbs when foraging), track (+half level to Survival when tracking)

Feats: Combat Expertise* (EitR), Deadly Aim* (EitR), Power Attack* (EitR), Precise Shot (1st), Weapon Finesse* (EitR)

Skills: Acrobatics 1+3, Bluff 0+0* (+2 vs orcs), Climb 1+6, Diplomacy 0+0* (-3 influence attitude or gather information), Heal 1+8, Knowledge (geography) 1+5, Knowledge (history) 0+2* (+2 dwarves and their enemies, can use untrained), Knowledge (local) 1+2* (+2 vs orcs), Perception 1+7** (+2 stonework, +2 vs orcs), Profession (herbalist) 1+8, Sense Motive 1+4* (+2 vs orcs), Stealth 1+6, Survival 1+7** (+1 tracking, +2 vs orcs)

Armor Check Penalty: none

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Orc

Equipment: arrows (40/40, 2 gp), backpack (5 gp), bedroll (.1 gp), belt pouch (1 gp), blanket (.5 gp), blunt arrows (10/10, 1 gp), boline (10 gp), canteen (2 gp), durable arrows (5/5, 5 gp), explorer's outfit (free), flint and steel (1 gp), healer's kit (10/10, 50 gp), iron pot (.8 gp), leather armor (10 gp), longbow (75 gp), longsword (15 gp), mess kit (.2 gp), surgeon's tools (20 gp), wooden holy symbol (Erastil, 1 gp), .4 gp remaining

Kílien is an archery-focused ranger all the way through. Besides the typical archer feats (Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Improved Precise Shot, etc.) I plan on her taking the Dwarven Hatred Style line of feats because I figure there's no better adventure path than this one to give them a try. :) Plus I feel like it will help round out her hatred of giants and those who serve them.