Spell Sovereign

JoshBussell's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Grand Lodge

Sorry to clutter the forum with this, but it's my first time trying to write much of a back-story in concrete. I know it's short, but... Just tell me what you think, please?

Kyras Bastion
Level 1 Rogue
Pathfinder Society # 96208

Born in the Puddles District and orphoned young, Kyras learned how to take care of himself the hard-way, out on the streets. Running with several wanna-be street gangs of other wild children he learned burglery, con-jobs, lock-picking, as well as other ways to support himself financially. He became skilled at a number of these "odd-jobs", but one became his vice, gambling. Therefore, when the earth-quake hit a decade ago, it only seemed natural for him to move to the Foreign Quarter. When he's not placing bets at the Irorium Arena, he can almost always be found at the Crimson Coin tavern. That is, unless of course he is adventuring for the Grand Lodge for funds to pay for another days betting.

Deep blue eyes and jet black hair he's a young, handsome man of simple tastes. He'd sooner drink and gamble at the Crimson Coin as attend an Opera at the Ivy Playhouse. 5'10 and 105 lbs. he looks lean and limber, like an acrobat. Don't look to him as a man of culture, but his skill with locks and traps can make up for some of his rougher qualities.

Fun loving and friendly. He wouldn't hurt a fly if unprovoked, though he might lift it's coin-purse.

Gambling Addict.