
Junk Yard Dog's page

158 posts. Organized Play character for Dooser.

Full Name





Mechanic-Ace Pilot / 9th

SP: 72/72, HP: 56/56, RP: 10/10 | EAC/KAC: 26/28 | F: +8, R: +13, W: +5 | Init: +11, DV 60' | [dice=CLR]1d20+11[/dice] [dice=dmg]2d6+7[/dice][dice=FG]1d20+5[/dice][dice=Dmg]1d6[/dice]








Akitonian, Azlanti, Brethedan, Castrovelian, Common, Draconic, Elven, Eoxian, Goblin, Kalo, Kasathas, Sarcesian, Shirren, Shobhad, Triaxian, Vesk, Vercite, Ysoki,

Strength 11
Dexterity 20
Constitution 12
Intelligence 23
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Junk Yard Dog


Junk Yard Dog
Male Ysoki Ace Pilot Mechanic 9
CN Small Humanoid (Ysoki)
Initiative: +11; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception: +16 (+20 with Broad Spectrum Scan Kit to search.)
SP: 72 HP: 56 RP: 10
EAC: 26; KAC: 28
DR: 5/
Resistances: Fire 6, Electricity 9 (Vulnerability to Electricity +50% Dmg.)
Fort +8; Ref +13; Will +5
Speed: 30 ft.

Corona Laser Rifle +12/+13 (2d6+9 F, 1d6 Burn; Trick Attack +1d6), (Charges Used 0/40)
Pulsecaster Rifle +12/+13 (Frost Fusion)(1d6+9 E(C), nonlethal; Trick Attack +1d6)(Charges Used 0/40)
Frag Grenade I +6 (Explode [15 ft., 1d6 P, DC 13])

Offensive Abilities: Combat Tracking
Str: 11 (+0); Dex: 20 (+5); Con: 12 (+1); Int 23 (+6); Wis: 10 (+0); Cha: 10 (+0)

Languages: Akitonian, Castrovelian, Common, Draconic, Kalo, Kasatha, Sarcesian, Shirren, Vesk, Ysoki,

Skills: Acrobatics +15 (+20 to tumble through the space of a creature of Medium or larger size)(9 Ranks), Athletics +13 (9 Ranks), Bluff +0, Computers +20 (+24 to Hack)(9 ranks), Culture +18 (9 Ranks), Diplomacy +0, Disguise +0, Engineering +23 (+27 to arm or disarm traps) (9 ranks), Intimidate +0, Life Science +7 (1 Rank), Medicine +21 (+2 vs Drugs, Disease or Poison)(9 Ranks), Perception +16(+20) (9 Ranks), Physical Science +11 (2 Ranks), Piloting +19 (+20 when Astrogating in Pact Worlds)(9 ranks), Profession (Ship Architect) +23 (9 Ranks), Sense Motive +0, Sleight of Hand +7 (1 Ranks), Stealth +16 (5 Ranks), Survival +2 (+4 for Orientation);
Theme Knowledge: (Reduce the DC of Culture checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about starship and vehicle models and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots)

Combat Gear: Ysoki Refractor Suit with Jump Jets & Deflective Reinforcement, Corona Laser Rifle with 1 Battery (40 charges), Pulsecaster Rifle (Frost Fusion) with 1 Battery (40 charges), Frag Grenade I (1),

Other Gear: Starfinder Backpack, Advanced Medkit, Mk I Serums of Healing (2), Extra Battery (20 Charges), Binders (2), Field Rations (1 week), Fire Extinguisher, Profession's Toolkit, Trapsmith's Toolkit, Thieve's Toolkit, Broad Spectrum Scan Kit, Radiation Sweeper, Starstone Compass, Credstick (2,350 credits);

Augmentations: Custom Rig (Engineer's Toolkit & Hacking Toolkit), Mk1 Synaptic Accelerator - Dex +2, Mk2 Synaptic Accelerator - Int +4.

Racial Abilities:
*Cheek Pouches (Store 1 cu. ft. weighing 1 Bulk),
*Darkvision 60'
*Scrounger (+2 Racial bonus to Engineering, Stealth & Survival.)
*Moxie (Stand up from prone as swift action),

Level Feats:
1st Level Feat - Skill Synergy (Cultures & Stealth +2 Insight),
3rd Level Feat - Improved Initiative
5th Level Feat - Toughness
7th Level Feat - Resistance (Fire 6)
9th Level Feat - Medical Expert

Class Feats:
*Skill Focus (Engineering +3 Insight),
*Weapon Specialization: Long Arms +9 Dmg,

*Exocortex - Combat Tracking (Ex)
*Exocortex - Memory Module (Ex)
*Exocortex - Wireless Hack (Ex)

Class Feature:
*Artificial Intelligence (Ex) - Exocortex - You begin play with an exocortex, an artificial processor that interacts with and augments your biological brain’s cognitive functions, which can aid you in a variety of tasks, from combat to digital infiltration. Your exocortex is implanted within your physical body or brain, similar to a piece of cybernetic hardware, allowing your AI to access your mind and feed you information.
As you gain levels, your exocortex advances in sophistication and processing power—see Exocortex on page 79. Only you can access or interact with your exocortex.
*Bypass +3 (Ex) - You are skilled at getting inside computer systems and electronic devices. At 1st level, you gain a +1 insight bonus to Computers and Engineering skill checks. At 5th level, every 4 levels thereafter, and at 20th level, this bonus increases by 1.
*Custom Rig (Ex) - You have created a customized toolkit you can use to hack systems and items. Your custom rig can be configured to take up an upgrade slot on your armor or can be installed as a cybernetic augmentation system in your brain (though it can be combined with a datajack for the same price as installing a datajack normally), your eyes, or an arm. For more information on augmentations, see Chapter 7: Equipment. Alternatively, you can configure it to be a handheld device, meaning that you must retrieve it and hold it to use it effectively. While using this rig, you always count as having the appropriate tool or basic kit for any Computers or Engineering skill check you attempt. Some mechanic tricks (see page 71) and drone mods (see page 77) require the use of a custom rig. In addition, you can use your custom rig as a Mk I comm unit (see Chapter 7: Equipment).
Finally, if you have a drone, you can use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your drone to issue commands to its AI or directly control it at a range of 2,500 feet.
If your custom rig is damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen, you can kitbash a new one from any engineering kit, hacking kit, or other technological toolkit, reconfiguring the materials into a new custom rig with 1 hour of work. You can have only one custom rig at a time. If you create a new custom rig, your old one functions as a normal toolkit of whatever type you made it from and can no longer be used with your mechanic tricks.
*Overload (Ex) - As a standard action, you can cause a short in an electronic device, including most ranged energy weapons, melee weapons with the powered special property, or a single armor upgrade. This makes the device nonfunctional for 1 round. Overload doesn’t cause a locked door, safe, or other device to open, but it prevents anyone from opening it for 1 round. You must be adjacent to the device to use this ability. If you have a drone, you can instead use this ability on an electronic device adjacent to your drone. If you have an exocortex with the wireless hack ability, you can instead use this ability on any electronic device within range of your exocortex’s wireless hack. If you use overload on an item or armor upgrade in someone’s possession, the owner can attempt a Reflex saving throw to negate the effect DC=(10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier). Overload doesn’t affect androids, cybernetics, drones, powered armor, robots, or creatures with the technological subtype (all of which have shielding against this sort of attack), or items larger than Medium. Once a device has been successfully overloaded, a residual static charge prevents that device from being overloaded again for 1 minute.
*Remote Hack (Ex) - You can use your custom rig to attempt Computers and Engineering skill checks at a range of 20 feet. At 7th level and every 2 levels thereafter, this range increases by 10 feet. A target of this ability (or a creature attending or observing your target) can attempt a Perception or Sense Motive check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier) to determine that you are the origin of this activity.
*Expert Rig (Ex) - Your custom rig has improved. Whenever you use your custom rig to successfully hack into a computer, you can also disable one countermeasure installed in the system (except firewalls). In addition, your custom rig can now be used as any engineering or hacking specialty kit of item level 6th or lower, and it has the features of a computer with a tier equal to half your level with the artificial personality, hardened, or security I upgrade module. It also has an audio/video recorder. You can add extra modules or countermeasures to your custom rig at the normal prices. See page 213 for more information on computers.
You can also use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your ship, allowing you to access your ship’s downloaded data sets and transponder (see page 430) at a range of 5 miles. If you have a drone, you can issue commands to or directly control your drone at the same range.
*Miracle Worker (Ex) - As a move action, you can repair damage to a starship’s systems or modify a suit of armor or weapon to function more efficiently.
To use this ability, you must be able to handle the item affected without impediment. You can use this ability once per day at 7th level, plus one additional time per day for every 4 mechanic levels you have beyond 7th. The exact effect of this ability depends on the object or system you are modifying.
Armor: You grant a +2 enhancement bonus to a suit of armor’s EAC and KAC for 1 minute.
Weapon: You grant a +2 enhancement bonus to a weapon’s attack and damage rolls for 1 minute.
Damaged Ship: You restore a number of Hull Points equal to the starship's base frame HP increment. If this raises the ship’s HP over a multiple of its Critical Threshold, you can repair critical damage to one system per multiple, reducing its severity by one step. For example, if your starship’s Critical Threshold is 8 and you restore 10 HP, reducing the damage to the hull from 17 HP to 7 HP, you could restore one system from wrecked to glitching. Using this ability during starship combat is your action for the turn, and you can do it only during the engineering phase. See page 292 for more on ship construction and page 320 for more on damage to ships.
*Improved Overcharge (Ex) - The additional damage of the overcharge mechanic trick increases to 2d6. You must have the overcharge mechanic trick to learn this trick.
*Override (Ex) - Your overload class feature now affects androids, drones, robots, and creatures with the technological subtype, which must succeed at a Will saving throw DC=(10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier) or be dazed for 1 round. If the target fails its saving throw by 10 or more, it is not dazed and you can dictate its actions for 1 round, though these actions can’t be obviously self-destructive. Once a creature has attempted a saving throw against this attack (regardless of the result), it is immune to this attack for 24 hours.

Mechanic Trick: (3)
*Mechanic Trick - Overcharge (Ex) - As a standard action, you can use your custom rig to overcharge and attack with a ranged energy weapon or a melee weapon with the powered special property (see page 181) that you’re holding. If you hit, you deal 1d6 additional damage of the same type the weapon normally deals. This attack uses three times as many charges from the battery or power cell as normal and can’t be used if the weapon doesn’t have enough charges. This trick has no effect on a weapon without a battery or power cell. You can instead use this ability as a move action on a touched
powered weapon that is unattended or attended by an ally to grant the same effect to that weapon’s next attack before the beginning of your next turn.
*Mechanic Trick - Overclocking (Ex) - You have augmented the performance of your AI for maximum response timing. You gain a +2 insight bonus to initiative checks, and either you (if you have an exocortex) or your drone (if you have a drone) gains a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves.
*Mechanic Trick - Visual Data Processor (Ex) - You notice even the smallest shifts in movement, temperature, and vibration, gaining the insight bonus from your bypass class feature to Perception skill checks.


Starfinder Society Care Package - Elixir of Renewal (Slotless Boon):
You gain a special elixir that you can consume as if it were a serum in order to restore 2d8 Hit Points as well as 1d4 points of one type of ability damage. You can use this elixir only once, even if you have an ability or effect that would allow you to benefit from the serum multiple times. Check the box that precedes this boon when you use this elixir. Only you can use this elixir and it has effective market price of 0 credits if sold.

Acquisitives Champion (Faction Boon):

This Faction boon allows the character to gain Reputation with the Acquisitives faction. A character with this boon slotted at the end of a successfully completed scenario gains Reputation as detailed in the primary and secondary success conditions of that scenario.

Known Quality (Social Boon):

When you have this boon slotted and you attempt a Day Job check at the end of a session, multiply your total earnings by your Acquisitives Reputation Tier. For example, if you are Tier 3 in the Acquisitives, you multiply the result of your Day Job check by 3. Apply this additional multiplier after doubling the result of your Profession skill check and determining your total earnings.

[__][__][__]Faction's Friend (Social Boon, Limited Use):

By assisting various factions of the Starfinder Society, you have proven yourself as a dependable asset. By slotting this boon, if you would fail to earn Fame at the end of an adventure by failing to fulfill a success condition, you can check one of the boxes on this boon. Doing so reminds your current championed faction of your past exploits, and you still earn 1 reputation (but no Fame) with tht faction as if you had successfully fulfilled the condition. You can use this boon only if you would also gain at least 1 XP for completing the adventure.

Marked Field Agent (Slotless Boon):

Having met the amalgam of intelligences known as Guidance, you have successfully completed your induction into the Starfinder Society. The Society offered you a subdermal implant as part of your commencement.

Star Sugar Heartlove!!! (Slotless Boon, Limited Use):

During your commencment missions, you had the chance to pick up your own copy of the latest album from sugar-pop sensation Strawberry Machine Cake. This album is already a Pact Workds hit and has quadrupled in price. You can resell the album for 200 credits prior to the start of your next adventure. If you sell the album, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet. Alternatively, you can decide to keep the album, which might somehow prove useful in the future.

Nanite Corruption (Personal Boon):

During a routine medical procedure, you found yourself infected with a set of corrupted nanites. These microscopic robots have gone haywire and affect you with a lingering corruption that slowly takes over your body.
Benefit: When you earn this boon, you can selectone of the three manifestations listed below. You immediately gain the effects of the Gift and Stain associated with these manifestations.
Special: You must slot this boon in your Personal boon slot when slotting boons for an adventure. If you have another boon in your personal boon slot, then this boon instead takes up one of your non-Starship boon slots.
Unlike a regular corruption, you do not roll to see if your corruption progresses, but instead you reduce your total Resolve Points by 1 when slotting this boon. This represents your ongoing struggle against the corruption. You cannot regain this Resolve Point by any means while this boon is slotted.
At any point, you can spend 8 Fame to cross this boon off. If you previously took the Corruption's Gift feat (Starfinder Adventure Path #12: Heart of Night 52) or take it in the future, you can select the manifestation you selected for this boon and continue benefiting from it.

Nanite Healing: The nanites in your body are exceptional at repairing damage, though their presence makes you more susceptible to electrical discharges.
Gift: Anytime you receive Hit Point healing, you gain an additional 2 Hit Points per die rolled.
Stain: You gain vulnerability to electricity; you take half again as much damage (+50%) when you take electricity damage.

[__][__][__]Contractor's Respect (Social Boon, Limited Use):

By successfully completing a mission to investigate an abandoned outpost in Near Space, you also earned the esteem of a prominent organization within the Pact Worlds. You can call upon the resources of this organization by slotting this boon. The organization loans you a set of armor or a nonconsumable weapon (but fully loaded with conventional ammunition) for the duration of the adventure. The loaned equipment must have an item level equal to or less than your character level +1, up to a maximum item level of 8. The item must be returned to the organization at the end of the adventure. Whenever you slot this boon, you must check one of the boxes.
This boon might have additional uses based on the organization you have influenced. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting this boon, as your preferred standing with this organization. For tracking purposes, the name of the hiring organization is: Church of Desna.

Star Monster Slayer (Starship Boon):

You defeated a spacefaring monster known as a Besmaran whelp. Since this battle, you've mastered the art of battling against living starship-sized enemies when operating a starship of your own. While this boon is slotted, you gain +2 bonus to all skill checks made in a starship combat against an enemy living starship. Any of your fellow crewmates who don't have this boon slotted instead gain +1 bonus to their skill checks against enemy living starships-the direct result of your guidance during the battle.

High Society Influence (Ally Boon):

During the course of Luwazi Elsebo’s gala to announce the future of the Starfinder Society, you impressed one or more of the guests in attendance. How this in front will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with a number of influential people. You will be told if this boom is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. Your GM will cross out the attendees you failed to influence.
• Iteration-177
• Naiaj
• Royo
• Ykris
• Zo!

Honorary Spider (Social Boon):

You have made inroads with Radaszam’s personal mercenary outfit, the Obsidian Spiders. While not a formal member, you still carry some of the organization’s clout while adventuring. When slotting this boon, select Intimidate or Sense Motive. You gain a circumstance bonus to that skill check equal to half your current Aquisitives reputation tier (rounding up). This bonus increases by +1 for each point of infamy your character currently has.

Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment One (Unidentified Boon):

You were present at Luwazi Elsebo’s announcement declaring the Starfinder Society would continue investigating the Scoured Stars system. This boon represents your character’s involvement in this historic first step towards solving the Scoured Stars mystery. Other boons representing future steps towards unraveling the mystery of the Scoured Stars will appear in future scenarios, and collecting these boons will result in a unique bonus, to be detailed in a future Chronicle sheet.

Protector of the Future (Slotless Boon):

You have saved the elected First Seeker from a notorious assassin and facilitated her announcing the future of the Starfinder Society. As a token of Gratitude, you can immediately cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to gain the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Champion boon (as detailed in the Satrfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide). If you already have this boon, you can instead cross this boon off your chronicle sheet at any time to gain any Second Seeker (Luwazi Elsebo) boon that you meet the minimum Reputation for and has a cost of 2 or less.

Second Seekers: Luwazi Elsebo Champion (Faction Boon):

This Faction boon allows the character to gain Reputation with the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) faction. A character with this boon slotted at the end of a successfully completed scenario gains Reputation as detailed in the primary and secondary success conditions of that scenario.

AbadarCorp Acquaintance (Social Boon):

During your hunt for a renegade Starfinder on Akiton, you interacted with a representative of AbadarCorp. Depending on this interaction, you may have earned the ire or respect of the Pact World corporation. Both outcomes for this boon could have positive repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told of prior to slotting your boons.
AbadarCorp Respect

[__][__][__][__][__]True Savior of Tasch (Slotless Boon; Limited Use):

You helped ensure a measure of prosperity for the Akitonian town of Tasch by enticing AbadarCorp to set up a shipping outpost in the town. You can forego making a day job roll to instead devote time to assist with the growth of Tasch. Any time you opt to do so, check a box on this boon and make a note on the Chronicle sheet associated with that scenario, indicating you partook in this endeavor. Once all five boxes on this boon are marked, you receive 500 UPBs as recompense from the people of Tasch for helping to develop their now-thriving town. These UPBs cannot be converted to credits and must be used to craft some form of equipment.

Dream Whispers (Ally Boon):

Because you researched its dreamspun tales, the Liavaran Dreamer known as Whisperer of Solar Winds has taken an interest in you. When you slot this boon, the Dreamer imparts some knowledge to you in the form of a cryptic comment that may prove helpful later in your mission. Once per adventure, anytime you miss an attack or fail a saving throw. you can call upon the Dreamer's mysterious message. You immediately count your roll as being 2 higher, which may allow you to hit your target or to succeed on your save. If you roll a natural 1 on your attack or save, you cannot use this ability.

Private Vault (Slotless Boon; Vanity):

The staff of the Communion Vaults takes note of your actions in helping to resolve Whisperer of Solar Winds dreamspun tales. The staff provide you with a reasonable space of your own within the Communion Vaults. This 20-by-20 foot square chamber can be used to store any major magical finds you've recovered or purchased during your travels. You can bring any number of creatures into this space whenever you like. While this chamber is mostly a personal accomplishment and an area you can show off to others, it does have one tangible benefit; the entire area within your vault is warded by a nondetection effect (caster level 10th).

[__][__][__][__]Distinguished Ambassador (Social Boon, Limited Use):

You aided Chiskisk, a prominent member of the Starmfinder Forum, in conducting negotiations with a foreign power by touring the visiting diplomat around Absalom Station. The visting dignitary remembers your actions and can be called upon for support. YOu can slot this boon at the beginning of an adventure, when you do so, you can call upon your dignitary to secure you a single item with an item level equal to your current character level. Once you complete your adventure, the dignitary has finsihed using their contacts to secure you the desired item, which you can purchase at a 10% discount. When you do so, cross off a box on this boon. Once all boxes have been checked off this boon, you've expended your polictical clout with your dignitary and this boon can no longer be used.

Acquainted with Datch (Ally Boon):

During a break between contests, you met a particularly friendly Ysoki named Datch. Regardless of your actions, Datch seemed to take a shine to you and your companions and was possibly responsible for sending an ominous message at the end of your stint on Pact World Warriors. How this influence will play out in the future is not clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons.

Live Air Celebrity (Social Boon):

By participating in a various contests on Pact World Warriors, you’ve proven your adaptability. Each of the contests you succeeded at during this event has imparted a slight edge you can call up on in future adventures. Your GM will cross out any of the abilities from the following list for which you did not score higher than the rival team.
• Obstacle Override: Once per adventure you can reroll a single failed Acrobatics or Athletics check.
• Cooking Master: You gain a +2 bonus to Profession (cook) checks when attempting a Day Job check with this skill. You gain a +3 bonus to any Profession (cook) checks in an adventure when those checks are specifically called out in the adventure’s text.
• Kill Streak: You’ve got as knack for killing weaker foes in successive order. Once per adventure when time you slay an enemy whose CR is equal to or less than your level -2, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against other enemies until the end of your next turn.
• Hold the Flag: Once per adventure, you gain a +2 bonus to your KAC when targeted by a combat maneuver or similar effect that would cause you to lose hold of an item that you do not wish to relinquish. Alternatively, you can gain a +2 bonus to a saving throw to resist an effect that would cause you to lose hold of an item or drop an item you do not wish to relinquish (such as a command spell). You can decide to add this bonus after the dice have been rolled.

Honorbound Allies (Ally or Starship Boon):

During your mission to salvage information from the Struggle's Scholar, you engaged in an honorable starship duel with a Vesk transport, the Honorbound. By following the stricture of the duel, you impressed the captain of the Honorbound, Captain Yuluzak. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told prior to slotting your boons. Future scenarios calling on this boon will specify if you must slot it as an Ally or Starship boon.

Budding Media Celebrity (Social Boon):

Following your stint on Live Exploration Extreme!, your face and name appear in images, videos, and memes across countless media platforms. This recognition lasts only a few days before the next major media phenomenon arises, but you can use this to launch your media career. If you have the icon theme, you gain a +5 bonus to Profession checks when performing a Day Job check. If you do not have the icon theme, when you slot this boon, you can gain the icon’s celebrity ability in place of your own theme’s 6th-level ability. Source: 1-09 Live Exploration Extreme!

Dwarven Admittance (Personal Boon; Limited Use):

Your heavily publicized encounters with dwarves has inspired a new generation of dwarven Starfinders—possibly even recruited from the Marbleheart clan found in Salvation’s End. You can apply this boon in one of two ways. Select one of the following uses, and cross the other use off this Chronicle sheet.
New Character: You can play a dwarf character, beginning at 1st level as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. A copy of this Chronicle sheet must be the first Chronicle sheet for the given character.
Existing Dwarf: You can apply this boon to an existing dwarf character in your possession that you earned from another source. You can increase one ability score that is a 14 or lower by 2. Cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet, but keep a copy with the character you apply this change to. A character can earn this benefit from this boon only once. Source: 1-09 Live Exploration Extreme!

Duskmire Allegiance (Ally Boon):

You befriended one or more groups within the Duskmire vault in the mysterious complex of Salvation’s End. When you first earn this boon, select one of the following groups to be your most fervent ally and cross the remaining options off this boon.
Yetis: The raucous yetis of the Muckfur tribe hold regular celebrations, even after their escape from the Duskmire vault. Prior to the start of a scenario, you can partake in a Muckfur party and gain some yeti-inspired confidence before your mission. For the duration of the scenario in which this boon is slotted, you gain a +1 bonus to Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves. Source: 1-20 Duskmire Accord 9

Kadrical Rises (Slotless):

With the Jinsul threat disbanded, a new power wakes from the Scoured Stars. Kadrical the Preserver stirs from his torpor and has begun to attract new followers. From this point on, any new characters you create can choose Kadrical as a patron Deity. This can be selected as part of the priest character theme or as part of a mystic's connection choice.

Overcome the Past (Slotless; Limited Use):

You have returned to the Scoured Stars, beat back the Jinsuls and spiritually conquered the star system that nearly doomed the Starfinder Society. You gain 4 Fame. Alternatively, if you advanced to 2nd level as a result of the Scoured Stars Veteran Boon, you can instead gain 3 XP, 5 Fame and 5 Reputation for the faction whose champion boon you have slotted. Apply this XP 1 point at a time, each time earning additional credits based on the subtier most appropriate to your level.

Savior of the Scoured Stars (Social Boon):

You took part in the Starfinder Society's momentous victory in the Scoured Stars. Whether for good or for ill, people know you were a part of this endeavor. While you have this boon slotted, once per session, you can reroll any skill check made to present a positive view of the Starfinder Society to an NPC. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told prior to slotting your boon.

Khizar Admittance (Personal Boon; Limited Use):

Your respect for Aballon’s fragile ecosystem greatly impressed the Xenowarden Hemlock. Continuing to support the Xenowarden’s efforts to preserve the Ice Wells not only bolsters your reputation with Hemlock’s organization, but eventually inspires other khizars, such as those dwelling within Aballon’s other Ice Wells, to seek admittance to the Starfinder Society.
Each time you complete a scenario, you can choose to donate 10% of your credits earned to the Xenowardens and check one of the boxes below.
After all twelve boxes are checked, you can use this boon in one of two ways:
New Character: You can play a khizar character (Starfinder Pact Worlds), beginning at 1st level as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Starfinder Society Guide. A copy of this Chronicle sheet must be the first Chronicle sheet for the given character.
Existing Khizar: You can apply this boon to an existing khizar character in your possession that you earned from another source. You can increase one ability score that is a 14 or lower by 2. Cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet, but keep a copy with the character you apply this change to. A character can earn this benefit from this boon only once.

Radiance's Favor (Social Boon):

The ravai fey Radiance gifted you with an unusual piece of jewelry to commemorate your new friendship. When you slot this boon, you can bring this relic with you on your adventures. This star-shaped pendant radiates light in a 10-ft.-radius; you can activate or suppress this light source as a move action. The true significance of this otherwise mundane trinket will be detailed in future scenarios.

Morlamaw Admittance (Personal Boon; Limited Use):

During your mission to the world of Arniselle, you encountered a group of local lifeforms called morlamaws and convinced them to assist the Starfinder Society. Some of those morlamaws look to you as inspiration and intend on leaving their homeworld and eventually joining the Society. You can use this boon only if your character has a Reputation Tier of 3 with the Wayfinders faction or a Reputation Tier of 4 with other factions.
You can play a morlamaw character, beginning at 1st level as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. A copy of this Chronicle sheet must be the first Chronicle sheet for the given character. Along with this Chronicle sheet, your GM should provide you a copy of the “Playing a Morlamaw” appendix, which is considered a legal document for the purpose of playing this race.

Morlamaw Linguist (Slotless Boon):

So long as you have this boon, all of your Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild
characters have access to the Morlamaw language and can select it at any time they would learn a new language.

Suulhu-Huur’s Debt (Ally Boon):

During your mission to the abandoned Arniselle lodge, you saved the life of the kalo
Suulhu-Huur. Now the sole survivor of the once infamous Manta Corps group, she recognizes that she has a debt to you
and vows to one day repay it. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon
is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons.

Big Win Against Big Potion (Slotless Boon):

Your efforts in exposing the ongoing corporate interference in medicinal creation and price-fixing has serious repercussions across the Pact Worlds. From now on, whenever any of your characters purchases a medicinal, use the following chart to determine the cost of these items:

Tier 1 75 credits
Tier 2 450 credits
Tier 3 2,700 credits
Tier 4 16,200 credits

In the future, these prices will become standard, updated by an errata to the Starfinder Core Rulebook, representing the Society’s actions in reshaping the Pact Worlds’ medicinal costs. However, you gain access to these reduced rates as soon as you earn this boon, and this applies to all of your Starfinder Society characters.

▫▫▫ Into the Veskarium (Social Boon; Limited-Use):

Your efforts in combating the Keepers of the Lie impressed several members of the Veskarium. When you slot this boon, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all skill checks made to interact with members of the Veskarium. In addition, once per session, you can check one of the boxes on this boon to reroll any single d20 roll while operating on any Veskarium-occupied world.

Izalraan Megafauna (Slotless Boon):

Your removed radioactive threat underneath Izalraan, stablizing its local ecosystem.
Your actions saved many of Izalraan’s indigenous megafauna, and the izalguuns have offered you the ability to bond with one of these creatures as a companion. When selecting a creature companion (Starfinder Alien Archive 3 138) on any of your Starfinder Society characters, you now have access to the following companion type.
Izalraan Megafauna: Huge animal; Levels 5–12; Senses low-light vision, scent; Good Save Fort; Poor Saves Ref, Will; Resistances cold 5; Speed 30 ft.; Melee Attack either claw (S) or hoof (B); Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.;Ability Modifiers Str, Con; Trample (Ex) An Izalraan megafauna with a hoof attack gains the trample universal creature ability (DC = 10 + poor save modifier). While riding the megafauna, you may attempt a DC 15 Survival check as a full action to have it trample while you ride atop it.; Trip (Ex) An Izalraan megafauna with a claw attack may immediately attempt a combat maneuver to trip its target when it inflicts claw damage. The claw attack also gains the knockdown critical hit effect.

Nuclear Tools (Slotless Boon; Limited-Use):

You can purchase the staff of nuclear vengeance on this character once.
The staff of nuclear vengeance is an 8th-level hybrid item of 1 bulk, and it costs 10,500 credits. It resembles an autoclaw fixed to the end of a long rod, with the claw gripping a small chunk of glowing nuclear material encased in an invisible forcefield. It can be used as either a melee weapon or a small arm. As a basic two handed melee weapon, the staff deals 2d6 bludgeoning and fire damage with the irradiate critical hit effect (Starfinder Armory 31) and has the special properties block (Starfinder Core Rulebook 181) and radioactive weapon (Starfinder Armory 30). When the staff is used as a small arm, it has a range increment of 60 feet, and a single shot consumes two charges from its 40-charge capacity and deals 2d4 fire damage with the irradiate critical hit effect and the radioactive weapon special property. Switching the staff from melee functionality to ranged functionality (and vice versa) is a swift action. Additionally, the staff may be loaded with a small piece of specially-crafted radioactive material costing 2,500 credits; the wielder may consume this resource as a standard action to cast irradiate as though using a spell gem, using his character level as his mystic level, even if he isn’t a spellcaster. If you are an izalguun with 11 ranks in Engineering, you can spend 16,500 UPBs to upgrade the weapon to a Level 11 item, doubling both of its base damage dice (2d6 to 4d6 melee, 2d4 to 4d4 small arm). If you are not an izalguun, you may perform the same upgrade by spending 3 Fame to work with an izalguun Starfinder.

One-Time Stipend (Slotless Boon; Limited-Use):

You helped the Society make a large sum of credits with various corporations, and the Society shared the received payments. You must immediately use this boon when you earn it. You gain a number of credits depending on the subtier that you earned credit for this scenario with. Record these on your character sheet, and cross this boon off this Chronicle sheet.
The value of extra credits earned is as follows:
Subtier 3–4: 310 credits.
Subtier 5–6: 830 credits.

Purchasing Power (Social Boon; Limited-Use):

You can slot this boon during an adventure to gain a 15% discount when purchasing any grenades listed in the Starfinder Core Rulebook or any mark of serum of healing. At the end of an adventure or prior to the start of an adventure, you can—without needing to slot this boon—check one of the following boxes. When you check a box, you can immediately purchase a grenade from the Starfinder Core Rulebook with an item level of 8 or less, or any mark of serum of healing, at 50% of the item’s value.
If you earn the Improved Purchasing Power boon, you gain an additional set of check boxes to use on this boon.

Drift Maven (Starship Boon):

Your experience with Drift travel grants you an edge when operating a starship on that plane. While in the Drift, you gain the following benefit based on your starship role.
Captain: After starships are placed on the map at the start of a starship combat, you can immediately move your starship 1d4+1 hexes and choose your facing before the encounter begins.
Engineer: When you use the divert action to send power to the starship’s engines, you increase the speed by 1d2+2 that round.
Gunner: Increase the range of weapons you fire by 2 hexes.
Pilot: You gain a +2 bonus to Piloting checks to perform the back off, barrel roll, flip and burn, flyby, and slide stunts.
Science Officer: In any round in which you use the target systems action, any gunnery check that scores a critical hit deals additional damage equal to twice the number of ranks you have in the Computers skill.

Triunite Technotheurgy (Slotless Boon; Limited Use):

You have performed a service for the church of Triune, and the faithful are willing to return the favor at a future date. When you would spend one or more Fame when using the Basic Purchasing Plan boon (Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide 27), you can cross out this boon to gain one of the following benefits: decrease the Fame cost by 25% (rounded up, maximum discount 3 Fame) or increase the spell’s caster level by 3. If you are treated as a construct—such as by being an android—instead decrease the Fame cost by 50% (rounded up, maximum discount 5 Fame) or increase the spell’s caster level by 5.