Serpentfolk Wizard

Julian Tannic's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


How are you casting possession at level 6? ^_^

Thankee kindly Luthorne! :D

Is it possible to get a little more info on how the Twinned Summoner works? I see twinned listed as an eidolon subtype but no archetype for it listed in the earlier spoiler. And if the eidolon looks like you how do evolutions interact with it? ^_^

Did this get delayed? I noticed that subscription now has Heroes of the First World listed as next product and seems to have skipped over this one. (In my sub list at least)

Is there anything along the line of monster 'mimicry' or additional wild-shape / transformation material in this one? :)

David knott 242 wrote:

Outer Channeler: Channels a specific subtype of outsider (as Unchained Summoner subtype), gaining special powers based on that subtype.

Totem Spiritualist: Spiritualist from Sarkoris who gains phantom animal (more like animal companion than eidolon).

Phantom Blade: Phantom takes form of sentient weapon (similar to Black Blade Magus).

Does the Outer Channeler use the normal spirits of the medium and then modify them with extra abilities from the Outsiders (like the Uda Wendo gets extra abilities) or do they function as an alternate list of spirits? ^_^