Jyk7's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


One more thing! It may be beneficial to list a few options for when your character is grappled, as that fundamentally changes the dynamic of a two hander. I think you could get away with mentioning which light weapons will likely be the most useful in that situation.

And I just got to reading your Feedback section, which explains why Hellknight Plate isn't there. I still want that entry, I think Hellknights are cool and overlooked.

You asked for weapons you missed, I've been recommending the Planson for people dead set on two handed slashing weapons.


1d10 B or P damage allows it to handle odd damage resistances, and it brings Brace in case you expect a charge. Drawbacks include its boring critical properties and its weapon groups, Hammers and Spears. Hammers include the mighty Earthbreaker, but Spears are very lackluster.

The Planson is a situational off weapon, not a main one. It brings an interesting set of properties that allow someone to throw it into a focused build and survive a variety of encounters. For these reasons, I'd mark it in green text.

I would also say that Hellknight Plate is worth an entry. For most users, it functions as full plate. However, every third level in Hellknight increases its Max Dex bonus by one and reduces its check penalty by one, capping out at +4 Dex and -2 check. I don't know what color it'd be, as it only works differently for one prestige class, but it deserves a mention.

http://www.aonprd.com/EquipmentArmorDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Hellknight%20plat e