
Jubal Breakbottle's page

Organized Play Member. 1,988 posts (18,629 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 66 aliases.


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Glad the wife is doing well. Sorry. Missed that news earlier

Woot. Major Sarigar incoming

I love Super Tumbler games. Initial thought is my favorite Alien Legionaire from way back: Sarigar

Alien Legion!

I’d love to play in your game, but I cannot do Pathfinder 1e anymore. And that seems where you’re headed. I would prefer 5e and the Academy setting seems fun.


OK I'm going to stake out a Zemyati Heavy. Need to build and think about the role.


I'm interested, because Tareth is running. Thought I had created a character before, but I was wrong. Completely new to this.

I've reviewed the playbooks and could play any of them besides one, so I'm easy. The roles look like work, so I need to think about those harder.

I'll post a character this weekend picking a playbook someone hasn't chosen.


Too bad Cayde distrusts the Magi. The magi are the freedom-loving faction chafing at the laws and expectations of others. There are non-magic users in the faction and many who don't even worship only their divine patron. So, I would see Cayde fitting in there more than the two others.


Do I read that correctly that the Arcana Domain would get an extra cantrip of Prestidigitation? So this character would have 10 cantrips! Huzzah!


Just realized Arcana Domain is in SCAG. Any issues with taking it?

Ok. I think I’m landing on a Clizard Diviner from the magi faction. Will build and post this weekend. Cheers

@Talomyr I found this Guide about Cynidgaz on the net, if it helps.


I was leaning toward an Arcana Cleric, but I’ll look at Talomyr’s menu of wizard improvements.

Also Talomyr. Would you please provide some context for the newbies on appropriate backgrounds? Not much just a thumbnail would be great.


Human or Variant Human base with the 120 ft Darkvision?

Level 1? I should have something together tonight.

Where do you have your updated archetypes to match Tasha's posted?


Hello! Heard you were looking for meat. What roles do you need filled?


Dotting for interest. I’m a long time player since the red box. After the recent uncertainties, my PBP and RL games have started to look at PF2e. I switched to 5e and have enjoyed the simplicities. But now have started to exhaust character possibilities. Looking for a good game to explore. Cheers

Here's a site to benchmark building a character. And lots of examples of characters, but some links are dead.



Can Max open a 4th portal to the Netherworld to Serena?

If it’s a plot thing can describe that it fizzes. Or is maximum is 3 portals?


So Mariner is a hybrid of Storm and Aquaman without the fish-talking from a power set point of view.

Then I was thinking that Atlantis could be an underwater refuge of mutants. Instead of Morlocks in the sewers, these recluse mutants would be called Atlanteans. Storm has that relationship with the Morlocks, and Aquaman obviously has the connection with Atlantis.

Need to understand what their relationship is with Sinister. He’s either the sponsor, or it’s where his rejects of experiments escape to. Maybe Tony Stark is a sponsor allowing him to isolate the mutant population and potentially study them. Just spitballing here.


Reckless wrote:
Right up there with Nexus and Grimjack in my book.

Hmm. Hope that's good.

Wow. I just read your timeline, very hybrid and cool. Should easy to craft a backstory into the timeline. Obviously, Atlantis per se cannot exist, so some aquatic mutant it is.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

How about an Atlantean?

I was thinking about an Aquaman weather controller. Something like Fathom from Willingham’s Elementals if you know it.

Ability Scores:
1: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 4) = 12
2: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 5) = 17
3: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 4) = 12
4: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 2) = 19
5: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 3) = 11
6: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 1) = 13
reroll 1: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10
reroll 2: 1d6 ⇒ 4
reroll 3: 1d6 ⇒ 3
reroll 4: 1d6 ⇒ 4
reroll 5: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4
reroll 6: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

14, 16, 11, 17, 10, 14

Beast Barbarian inbound.


Potential player:
I've been addicted to D&D since the red box. PlayingBP on Paizo for awhile; you can check my post count. I didn't make the switch to PF2e and instead have really enjoyed 5e for its simplicity. There's a small community of 5e players here on Paizo, so I also started gaming on Myth Weavers.

With the recent D&D stupidities, some of my myth weavers games and my weekly table top game have started to switch to PF2e. Such that, I just started playing in an Extinction Curse PBP. Haven't had a combat yet.

I've always enjoyed Kingmaker and played it a few times. Once pretty deep into the First World, although it was many years ago, so my memories are spotty. After the games, I remember the GMs complaining/opining that the AP story, that the player-characters actually cannot see, is so rich of backstory and First World. The story was exciting for them, but playing the AP the PCs don't get to discover most of it. I'm hoping your reflavoring puts that backstory on center stage, so the PCs can actually discover this great AP story.

Potential character:
To paraphrase Loki in Ragnorak, I find that your current applications are in desperate need of leadership. Ha ha. In Kingmaker, you need a face, so I was thinking of a Half-elf Bard Noble (Medvyed) for the Charisma. For the connection to the Fey, I was going to make the Muse a fey, but haven't anything nailed down yet.

This is only my second PF2e and am quite overwhelmed with all the choices. Simplicity was why I switched to 5e, and I miss it in PF2e. The character doesn't feel very OP, and frankly I'm concerned he'll be under-powered compared to the party. While I greatly enjoy RP, I also enjoy my PCs pulling their weight in combats.

In that vein, I've absolutely no idea about the free feat and would love any feedback on the mechanics of character-building.

Backstory, personality and motivations:
The PC would be descended from a human Medvyed father, so he would be motivated to earn the respect of his family by creating another province for the family. Even though his father would not be pushing any need to prove himself, his cousins and extended family would never respect or accept the bastard in the family without accomplishing something more than them, like carving out a new border kingdom.

He was raised by his elven mother in the Gronzi forest with regular connections with the fey world. Maybe his fairy godmother becomes his muse tutoring him occultism and performance which the fey appreciate. So, the fairy godmother would have placed him in the secret charter of the fey.

HIs primary motivation would be a deep need to prove himself. He would appreciate the importance of allies, because there are always rivals. He would seek consensus, but there is usually a need for timely decision-making during times of peril, not deciding can be deadly, so he would step into that mantle.

I'm thinking he is more Neutral but would swing Good if the party around him is more good. Neutral is more the way of Nature and the fey.

Please let me know if you need more to consider my application. Thanks

Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your friends and family! Wish you all the best health and happiness!

I've the next couple of weeks for staycation, so I'm ready to post at any rate, but don't want to leave people behind.

Spend your 200 gp, RP, I'll progress when you all post arriving at the docks the next morning. Enjoy and cheers!

@Blacklock Not again! Sorry. Death saves!

GM - Obermind wrote:

Agreed. As prep work for DMing, I had been trying for a long time to find a 5e game in the forums (and not only the Paizo ones), to participate in as a player. Didn't have much luck though.

I moved over to Myth Weavers last year to supplement my PBP craving when working from home became a big thing. I estimate MW has 3-5x the number of 5e PBP games than Paizo. Unfortunately, most of them have much slower posting rates than Paizo, i.e. daily post games are rare, rather than the norm. The pool of 5e GMs and players is probably much bigger on MW, but much less fanatical (daily posting) about PBP on average.

FWIW I've continued to tinker and elaborate my candidate (Buri)'s backstory on his profile. You've most of the 5e fanatics applying to your game here, so buckle up, because they can drive/write much of the fantasy from their side of the table. And their stories are amazing!


I don’t remember Max releasing the stone. He showed it to him. But threatened the Under King with another attack by the Hellqueen if he kept it.

Hi GM Infinity! I've played the AP, but frankly have forgotten much of it. And your games are awesome, so I would love to join your game.

My candidate is Mal, a Lightfoot halfling Rogue going to become a Shadow Sorcerer at 2nd level.

Malaric grew up in the mean streets of Baldur's Gate. Since Mal was one of many in a litter of a pair of halfling servants, he was often overlooked and neglected. He learned his skills of a scoundrel from his older siblings.

Several years ago, he was caught in the act of burglary by a recluse book-seller who turned out to be a priest of Shar. The priest captured him and eventually convinced Mal in the power of Shar. He became an apprentice of the priest. At second level, he will become a Shadow Sorcerer when his learnings of Shar become effective.

"Mal" Malaric
Halfling (lightfoot) Rogue 1 / Sorcerer X NE

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft

Str 8 (-1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Wis 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)

Shortsword (P) +5, 1d6+3
Dagger (P: 20/60 ft) +5, 1d4+3

Ability Scores: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8

Halfling (Lightfoot)
Ability Scores: Dex +2; Cha +1
Size: Small
Speed: 25 ft.
Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Halfling. The Halfling language isn't secret, but halflings are loath to share it with others. They write very little, so they don't have a rich body of literature. Their oral tradition, however, is very strong. Almost all halflings speak Common to converse with the people in whose lands they dwell or through which they are traveling.
Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.

Baldur's Gate Sage
Skill Proficiencies. Arcana, History
Languages. Two of your choice (Infernal & Undercommon)
Equipment. A bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Researcher. When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.
Baldur's Gate Feature: Rumor Monger. The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate. Via your personal rumor mill and articles published in Baldur's Mouth, you can surmise a great deal about Baldurians' secrets—who's practicing necromancy, who's involved in spying or smuggling, who would purchase or craft dangerous magical wares without batting an eyelash. Whenever a noteworthy crime or mysterious happening occurs in the city, you immediately have a list of 1d4 suspects who, if they aren't involved, have a strong chance of knowing who is.

Rogue Proficiencies
Armor: light armor
Weapons: simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools: thieves' tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose 4 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.

Expertise. At 1st level, choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with thieves' tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. (Deception & Perception)

Sneak Attack. Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe's distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Thieves' Cant. During your rogue training you learned thieves' cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves' cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly. In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves' guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.

Whew. That sucked. I'm finally back

Whew. That sucked. Got locked out of my account for a couple days


OK Final answer. I'm going for fun and hilarity.

Winterfolk Halfling Barbarian Dancing Bear Guide

Build should be up by the end of today


What do you think about a Ghoul Imperium deserter?

Well, sorry, team. I blew up my build, and now I'm shopping for a new concept. It looked good on the drawing board but didn't work out.


OK. I'm zeroing into a Human Light Cleric of Khors Exile of the Black City. So, he would be divine and a secondary face and thieves' tools.

Obviously, suggestions welcome.

Build in WIP


I've overwhelmed with great choices at the minute, so filling the last role would actually help me.

Montreal GMT-5

Supreme Being wrote:
The first adventure is kind of an urban / underground adventure.

Hmm. I think my centaur itch will remain unscratched.

There are so many cool Midgard races, archetypes and backgrounds.


Hey guys!

I want to play a centaur of some kind. Still brainstorming the rest.


Heh heh.

I was also thinking about taking Mold Earth to make dirt and stone paths more centaur friendly at will to facilitate adventuring. Game mechanically, it converts difficult terrain to normal terrain and vice versa, for 1 hour. So, the assumption is that dirt and stone paths might be difficult terrain for centaurs but not necessarily difficult terrain for bipeds.

What do you think about that?


Hey SCranford

Midgard has centaurs, too. I really didn't get to scratch that centaur itch. Can you review the Centaur rules on pp 12-13 of the Midgard Heroes Handbook (MHH) to see if you're good with me playing another one.

Please also review the Weapon Options rules for the Pike on pg 48 of MHH, because the centaur traits involves Pikes. I'd like to play those weapon options, too.

I want to get on the same page, so I've time to create another character.


Hey. Two things:

1. I played in a very cool Hellknight PbP campaign here that I've linked for reference. Recruitment was actually the initiation to defeat a Bearded Devil in single combat. Some submissions didn't make it.

2. Before I vote (and potentially muck up your results), would you run this game in Pathfinder or 5e? I've unsuccessfully attempted Pathfinder after switching to 5e. Now, the complexity of Pathfinder blows my mind right now, and not in a good way.


Sorry folks. Spent hours yesterday on an Investigator. Almost crashed my computer with all of the files and websites opened. I'm finding Pathfinder way too complicated to build an enjoyable character. Now that I've gone 5e, it's really hard to return. My problem.

Enjoy the Birthright.

Elton, please PM me if you ever get to 5e Birthright.


Any hope of changing this game to 5e instead of pathfinder? My 2 games that just died were 5e, so it may generate more interest to fill the table. Character creation and game mechanics are so much simpler. And the birthright stuff should just sit on top like they do pathfinder.

Otherwise I suppose I’ll work on an investigator to drive the devious.


2 of my games just died. So I’ve time for another. Long time Birthright lover. Need to get up to speed on character creation.


@GM. Yes, the effect descriptors are working titles from a certain RPG, for my small mind to remember. If the character gets all the way, they would get the Dr. Strange (Stan Lee) flourish.

Totally missed the download. Need to make some adjustments.

I'm not experienced in these game mechanics, so please question everything about my builds and actions. Here's the edition that I'm using for Create.

Continuous or Permanent Create with this modifier makes objects that cannot be nullified, they’re essentially “real” objects for all intents and purposes (although the user can “unmake” them at will unless the effect is also permanent). Flat +1 point.


@GM I've got the 3rd ed. of Freedom City and cannot find your Apprentice Master that you cite above. Please elaborate where this is published. Thanks

Maxwell Augarin Athersmith was born the only child of David and Mary Athersmith in 1991. The couple worked as caretakers to one of the properties of Master Mage, Adrian Eldritch. In fact, their families had been employees of Master Mages for generations. Their property was an ancient priory that housed a portion of the archives of the Master Mages. Where in the United Kingdom or Ireland is this priory?

Max grew up surrounded by magic referring to the Master Mage as Uncle Adrian. The lullaby his parents sang to him as a baby was an enchantment that let him understand any languages, so he began to understand, learn, and read at an early age. His only innate power is a highly developed sense of magic. However, he has taken to spell-casting, like a duck to water.

When he was eight years old, tragedy struck. An enemy of the Master Mage discovered the library. His parents sacrificed their lives to secure Max in a safe room. Although the Master Mage eventually arrived and prevailed, Max became an orphan that day. Who was the villain? An older, childless couple of distant relatives, the Morels, arrived to take care of the priory and Max. They were nice, but they were not his parents. He escaped into the arcane library reading everything. The only certainty that the Morels found to pry him away from the ancient tomes was a visit from Uncle Adrian.

That was until 2008, when Uncle Adrian arrived with a new apprentice, Serena Vervain. She became the sun in Max’s solar system. She was beautiful and knew more about magic than Max did. When she would visit the library on her own, Max would fail to not follow her around like a puppy dog and try not to trip over himself. When he heard that she went to the Claremont Academy in Freedom City, that is where he wanted to go, too. So, Uncle Adrian enrolled him starting in the autumn of 2009.

In 2013, Max is finishing his last year at Claremont Academy working on his honors thesis on an esoteric magical theory about the transmutation of material being translocation of material across parallel dimensions. He is known as the most knowledgeable mage in the academy and a constant resident of the library. While not anti-social, he does not have many close friends. And those close friends share his interest and occupation of the library. His Motivation at this time would be, recognition: the Young Mage wants to be recognized as a competent and effective practitioner of magic.

Seven years later with the death of Adrian Eldritch and disappearance of Seven, Max becomes one of the most knowledgeable heroes about magic on Earth-Prime. His highly theoretical use of magic would be tested many times over the years in life or death situations. He would lose battles and friends and becomes battle-hardened. His Motivation at this time becomes, responsibility: with great knowledge comes great responsibility.

Power Level: 8
Power Points: 112
* Abilities: 40
* Powers: 44
* Advantages: 3
* Skills: 14
* Defense: 11

Initiative +2
• Magic Missiles +8, Ranged, Damage 8
• Telekinesis +8, Move Object 8 (disarm, grab, and trip)
• Hold Person +8, Ranged, Affliction 8 (Will; Stunned, Extra Condition, Limited Degree)
• Unarmed +0, Close, Damage 1

DEFENSES – 11 points
Fortitude 6 (2) – 0 points
Will 10 – 5 points
Dodge 4 – 2 points
Parry 4 – 4 points
Toughness 12 (2) – 0 points

ABILITIES – 40 points
Strength 1
Stamina 2
Agility 2
Dexterity 3
Fighting 0
Awareness 5
Intellect 5
Presence 2

POWERS – 44 points
Sense Magic: Senses 4 (Magical Awareness, Acute, Analytical) – 4 points
Magic Comprehension: Comprehend 4 (all languages, read, write, speak & understand), Concentration, Activation (standard action) – 2 points
Magic Shield: Protection 10, Fortitude 4, Sustained – 14 point
Magic: Missiles: Ranged, Damage 8 (16) – 16 points
AE. Create Wall: Create 5 (30 cft), Continuous, Stationary, Innate (16) – 1 point
AE. Dispel Magic: Nullify 8 (Magic, Concentrate) (16) – 1 point
AE. Hold Person: Ranged, Affliction 8 (Will; Stunned, Extra Condition, Limited Degree (16) – 1 point
AE. Invisibility: Concealment 5 (All visual, normal hearing), Affects Others, Precise (16) – 1 point
AE. Telekinesis: Move Object 8 (6 tons) (16) – 1 point
AE. Teleport: Teleport 2 (8 km), Accurate, Easy, Limited to Extended, Portal, Change Direction & Velocity (14) – 1 point
AE. Transmutation: Transform 3 (Transform any 3 kg. of material into anything else), (15) – 1 point
AE. Scry: Remote Sensing 7 (1.25 km, visual, hearing), Concentration, Subtle 2 (16) – 1 point

ADVANTAGES – 3 points
Fearless, Ritualist, Trance

SKILLS – 14 points
Expertise: Current Events 1 (+6)
Expertise: History 1 (+6)
Expertise: Magic 10 (+15)
Expertise: Popular Culture 1 (+6)
Investigation 5 (+10)
Perception 5 (+10)
Ranged Combat: Magic 5 (+8)

Hi. Can't stay away for a superhero game based on magic. I'm not very experienced in M&M 3rd, so any suggestions for the Crunch is welcome.

Still waiting for answers from GM about setting and linking to major NPC. Haven't decided if he was an apprentice, minor rival, colleague or personality from Constantine to Dr. Strange, and that's a big range.


Power Level: 8
Power Points: 112
* Abilities: 42
* Powers: 42
* Advantages: 3
* Skills: 14
* Defense: 11

Initiative +2
Magic Missiles +8, Ranged, Damage 8
Telekinesis +8, Move Object 8 (disarm, grab, and trip)
Hold Person +8, Ranged, Affliction 8 (Will; Stunned, Extra Condition, Limited Degree)
Unarmed +0, Close, Damage 1

DEFENSES – 11 points
Fortitude 6 (2) – 0 points
Will 10 – 5 points
Dodge 4 – 2 points
Parry 4 – 4 points
Toughness 12 (2) – 0 points

ABILITIES – 42 points
Strength 1
Stamina 2
Agility 2
Dexterity 3
Fighting 0
Awareness 5
Intellect 5
Presence 3

POWERS – 42 points
Magic Sense: Senses 4 (Magical Awareness, Acute, Analytical) – 4 points
Magic Shield: Protection 10, Fortitude 4, Sustained – 14 point
Magic: Missiles: Ranged, Damage 8 (16) – 16 points
AE. Dispel Magic: Nullify 8 (Magic, Concentrate) – 1 point
AE. Hold Person: Ranged, Affliction 8 (Will; Stunned, Extra Condition, Limited Degree (16) – 1 point
AE. Invisibility: Concealment 5 (All visual, normal hearing), Affects Others, Precise (16) – 1 point
AE. Create Wall: Create 5 (30 cft), Continuous, Stationary, Innate (16) – 1 point
AE. Telekinesis: Move Object 8 (16) – 1 point
AE. Teleport: Teleport 2, Accurate, Easy, Limited to Extended, Portal, Change Direction & Velocity (14) – 1 point
AE. Transform: Transform 3 (Transform any 3 kg. of material into anything else), (15) – 1 point
AE. Scry: Remote Sensing 7 (visual, hearing), Concentration, Subtle 2 – 1 point

ADVANTAGES – 3 point
Fearless, Ritualist, Trance

SKILLS – 14 points
Expertise: Magic 13 (+18)
Investigation 5 (+10)
Perception 5 (+10)
Ranged Combat: Magic 5 (+8)

Can't. Stay. Away.

I don't see a straight up mage proposed yet, ala Dr. Strange, Zantana, Constantine. Would an apprentice of Adrian Eldritch work? Or should the mage have some distance from then main NPC? Besides standard magic powers, maybe a gizmo or two, and Sense Magic ability.

Where is the team based? Back in the day, we used to name the campaigns by the city base. Even had a Crisis of Infinite Campaigns when campaigns started adventuring outside their usual territories.


Played a ton of Champions in college. Fond memories of mystical background characters. Looks like you've a full crew of interested, great players. Don't know if I've the bandwidth for another game, but would like to lurk and read the comic, if you don't mind.


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