Sleepless Detective

Jonah Torrson's page

413 posts. Alias of Tareth.

Full Name

Jonah Torrson


Stress: 5/9 | Harm: Level 1 (Healing Cuts);

About Jonah Torrson

Name: Jonah Torrson
Class: Whisper
Heritage: Skovlander
Background: Military
Vice: Obligation: Protect the ghost of his sister and keep her from deteriorating into a monster. Utterly break those who caused her death.
Alias: Boneshaper
Look: A thin, haunted man with salt and pepper hair, well groomed mustache and goatee in the old Skovlander style. His dark brown eyes are crinkled at the edges and his hands are marked by dozens of tiny scars.

Stress: 5/9
Trauma: 0/4
Harm: Level 1 (Healing Cuts);
Healing: 3/4


Insight: 3 0/6 XP
Hunt: 0
Study: 1
Survey: 1
Tinker: 2

Prowess: 2 0/6 XP
Finesse: 1
Prowl: 1
Skirmish: 0
Wreck: 0

Resolve: 2 0/6 XP
Attune: 3
Command: 0
Consort: 0
Sway: 1


Compel: You can Attune to the ghost field to force a nearby ghost to appear before you and obey an order you give it. You are not supernaturally terrified by a ghost you summon or attempt to compel (though your allies may be).

Strange Methods: When you invent or craft a creation with arcane features, take +1 result level to your roll. You begin with one arcane design already known. Known Designs: Deck of Obscurement.


Friend: Nyryx, A prostitute who knew Nataliya, but doesn’t know about her ghost. Has fallen for Johan while helping him figure out ways to get revenge on the Silver Nails.
Enemy: Quellyn, A spirit trafficker who has heard rumors about Johan harboring a ghost.


Crew Bonus: +2 for all loads
Light (3)

Normal (5)

Heavy (6)

Armor - Heavy
Armor - Special

Special Items

Keep Naty From Going Feral: 6/6
Jonah has now heard rumours of a faction calld "The Reconciled" - an association of spirits who have *not* gone feral with the passage of time. The Reconciled seem to have links with The Path of Echoes, a mystery cult. Lord Penderyn runs the Archive of Echoes in Charterhall District, maybe he would be worht more investigating? I leave to you what form that takes and whether you want to run a score there or do investigating during Downtime.

Investigating Lord Penderyn and the Path of Echoes cult: ?/?


* Fourth son of a poor Skovlander mushroom farmer.
* Closest to his younger sister Nataliya, Naty.
* Served as an infiltrator and saboteur for the Queen’s 5th Regiment (“Shadow Stalkers”) during the war.
* Caught in an explosion when a makeshift alchemical bomb detonated prematurely.
* Returned home to find his family displaced and his sister taken away to serve as a ‘hospitality girl’ for the Imperial mercenary unit calling itself the Silver Nails.
* Followed the mercenaries to Doskval and discovers where Mags is being housed. He sets up a rescue only to have his plans fall apart when she takes her own life while waiting for her ‘minder,’ the pompous, brutal, and arrogant Capitan Aldo Brogan’s regular visit.
* After managing to whisk away her body and escape the warden’s he hides Nataliya’s ghost and works to get revenge on the Nails while also earning enough to survive and try to find a way to keep his sister’s ghost from sinking into darkness and becoming a life hating monster. Revenge doesn’t necessarily mean death. Jaire wants to ruin each and everyone of them. Wants them to suffer loss and pain equal to what he feels over the loss of his sister.
* Currently lives in an abandoned rail car in the Old Rail Yard in Coalridge.


Coin: 2
Stash: 1