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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4. 63 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 aka K. B. Carter

Dragonrest Isle

Dragonrest Isle is an adventure designed for four 9th level characters. The PCs should reach 10th level by the adventure’s epic conclusion, which unfolds in the heart of a tropical volcano. The adventure can be easily adapted to fit any isolated warm-water island in the DM’s campaign world.

Adventure Summary

Fifty years ago, two great wyrm dragons—one silver and one red—clashed over the ocean in a cataclysmic battle to the death. Both were mortally wounded and died on a remote tropical island.

Though both dragons are long dead, their warring spirits linger in the Ethereal Plane.

The PCs arrive on the tropical island and learn of the continuing struggle between the ethereal spirits of the red and the silver dragon. The heroes must survive the dangers of the island long enough to discover and stop a nefarious plot of the red dragon rider, Matron Dra'naga (female, lizardfolk, red draconic sorcerer, 10th), who now leads the red dragon's brood of surviving offspring (four juvenile red dragons).

Adventure Background

Gather Information and Knowledge (History) checks reveal the following bits of information about Dragonrest Isle:

DC 10: Dragonrest Isle is an isolated tropical island in the midst of a warm sea. It is largely avoided by seafarers as the isle's surrounding waters are notoriously temperamental, often giving rise to fierce storms that appear out of nowhere in a matter of minutes.

DC 15: The few individuals who have seen Dragonrest Isle report that it is infested with dinosaurs and surrounded by treacherous reefs, thereby making it an unsuitable port. These mariners also share tales of a colossal dragon skeleton resting in the clouds above the isle's main lagoon, thus giving the island its colloquial name "Dragonrest."

DC 20: Dragonrest Isle is the former roost of the great wyrm red dragon, Azzandra. Fifty years ago, a great wyrm silver dragon, known as Illustrond, came to Dragonrest after Azzandra had killed Illustrond's mate. Azzandra and Illustrond fought to the death, each dragon inflicting mortal wounds on other during an epic battle. In the end, both dragons fell from the skies. The red dragon, Azzandra, died in the isle's volcano while the silver dragon, Illustrond, died in the clouds.

DC 25: There is something supernatural about Dragonrest Isle. On the Material Plane, the isle's surrounding waters typically appear calm and sunny. But on the Ethereal Plane, an epic storm, some fifty miles across, circles the island at all times. It is believed that this ethereal storm is what's causing the sporadic appearance of storms on the Material Plane in the waters around Dragonrest.

DC 30: The ethereal storm centers around the skeletal remains of the fallen silver dragon, Illustrond. The silver dragon's vengeful spirit still lingers in the Ethereal Plane and generates the ghostly storm around Dragonrest.

DC 35: The last brood of Azzandra—a clutch of four red dragons—still lives on Dragonrest Isle. They have survived their mother and are cared for by Matron Dra'naga, a lizardfolk sorceress who served as Azzandra’s dragon rider during the battle with Illustrond.

DC 40: Illustrond's ethereal storm manifests on the Material Plane when any of Azzandra’s red dragon offspring attempt to leave the island. The storm also blocks all forms of teleportation magic to and from Dragonrest. Through this supernatural storm, Illustrond's spirit has contained his foes on Dragonrest Isle for the last fifty years, a period of time in which the trapped red dragons have since grown from wyrmlings to juveniles. Matron Dra'naga is now very old, even by lizardfolk standards, but she is still quite formidable.

DC 45: Deep within the isle’s volcano, the spirit of the great wyrm red dragon, Azzandra, also lingers in the Ethereal Plane. The island’s volcano is calm and serene on the Material Plane, yet spews ash and fire on the Ethereal Plane.

In addition to the above story points, the PCs will also uncover details of the following evil in the course of this adventure...

The red dragon rider, Matron Dra’naga, has hatched a plot to raise Azzandra as a lich. Any living thing thrown into an accursed pool of black magma has a fragment of its soul siphoned into Azzandra's soon-to-be phylactery, an obsidian spire at the heart of Dragonrest's central volcano. Eventually Azzandra's spirit will have mustered enough strength to rise as a dragon lich. Once that happens, there will be nothing Illustrond can do to stop his enemies from leaving Dragonrest Isle and beginning a campaign of terror across the mainland.

Chapter One: Voyage to the Isle

The adventure begins when the PCs arrive on Dragonrest Isle. The reasons for this voyage are up to the DM, but some possible adventure hooks include:

Treasure Hunt The PCs are seeking an item from the lost treasure horde of Azzandra, rumored to remain undiscovered somewhere on Dragonrest Isle. The party charters a boat and sets course to the remote island. In truth, most of Azzandra's horde was carried off by pirates long ago, but several items remain, including the one the PCs seek.

Castaways The PCs have been lost at sea for days after their ship was sunk by pirates/kraken/leviathan etc. The party eventually washes ashore at Dragonrest with no idea of what lies in store for them.

Illustrond Beckons The PCs are piloting their ship across open waters when a tiny sparrow alights on their gunwales. The bird—which could never have gotten this far out to sea on its own—flies back and forth across their prow, trying to get the PCs to change course and follow it to Dragonrest Isle. This sparrow is actually Illustrond’s spirit manifested (see below for details).

Chapter Two: Exploring Dragonrest

Dragonrest is an isolated volcanic island rising from warm tropical waters. The isle’s formidable volcano towers over the thick central jungles and steep seaward cliffs. The colossal remains of a skeletal silver dragon rest eerily in the clouds above the island’s main lagoon (as the bones remain suspended in air, even in death, by the silver dragon's cloudwalk ability).

Several of the isle's more dramatic features are only apparent on the Ethereal Plane. Any PC blinking or casting see invisibility or otherwise able to see into the Ethereal Plane beholds a terrible site. On the Ethereal Plane, massive storm clouds churn about the isle and stretch for miles overhead. Within this ethereal storm, windblown frost clings to the silver dragon’s remains and fist-sized hailstones pound the ocean’s surface. Similarly, on the Ethereal Plane, the isle’s volcano burns with a fiery red light and hurls ash and magma into the air. The rising ash and spinning storm clouds twist together, as though vying for control of the skies.

Perhaps the eeriest aspect of all this is that the apocalyptic scene in the Ethereal Plane unfolds in absolute silence. And, back on the Material Plane, everything appears balmy and serene once again.

Depending on what magic the PCs employ when they first approach Dragonrest, they may or may not notice this dual Ethereal/Material nature of the island. Regardless, it is assumed they explore further.

A series of game trails traverse the island's thick jungle interior. A successful DC 15 Track check reveals that the muddy trails were blazed by lizardfolk hunting parties. Points of interest that the PCs will likely discover in the course of their exploration include:

Dinosaur Lairs
The jungles of Dragonrest Isle support several species of dinosaurs: two tyrannosauruses nest in a vine-choked ravine; packs of mega raptors inhabit a bone-strewn cave behind a roaring waterfall; and herds of triceratops wander the island's western grasslands.

Illustrond's Rest
Illustrond’s skeleton lies high in the clouds above the lagoon, suspended there for all eternity by the silver dragon's cloudwalk ability. The dragon’s spirit can manifest in the Material Plane, but only as a tiny sparrow.

Shortly after the party lands on the island, this sparrow flies down to accompany the PCs on their journey. It perches on the shoulders of a chosen PC and generates an aura of good and an aura of courage (as a paladin) in a 10-foot radius. Any PC able to see into the Ethereal Plane beholds a colossal translucent silver dragon in the approximate location of where the sparrow appears on the Material Plane. This ethereal dragon cannot attack, talk or otherwise communicate with the PCs, but it stoically regards any PC that makes eye contact with it on the Ethereal Plane.

The silver dragon's spirit remains with the PCs until they either leave the island or banish the red dragon’s spirit to the afterlife (see Chapter 3).

The Lagoon
The following message—written in elven—is etched into a slab of volcanic rock overlooking the island's main lagoon.

Gannith was here for 13 days. Enemies closing in. Don't have long. Lost sword to creature in lagoon. Retrieve it and finish what I could not!

Anyone making a DC 20 Knowledge History check knows “Gannith” was Illustrond's elven dragon rider. He has not been seen on the mainland since he rode off with Illustrond to fight Azzandra. Anyone succeeding on this check by more than 5 also knows that Gannith's sword was a magical longsword named Coldfront.

The creature in the lagoon is a massive dragon turtle. Jammed into the creature's jaw, embedded in a massive lump of scar tissue, is the massive sword Coldfront. Forged by the sliver dragon Illustrond, this blade acts as a longsword of red dragon’s bane +2. While Coldfront is drawn, anyone within 10 feet of the blade takes half damage from red dragon fire.

Sunscale Village
A group of lizardfolk known as the Sunscale Tribe dwells in a seaside village near the island's main lagoon. The Sunscale lizardfolk are stolid hunters, and do not attack the PCs unless provoked. The lizardfolk begin the adventure as "unfriendly" to the PCs, but the heroes can attempt to gain the tribe’s favor with a Diplomacy check modified as follows:

+2 if the lizardfolk see the silver dragon's spirit sparrow with the PCs.
+2 for each ranger or druid in the party.
+5 if the PCs agree to retrieve the headdress of the lizardfolks’ fallen chieftain from the raptor lair.
+5 if the PCs agree to kill the mated pair of tyrannosauruses that have been preying on the lizardfolks' hunting parties.
+2 if the PCs are able to trade any triceratops eggs (which the lizardfolk hatch and train as beasts of burden).

Assuming the PCs are able to bring the Sunscale tribe to "friendly" or better, the lizardfolk can share ample information about the island. The tribe has inhabited Dragonrest for many generations and its oral tradition encompasses a somewhat mystic version of all the information from the Adventure Background that is a DC 45 or lower.

Matron Dra'naga and the juvenile red dragons have been kidnapping members of the Sunscale Tribe for years. As a result, the lizardfolk fear the dragons and refuse to go near the volcano lair for any reason. The lizardfolk claim that anyone captured by the sorceress and her dragon flight is forever corrupted by some dark ritual, though they do not know the exact nature of this change (more details in Chapter 3).

Once on good terms, the lizardfolk offer the PCs several doses of a rare jungle root that, if chewed, will allow the PC to peer into the Ethereal Plane, which the lizardfolk refer to as the “Realm of the Dead”. This root functions as a potion of see invisibility.

In addition to the information in the Adventure Background the lizardfolk can also share their limited knowledge of Matron Dra'naga and the individual red dragons (see Chapter 3 for details).

The Volcanic Rise
The cliffs leading up to the Dragonrest volcano are steep and treacherous. Charred dinosaur bones and smoldering fumaroles dot the volcano's rocky shoulders, perhaps warning the PCs that great danger lurks above.

If the PCs attempt to climb the volcano without first retrieving Coldfront from the dragon turtle, Illustrond’s spirit sparrow begins to chirp loudly and flutter behind them, trying to lead the PCs away from the dragons’ lair until they are ready to face the dangers within.

Chapter Three: The Volcano

The final chapter of this adventure unfolds in the vast cave system that extends throughout the volcano. Here, Azzandra’s four red dragon offspring toil under the strict leadership of Matron Dra’naga, and together they seek to raise Azzandra as a lich.

Hazards and villains of the volcano are as follows (text in purple indicates information the Sunscale tribe can share with the PCs before the heroes begin their assault on the lair):

Magma Pools, Geysers and Steam Vents
The volcano is active and many natural features of the lair can burn or scald would-be intruders.

Azzandra's Spirit and the Obsidian Spire
Azzandra’s skeleton rests near an accursed obsidian spire in a pool of black magma that churns somewhere deep in the belly of the volcano. Anyone who can see into the Ethereal Plane beholds a colossal translucent red dragon superimposed over the red dragon’s skeleton in the Material Plane. Azzandra’s spirit cannot attack, talk or otherwise communicate with those around it. It appears to be in a deep sleep.

An obsidian spire rises from the pool of black magma. Any living thing reduced to zero hit points while within the magma pool rises one day later with a newly acquired monster template called "cinderborn". This transformation siphons a fragment of the victim's soul into the obsidian spire, Azzandra’s soon-to-be phylactery. Soon, the phylactery will have gathered enough power to raise Azzandra as a lich.

Cinderborn Creatures (New Monster Template)
All lizardfolk captured from the Sunscale village are irrevocably corrupted by some unspeakable ritual. The cinderborn template changes the base creature's subtype to Fire, it's alignment to chaotic evil and renders it incapable of producing offspring. It also grants blindsight 60ft and +4 Str, +4 Con, -4 Wis and -4 Cha. When a cinderborne creature dies, it explodes into a cloud of hot ash, dealing 3d6 fire damage in a ten foot radius (Reflex Save DC 10 + [base creature's hit dice] for half damage). The lingering ash cloud blocks line of sight and provides concealment as a darkness spell for the next 3 rounds.

Matron Dra’naga (lizardfolk, female, red draconic sorcerer 10th)
According to the Sunscale lizardfolk, Matron Dra'naga was "cursed" to be born with red dragon blood and, as such, she was cast out of the tribe. Only later did she become Azzandra's dragon rider and seek revenge on her former tribesman. The old lizardfolk sorceress currently leads the last brood of Azzandra and has chosen Xoriath the Eldest as her new dragon mount. Matron Dra'naga's library, which lies deep in the volcano, is filled with clay tablets that detail the creation of the obsidian phylactery, a task that Matron Dra'naga has spent most of the last fifty years undertaking.

Xoriath the Eldest (young adult dragon)
The largest and fiercest of the red dragon siblings, Xoriath ate three of his smaller siblings while still in the nest. Due to his precocious size, Xoriath has the effective statistics of a young adult red dragon, even though he is technically only old enough to be a juvenile.

Rahna the Slaver (juvenile red dragon)
Rahna is particularly malevolent, even by red dragon standards. She is in charge of keeping the dragon’s cinderborne minions in line. If Rahna is slain, the cinderborne minions are much more likely to flee during combat.

Gannith (cinderborn high elf, fighter, 10th)
The rider of the silver dragon Illustrond was taken to the volcano and held captive for many years before finally being corrupted by the red dragons. The fallen knight has chosen Skywraith the Sorcerer as his new dragon mount.

Skywraith the Sorcerer (young red dragon, undead sorcerer 7th)
Skywraith is the runt of the litter, but he makes up for his limited size with an uncanny affinity for necromantic magic. Skywraith has the effective statistics of a young red dragon, even though he is technically old enough to be a juvenile. Unlike most dragons his age, his sorcerer caster level is 7th.

Draknock the Deformed (modified juvenile red dragon)
Draknock is actually two dragon twins that fused as the result of a birth defect. The freakish two-headed dragon is shunned by the rest of his siblings. Draknock's deformity allows him an extra bite attack, but it has also left him with crippled wings. Draknock cannot fly and his twin breath weapons never fully developed (shoots two lines of fire instead of cones). The vertebrate in his necks have calcified such that he must choose separate targets for each of his twin bite or breath weapon attacks.

The Epic Finale

The final battle plays out with the PCs fighting Matron Dra’naga and her mount Xoriath next to the obsidian spire. The only way Azzandra’s spirit can be permanently banished into the afterlife is to plunge Coldfront into the obsidian phylactery. And the only way Illustrond's spirit can be permanently destroyed is to immerse the sparrow in the pool of black magma. Illustrond has risked much accompanying the PCs here, but the silver dragon feels the party is his best chance of ever defeating his rivals and he wants, more than anything, to help the heroes succeed.

Epilogue: Concluding the Adventure

As soon as the PCs have destroyed Azzandra's spirit, the volcano begins to erupt and collapse. Assuming they are able to escape the cataclysmic eruption, the PCs are rewarded with a sizable story XP award and whatever treasure they can scour from the lair.

To celebrate, the Sunscale host an epic six-day feast that culminates with the PCs' induction into the tribe. Illustrond's sparrow spirit presides over the event, chirping contentedly from a nearby tree before finally fading away at sunset of the last day, departing forever to the Outer Planar happy hunting grounds shared by all silver dragons.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 aka K. B. Carter

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26 Paper Street
Don’t go in there!

The PCs have been on the run from the city guards ever since Bracht the Flesh Peddler managed to capture and “replace” the local magistrate with a planted spy (Vissivio, male, doggleganger, rogue 5th). After rigorous detective work, the PCs have tracked the kidnapped magistrate to 26 Paper Street, a condemned house serving as the Flesh Peddler’s current base of operations.

To stop the Flesh Peddler, the PCs must venture into 26 Paper Street and rescue the magistrate, who is the only individual that can clear the false accusations levied against them.

This module is designed for four 7th-level characters.

Dungeon Features: Rising through the Flesh Peddler’s lair is a colossal aberrant growth known as the Arm of Ohnishamotan. This giant tentacle-like tumor originates from somewhere deep in the sewers of Katapesh and has since punctured the basement of 26 Paper Street and grown upwards through several levels of the house. The Arm of Ohnishamotan has the following characteristics:

• Its surface is a twisted mass of unrecognizable flesh that radiates evil and alteration magic.
• If damaged, it rapidly regenerates. It cannot move (save for the situation described below) and it is essentially a solid wall of flesh.
• If Bracht is killed, the Arm of Ohnishamotan emits a rumbling wail and slowly falls into the sewers of Katapesh over the course of the next 12 rounds. During this time, the house shakes violently and anyone inside not flying or levitating must make a DC 15 Balance check each round to avoid being knocked prone by the vibrations. At the end of the 12 rounds, the house utterly collapses, triggering the effects of an earthquake spell throughout the entire structure. From the wreckage, the blood of Ohnishamotan bubbles and roils, pooling into a black pudding that begins to terrorize the neighborhood.

Black Pudding CR 7
115 hp (MM 201)

Unless otherwise stated, assume the rooms of 26 Paper Street are 15-feet tall and are dimly lit. Also, assume all doors are strong wooden doors (Hardness 5, 20hp, Break DC 23) and are locked with average locks (Open Locks DC 25). All windows have been boarded up with enough wood to give them the statistics of a strong wooden door.

1. Exterior
A crude sign reads “CONDEMED: DO NOT ENTER” and hangs over the door of this dilapidated three-story building. The windows are boarded up and deep weeds have overtaken the small garden out front.

Any PC listening at the door hears the sporadic creaking of floorboards within (as the ramshackle house settles around the intruding bulk of the Arm of Ohnishamotan).

2. Ground Floor
A foul stench permeates the building and the gloom clinging to these rooms seems to swirl about as if alive. There is definitely something wrong here.

Assuming the PCs enter via the front door, they cannot initially see the Arm of Ohnishamotan as their line of sight is blocked by the staircase. Instead, they can make out a few flickering candles in the library (area 2A).

2A. Library
Haphazard piles of books totter throughout this damp room which is strewn with many heavily-annotated parchments and diagrams. A few ghostly candles flicker in the gloom.

Anyone who spends more than a minute reviewing the notes or texts learns that the pillar of flesh running through this house is in fact the Arm of Ohnishamotan, a cancerous growth from another plane of existence. The reader must then make a DC 15 Will save or become shaken for the next hour.

The candles are minor versions of everburning torches.

2B. Arm
A horrific pillar of twisted flesh rises from a jagged hole in the floorboards and extends upwards past the staircase and through a similar hole in the ceiling.

This is the Arm of Ohnishamotan where it protrudes from the basement below.

2C. Laboratory
A partially-dissected ogre lies in a fleshy heap across a large table. The shelves lining the surrounding walls are cluttered with jars of pickled eyeballs, preserved animals and strange bits of organic matter.

The ogre is long dead. If anyone investigates the jars on the shelves, a live lamprey specimen suddenly lashes out, causing its jar to fall and shatter across the floor. The lamprey dies on impact, but the DM should have the PCs roll for initiative anyway (to potentially trick them into wasting precious spells and abilities).

2D. Pantry (CR 5)
The shelves of this pantry have been stocked with organs, bones and cured skins. A large metal icebox rests against the northern wall.

Several of the organs have gentle repose cast upon them and therefore radiate magic. The icebox is latched shut with an iron bolt and anyone approaching it hears muffled voices from within.

Creatures: The icebox contains a captured Gibbering Mouther.
Gibbering Mouther CR 5
hp 42 (MM 126)

3. Landing (CR 8)
Streaks of blood are smeared across the walls of this rubble-strewn area. It appears that a room once existed above, but the upper stairway and adjoining landing have since caved in. Now, only a massive pillar of flesh stretches upward into the high rafters.

This is where Bracht disposes of “inferior” graft donors. Anyone studying the blood streaks notices that they converge towards the rafters in the tower 30 feet above.

Creatures: Up in the rafters, Bracht has grafted several tentacles and the maw of a juvenile brass dragon onto the Arm of Ohnishamotan.
Grafted Tentacles (4) CR 7
30 hp each (MM 20) Each of these tentacles have the attributes of an assassin vine except with Type aberration, Reach 60 feet, and they lack the entangle supernatural ability.

Tactics: The tentacles lie curled in the rafters and can only be spotted from below with a DC 20 Perception check. Once the PCs venture onto the landing, the tentacles drop downward and attempt to initiate surprise grapple attacks. Each tentacle may lift a successfully-grappled opponent upwards at a speed of 15 feet per round.

Traps: The tentacles hoist grappled victims into a dragon maw trap which is grafted onto the Arm of Ohnishamotan amidst the rafters 30 feet above the floor. Anyone who realizes they are about to be dragged into a gaping maw receives a one-time free attempt to break a grapple (+4 bonus).
Dragon Maw Trap CR 4
Type mechanical; Search DC 20; Disable Device NA
===== Effects =====
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic;
Effects bite; single target; Atk +16 melee; 2d6+4

4. Bedroom (CR 7)
Unlike the rest of this dilapidated building, this room is well-kept. Pressed suits and clean robes hang on hooks next to a squarely-made bed. A comb, a nail file and a small pair of scissors rest atop a polished dresser.

Something about the Flesh Peddler’s unique brand of madness compels him to meticulously maintain his personal space, even while everything else around him is in chaos.

Creatures: Bracht’s flesh golem valet stands at attention along the southern wall. The Flesh Peddler feels a strong personal connection with his creation which he has named “Evelyn.” Evelyn stands guard next to a secret panel (Perception check DC 15 to locate) beyond which can be found a spiral staircase leading down to the basement (area 6). Evelyn has been instructed to attack any intruders entering the room.

Evelyn (Flesh Golem) CR 7
hp 79 (MM 135)
Supernatural Ability: Evelyn has a breath weapon gland of brass dragon grafted to her shoulder, allowing her to cast a 30-foot cone of sleep once per day (DC 18 Will save or sleep for 1d6+5 rounds)

Tactics: Evelyn begins combat with a blast from her cone of sleep and then closes in to clobber anyone still standing.

5. Flooded Basement (CR 7)
Rancid water floods this dark basement and small bits of debris slosh around in the black pond. A pillar of flesh extends upward out of the muck in the northeast corner, pushing up through a ragged hole in the ceiling to the ground floor above.

The basement of 26 Paper Street is flooded with fetid water to a depth of 3 feet.

Creatures: Below the waterline, a mostly-intact aboleth has been grafted onto the Arm of Ohnishamotan. Even after the graft was complete, Bracht had a difficult time controlling the rebellious aboleth, so he eventually gave the monster a partial lobotomy (hence its reduced intelligence).
Grafted Aboleth (CR 7)
hp 76 (MM 8 except with Speed 0 and Int 3)

Tactics: The aboleth hides under the murky waters, which effectively renders it invisible until it attacks. It attempts to surprise any PCs that wander into its 15-foot reach (marked on the map) and it initiates combat by making a full attack with its tentacles. Next, it dominates the strongest-looking PC to use as a bodyguard.

The aboleth maintains an illusionary wall that hides the entrance to the workshop (area 6). If the grafted aboleth is destroyed, the illusion is dispelled. If Bracht overhears combat in this room, he begins preparing for battle (see below).

6. Underground Workshop (CR 11)
The shelves of this dark room are filled with all manner of embalming fluids, bandages, stitches, scissors and knives. An operating table stands to the north beneath a low-hanging chandelier of flickering candles. Lying on the table is a black-haired man with a full beard. His ribcage is split open and the skin of his chest is pinned back with knitting needles, revealing his insides to the cold dungeon air.

The victim on the table is the kidnapped magistrate the PCs seek. He is a blue-eyed sorcerer and therefore very valuable to Bracht’s “work.” Despite his appearance, the magistrate still lives, but he is heavily sedated and kept alive only by a ring of regeneration that Bracht has slipped onto the magistrate’s left hand. Through this setup, the Flesh Peddler has secured a continuously-regenerating supply of heart tissue. Anyone examining the magistrate notices that his heart still beats.

Since capturing the magistrate, Bracht has spent much of his time here, forgoing food and sleep to continue work on his opus, a maze of heart tissue that he believes will eventually be able to animate the Arm of Ohnishamotan.

Creatures: Unless the PCs have somehow lured Bracht away from his workshop, he can be found here, working with the help of his flesh golem assistant, a brute the Flesh Peddler has named “Bateman.”

Bracht the Flesh Peddler CR 9
hp 63

Bateman (Flesh Golem) CR 7
hp 79 (MM 135)
Supernatural Ability: Bateman has a breath weapon gland of brass dragon grafted to his shoulder, allowing him to cast a 60-foot line of fire once per day. Anyone in this line takes 4d6 fire damage (DC 18 Reflex save for half)

===== Tactics =====

Before Combat: If Bracht overhears the PCs fighting the aboleth in area 5, he commands Bateman to block the entrance to this room and then casts stoneskin on himself. If there is time, Bracht opens a secret compartment within his operating table and quaffs a potion of shield, and a potion of protection form good contained within. Finally Bateman casts message to command Evelyn to come to his aid from the bedroom. Assuming she has not been destroyed, she arrives three rounds later.

During Combat: During combat, Bratch tells Bateman to attack any PC spellcasters while Bratch himself attempts to neutralize strong warriors from a distance with deep sleep, summon monster IV and black tentacles.

Morale: If the battle is going badly for Bracht, he attempts to cast gaseous form and seep through the ceiling to retreat to an abandon alley behind 26 Paper Street.

If Bracht is killed before he can escape, the Arm of Ohnishamotan begins to fall into the sewer (as described in Dungeon Features above) bringing the house down around it. Long after the dust has settled, the shrieking wails of the Arm of Ohnishamotan reverberate below the streets of Katapesh as the colossal aberration retreats deeper and deeper into the sewer system.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 aka K. B. Carter

Malgana the Twistwood Lich
female, goblin lich, infernal sorceress 11th


Little is known of Malgana’s true origins, but according to goblin legend she made a deal with an infernal entity in exchange for 444 years of existence as a lich.

After ruling the goblin tribes of the Twistwood Forest for many decades, Malgana was finally betrayed and "executed" by her own kind. Yet even after her treacherous kin removed her head and cut out her organs (spine, liver, heart and tongue), she continues to live on in an undying (albeit speechless) mockery of life.

Presently, Malgana is a severed goblin head hidden within a tangle of black hair. Her mouth is sewn shut and stuffed with oak leaves, but her black eyes dart about, studying her surroundings with an eerie intelligence. She is currently hunting for her lost body parts in the hopes of overcoming her condition… for each of her missing organs holds a fragment of her former power as a lich.


Malgana is merciless, evil and entirely malevolent, yet her charisma often enables her to relate to others just enough to manipulate them into doing her bidding. She delights in tempting her victims to make promises and deals that they later come to regret—a trait that echoes her (rumored) infernal origins.

First and foremost, Malgana seeks to regain her former lich powers. To accomplish this, she must first retrieve her missing organs (see Malgana’s Phylactery for details).

Once her body and powers are restored, Malgana hopes to reassert her dominion over the local goblin tribes and begin a war to enslave the nearby human settlements that have brazenly sent logging expeditions into the Twistwood Forest in the perceived "absence" of the Twistwood Lich.

Schemes/Plots/Adventure Hooks:

There are several ways to introduce Malaga as a recurring villain, depending on the style of your particular campaign:

- The PCs are exploring a goblin barrow when they accidentally free Malgana’s head from a sealed sepulcher. Even if they destroy her, they only manage to return her head to her phylactery, and they are now responsible for unleashing the Twistwood Lich upon the world.

- The PCs hear from a local dryad that the Twistwood Lich has resurfaced and is trying to rebuild herself with the help of her newest henchman, Daegan the Bonechewer (male, troll, barbarian 5th). The adventure evolves into a race where the PCs must find and destroy Malgana’s phylactery before Daegan and Malgana can recover her organs.

- Or, if the DM is up for an extreme role-playing challenge, the PCs learn that they must infiltrate a dungeon that Malgana formerly inhabited. She agrees to help the PCs, but only if they first promise to take her head with them and help recover one of her missing organs (which, ostensibly, is hidden in the dungeon the PCs are infiltrating). To make this plot hook work, Malgana must have information that is absolutely vital to the PCs’ mission.


Malgana’s Head CR 9 [+11 infernal sorceress, +2 lich, -1 missing spine, -1 missing tongue, -1 missing liver, -1 missing heart]
LE Tiny Undead goblin lich head
Init +6 [+2 Dex, +4 improved initiative]; Senses darkvision 60; Perception +10 [+8 racial lich bonus, +2 Wis]

===== Defense =====
AC 25 [+2 Dex, +5 lich natural armor bonus, +2 Size, +2 protection from good, +4 shield], touch 16 [+2 Dex, +2 Size, +2 protection from good] flat-footed 23 [+5 lich natural armor bonus, +2 Size, +2 protection from good, +4 shield]
hp 55 (11d12);
Fort 5 [+3 sorceress, +2 protection from good], Ref 7 [+3 sorceress, +2 Dex, +2 protection from good], Will 13 [+7 sorceress, +2 Int, +2 Iron Will, +2 protection from good]
Defensive Abilities +5 natural armor bonus [lich], resist fire 10 [infernal sorceress]; Immune undead immunities [all mind affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, sleep effects and morale effects), poison, paralysis, stunning, disease and death effects]

===== Offense =====
Spd 0 ft., silent still fly 60
Melee +5 touch (1d8+5 negative energy; Will Save (DC 19) [10 + 5.5 lich hit dice, +4 Cha] for ½ damage)
Ranged by spell
Space 2.5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Corrupting Touch, Hellfire
Spells Known (Infernal Sorceress CL 11)
Cantrips (at will) detect magic, read magic, open/close, bleed, mage hand, message, dancing lights, arcane mark, prestidigitation;
1st (6/day)— alarm, charm person (DC 16 [11 +4 Cha, +1 Spell Focus (Enchantment)]), disguise self, protection from good, shield, magic missile;
2nd (6/day)— detect thoughts (DC 16 [12 +4 Cha]), hideous laughter (DC 17 [12 +4 Cha, +1 Spell Focus (Enchantment)]), mirror image, scorching ray, spectral hand, whispering wind;
3rd (6/day)— deep slumber (DC 18 [13 +4 Cha, +1 Spell Focus (Enchantment)]), fireball, fly, slow (DC 17 [13 +4 Cha]), suggestion (DC 18 [13 +4 Cha, +1 Spell Focus (Enchantment)]);
4th (6/day)— black tentacles, charm monster (DC 19 [14 +4 Cha, +1 Spell Focus (Enchantment)]), greater invisibility, wall of fire;
5th (4/day)— dominate person (DC 20 [15 +4 Cha, +1 Spell Focus (Enchantment)]), mind fog, planar binding (lesser) (DC 19 [15 +4 Cha] ), summon monster V;

===== Tactics =====
Before Combat Until she gets her body back, Malgana prefers to be carried around and dangled by her hair from the off-hand of her strongest available henchman. While being carried, she cannot make melee attacks and she shares a square with the creature carrying her. Before combat, Malgana casts silent stilled protection from good and silent stilled shield on herself (if there is time). If Malgana is by herself (i.e. if she’s not being carried), she first casts silent stilled fly and then her other defensive spells before entering combat.
During Combat Until she recovers her tongue and spine, Malgana must use her Silent Spell and Still Spell metamagic feats to cast any spell from her sorcerer spell list, a factor which greatly reduces the extent of her available spells. That said, Malgana typically leads off a fight by using her hellfire supernatural ability. Next she casts silent stilled deep slumber and silent stilled suggestion to neutralize any enemies uninjured by the flames. From there, she plays the battle round by round, blasting away weakened individuals with her evocation spells and saving her enchantment spells for unscathed opponents.
Morale Malgana only flees if she perceives retreat to be a wise tactical choice. She has no fear of death and is not opposed to the idea of suicide missions as long her phylactery still stands. If captured, she deliberately tries to get herself killed so she can return to her phylactery.
Base Statistics Without silent stilled protection from good and silent stilled shield, Malgana’s stats are as follows:
AC 19 [+2 Dex, +5 lich natural armor bonus, +2 Size], touch 14 [+2 Dex, +2 Size] flat-footed 17 [+5 lich natural armor bonus, +2 Size] ;
Fort 3 [+3 sorceress], Ref 5 [+2 sorceress, +2 Dex], Will 11 [ +7 sorceress, +2 Int, +2 Iron Will]

===== Statistics =====
Str 10, Dex 14, Con --, Int 14 [+2 lich], Wis 11 [+2 lich], Cha 19 [+2 lich, +3 sorceress]
Base Atk +5; CMB -3 [+5 infernal sorceress, -8 Size]
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Eschew Materials, Improve Initiative, Iron Will, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Still Spell;
Skills Bluff +16 [6 ranks, +3 sorceress class skill, +4 Cha, +3 circlet of persuasion], Craft +9 [4 ranks, +3 sorceress class skill, +2 Int] , Diplomacy +15 [5 ranks, +3 sorceress class skill, +4 Cha, +3 circlet of persuasion], Intimidate +15 [5 ranks, +3 sorceress class skill, +4 Cha, +3 circlet of persuasion], Knowledge (arcana) +7 [2 ranks, +3 sorceress class skill, +2 Int], Knowledge (local) +11 [6 ranks, +3 sorceress class skill, +2 Int], Fly +11 [6 ranks, +3 sorceress class skill, +2 Dex], Perception +10 [+8 racial lich bonus, +2 Wis], Spellcraft +15 [10 ranks, +3 sorceress class skill, +2 Int], Sense Motive +10 [+8 racial lich bonus, +2 Wis], Stealth +18 [+8 racial lich bonus, +2 Dex, +8 Size]
Languages Common, Giant, Goblin, Infernal
Gear circlet of persuasion, 7 ornate facial piercings (200 gp each)
SQ darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, resist fire 10

===== Special Abilities =====
Corrupting Touch (Su): Causes a creature touched to become shaken for 5 rounds. The target also suffers a -2 penalty on saves versus spells of the enchantment school.
Hellfire (Su): 1/day: Calls down a 10ft-radius pillar of fire that deals 11d6 damage. Those caught in the blast receive a Reflex save (DC 15 [10 + 5.5 sorcerer level] ) for half damage. Good creatures that fail their saves are shaken for 11 rounds.

Malgana’s Phylactery
AC 15, 80 hp, hardness 10

Malgana’s phylactery is the Black Oak, a hideous tree that stores her life essence.

If Malgana’s head or any of her prime organs are destroyed, they re-grow from the acorns of the Black Oak within 1d10 days. Beyond that, it is otherwise up to Malgana to put herself back together. The only way to permanently destroy Malgana is to find and fell the Black Oak where it is hidden, deep in a dangerous and unhallowed ravine.

If Malgana recovers any of her organs, her stat block and challenge rating are modified as follows:

Head: Malgana’s head is essentially her stat block as detailed above. Without a body and tongue, she must use Silent Spell and Still Spell to cast spells. (+0 CR)

Spine: If Malgana’s spine is reinserted into her stumped neck, she slowly regenerates a decrepit-looking body after resting for one entire day. This increases her size to Small, her Speed to 30, and she no longer requires Still Spell to cast spells (+1 CR).

Tongue: If Malgana’s tongue is reinserted into her mouth, she regains her speech and no longer requires Silent Spell to cast spells. (+1 CR)

Liver: Malgana must have a body to reinsert her liver, but if she does so, her maximum hp increases to 75 and she regains all the extraordinary abilities of a lich (+4 turn resistance and immunity to cold and electricity). Once she has her liver back, her body no longer appears frail and decrepit. (+1 CR)

Heart: Malgana must have a body to reinsert her heart, but if she does so, she regains the supernatural abilities of a lich (fear aura, paralyzing touch and DR 15/bludgeoning and magic). Once she has her heart back, her eyes glow like embers. (+1 CR)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 aka K. B. Carter

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Malgana the Twistwood Witch
female, undead goblin (ghast), sorceress 8th

Description: According to goblin legend, Malgana brokered an unholy deal with a dark power in exchange for 444 years of unnatural life. From that point on, she became known as the Twistwood Witch.

Whether or not this myth holds any truth, one thing remains certain: the Twistwood Witch cannot be killed by conventional means. After ruling the goblin tribes of the Twistwood Forest for many decades—far longer than the lifespan of any typical goblin—she was finally betrayed and “executed” by her own kind. Yet even after her treacherous kin removed her head and cut out her organs (spine, liver, heart and tongue), she continues to live on in an undying (albeit speechless) mockery of life.

Presently, all that remains of the Twistwood Witch is an undead goblin head hidden within a tangle of black hair. Her mouth is sewn shut and stuffed with oak leaves, but her black eyes dart about, studying her surroundings with an eerie intelligence. As a head, she has only rudimentary control of her former powers, but she will continue to regain spells and abilities as she is “reunited” with her lost body parts.

Motivations/Goals: Malgana seeks to regain her former power and extract revenge on the goblin tribes that betrayed her. To accomplish this, she must first find a way to retrieve her missing organs. She has an innate sense of where they are, but no way to retrieve them herself.

This is where the PCs come in.

Schemes/Plots/Adventure Hooks: The PCs are adventuring in the Twistwood Forest, trying to control the goblin tribes that have now broken loose without Malgana’s ironfisted leadership (though a malicious tyrant, she was at least cunning enough to avoid attracting the attention of adventurers).

During their campaign against the goblins, the PCs find Malgana’s head deep in a goblin barrow. She casts a spell to deliver the following message:

“Let me help you fight the goblins that betrayed me. I know of their traps and the antidotes to their poisons. Please, follow my eyes…”

Assuming the PCs comply, Malgana leads the PCs to her severed tongue and stares imploringly at it. If the PCs reinsert the organ, she can speak again, and begins to convey many useful details about the goblin tribes (locations of lairs, names and classes of important villains, etc.) She even asks the PCs to take her with them, claiming she must be reunited with her defiled remains before she can find eternal rest.

Of course, Malgana is only manipulating the PCs to enlist their help retrieving her organs. She secretly plans to kill them after they have served their purpose, as the same vanity that lead her to seek such lasting dominion over life also makes her hate all who have seen her while weak.

With each organ presented, her skin grows and stretches from her stumped neck, hungrily enveloping the (spine/liver/heart) from the PCs’ outstretched hands...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 aka K. B. Carter

I have a rules question for Round 2:


DO NOT INCLUDE A STAT BLOCK—just gender, race, class, and level. No hit points, saving throws, skill bonuses, magic items carried, or so on. Don't even state the CR—we know what's CR20 and what's not.

You may include additional information about your villain in the body, but the entire body field must not exceed 500 words.


Does the second paragraph mean that I can mention one (and only one) of my villain's spells as it pertains to my villian's goals, motives and schemes? Or is this off limits as Stat Block information?

To be safe, I'll assume the answer is "off limits" unless I hear otherwise.


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 aka K. B. Carter

Spider Hook

This eight-pronged grappling hook has an hourglass-shaped rune along its haft. Touching the rune causes the hook to shudder and transform into a shadowy spider that obeys the commands of whoever touched the rune. While animated, the spider hook can spider climb with a speed of 30 and it can leap up to 20 feet as a standard action. It cannot attack or otherwise influence its environment, but it will scamper soundlessly anywhere its master points.

The spider hook reverts to a normal grappling hook when its master makes the gesture of a closed fist, or after three rounds have passed, whichever comes first. As the spider hook reverts to a normal grappling hook, a length of silk rope (max 500 feet long) materializes between the hook and the hook’s master. This thread is secured to the spider hook and persists until the hourglass rune is touched again, at which point the silk unravels into nothingness. Pressing the rune a third time reanimates the spider hook. Thus, the spider hook cannot be reanimated until its previous silk rope has been dismissed.

Faint conjuration and transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb, web; Price 5,000 gp.