Jovinus Corinne grew up as the child of magically gifted scribes, Gilrith and Yvonne Corrine. Gilrith & Yvonne, both trained at the Academy, where they met and fell in love. Both were very talented wizards and accompanied several adventuring parties after their graduation. After Jovinus was born however; they longed for a quieter and less adventurous life. They retired from adventuring and started a bookeeping and transcription business. Both were very talented and their abilities and discretion were sought after by the local nobility as well as most of the major businesses. Business flourished and they were able to pay for a better education for Jovinus, whom they groomed to take over the business. Unfortunately for Gilrith and Yvonne, Jovinus desired everything her parents had given up- adventure. In fact Jovinus enjoyed the physical exertion of adventuring as much as the intellectual pursuit of the arcane. Instead of focusing solely on the arcane, Jovinus melded her magic with melee and became an adept Staff Magus.
Yearning to pursue her dreams of being a famous adventurer, Jovinus has run away from home and her responsibilities to the family business in search of adventure. Upon her arrival in southern Brevoy she learns of a charter to tame the Green belt and immediately sets about getting an invitation.
Jovinus is a straight talking head first kind of girl. Unfortunately this sometimes gets her in trouble. Not known for her tact, Jovinus has a tendency to blurt out the first thought that comes to her mind when dealing with strangers. A "Good morning to you" followed by "why did you wear that? It makes you look fat!" is a common occurrence for Jovinus. Of course she is just as free with her compliments, although everyone seems to forget those. While her parents are upset she has gone missing, none of the neighbors will miss Jovinus or her sharp tongue.