Galguth Shund

Jorge Caffé's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
Post your 2011 gaming resolutions here, and don't get mad if some of us steal some really good ones.

To finish The Second Darkness AP, to finish my homebrew campaign, start Curse of Crinsom Throne and play Dawn of defiance star wars campaign!!!!!

yoda8myhead wrote:
Jorge Caffé wrote:
Hi, I've subscribed the AP this month, but im my cart appears that I will recieve the november volume. But I would like to recieve the current voloume, #26. What's going on? How can I solve this situation?
Just select to have your subscription start on the current volume (26) instead of the next volume (27). When starting any subscription you have the ability to select which volume you'd like to start with.

Yes, that what should happens, but it doesn't. When I made it, it appears only one option, which is the #27. I'm trying to contact the costumer service but so far I've got no answer. I've already ordered the 25# separeted, so I can get this adventure path complete.

Hi, I've subscribed the AP this month, but im my cart appears that I will recieve the november volume. But I would like to recieve the current voloume, #26. What's going on? How can I solve this situation?

Hi, I started a new AP subscription this month, but it shows that mys firt volume will be the #3 (AP 27) only release in November. Is it possible to start with the 26th volume?

Hello, I'm interested in doing the subscription,but I wat the first volume of "The council of thieves" but when I selected it, appears the volume II. How can I get my Subscription from the first volume?

Hi there!
I'm a subscriber, and I'm havin' problems to download my free Core rulebook free pdf! How can I proceed?