JulietTheCooliet's page

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Guntermench wrote:

Either way someone's going to be upset. Either arms are limited, or you're punished for not wanting them.

I prefer them being useful, but not so useful they become basically mandatory.

I mean, insofar as wings/jetpacks are "Mandatory" I think the most gamebreaking exploits that have been brought up here can be specifically worded against, but I personally see no issue with something like a character using a rifle and a 2 handed melee option, that's always been an inherent part of the power fantasy, dating back to the start of SF1e

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Okay, Having read through this stuff, I'd like to note, that if we had multi armed ancestries with fully usable arms, we would probably get arm augmentations, which would simply increase the power budget of SF2e from PF2e, something that we have already seen with things like flight. The fact of the matter is that we can just use the Syndrome approach of "When everyone's super, no one will be"

I would say that performance has actually gotten a lot of attention (In the way of feats) in the playtest to the point that its actually a very useful skill, although looking at pf2e performance I can understand the "just make it a lore" sentiment.

Is the playtest PDF supposed to only be the first 15 pages of the book or am I doing something wrong?