Jose Angel Fernandez 780's page

4 posts. Alias of Jose 2603.

Liberty's Edge

Hello All,

please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes. Having been born (and living) in Germany english is not my native language.

I checked the Rules Questions and found already something regarding replacing a Divine Focus with a newly crafted (wooden) symbol. But didn't found a thread that answered my question. If I did overlook, please send me the link to it?

Anyways... Well, I hope I got this right.

After having lost (in whatever manner) my holy symbol:

No spells with the component DF work
No Channeling of positive energy works as this requires to present the holy symbol
No Feats with the Channel component like: Alignement Channel, Channel Smite, and, of course Improved Channel work, since Channeling itself doesn't work

Class abilities like Lay on Hands, Mercies, Detect Evil and Smite Evil and so on still work without the holy symbol? (Well, maybe unless his god is soooo displeased with his Paladin for loosing his symbol that he rewokes the Paladin's powers for a while?)

Well, the final decission is of course my Gamemaster's ruling, but I would like to give him the right tools so he can make the right ruling ;-)

Okay, guess that's it right now.
Hope you can help me out!
