
Jon Irons's page

6 posts. Alias of Farrier.

Discussion is up! Please use this thread for any in-depth OOC conversation or campaign questions.

The iron gray clouds overhead blot out the sunlight, drizzling rain and promising a furious storm to come. The citizens of Trunau begin spilling out of their huts and cottages, grim-faced as they prepare for the ceremony to come. The giving of the knives is a sombre affair; a celebration of the promise of youth in stark contrast with the dismal reality of life in the Holds of Belkzen.

Any Human, Halfling, Half-orc or Half-elf characters:

Whether you have recently turned twelve or your birthday is in the coming days, you have been looking forward to this day for months. The ceremony marks your acceptance as a citizen of Trunau, with all of the rights and responsibilities that go with that title. Anxiously you stand, in line with a half-dozen or so of your peers as you await the master of ceremonies. Most of the children present are lifelong friends of yours, raised in the holds and hardened by life on the savage orcish frontier. Unfortunately, the ceremony is a reminder that many of you will not make it to adulthood.

Any other characters:

You head out into the centre of town, spying the nervous children who await the arrival of Halgra of the Blackened Blades, the Chief Defender of Trunau. Every few months the town gathers for the giving of the knives, and you are familiar with the proceedings which are to come.

Halgra of the Blackened Blades arrives, and in her hand she holds a number of leather belts. Each is attached to a sheath holding a hopeknife, a symbol of final defiance in the face of the orcs which have claimed the surrounding lands. In silence, she strides down the line handing one to each child present along with a lump of black coal. She then heads toward the front of the line, facing the children with a grimace.

I know there isn’t much of a hook for your characters to reply to this with an action, so could every make their initial post a summation of what they are thinking/feeling right now. This is a rare chance for some internal dialogue which will help everyone get a feel for the other members of the group. Welcome to Belkzen!

So I’m going to fully disclose that I’m very, very new to PBP. In fact, I haven’t even been involved in a game yet. I am currently participating in a few recruitment threads, and this has led me to understand that there is a huge disparity between the amount of potential players vs. GMs. That’s what brings us here; I’m looking to take a few players on a run through an adventure module to give back to the community and add some credibility to my profile. Everybody wins!
Having said that, I’ve decided to go with a reskinning of the 1st level module Master of the Fallen Fortress. It’s short, sweet, and if we all have fun I have some ideas to further the campaign. I’m looking for 4-6 applicants.

Character Creation:

Stat Generation: Roll two sets, (4d6, best 3, assign in any order) and choose.
Classes: Paizo only, no 3pp or unchained
Races: Core only
Traits: 2 traits, no drawbacks or campaign traits.
Starting Wealth: Standard by class
Skills: Background skills are go!


This adventure will be set in the city of Trunau, in the Belkzen holds. Also, the adventure will start with an introductory scene set shortly after any human / half elf / half orc / halfling PC’s have celebrated their twelfth birthday. I’ll apply the child template to the chosen applicants for this scene so please just focus on making a fully rounded adult character. I’m asking for applicants of these races to only include backstory up to this age, and everyone else should bear in mind that this scene happens approximately 6 to 8 years before the actual adventure starts (don’t worry, there’ll be a timeskip where you can determine what your character has been up to since the introduction in game).

I hope I’ve included everything here; any questions feel free to ask! Being the new guy, I’m looking for people with patience; I’m a fast learner and I tell great jokes so I can guarantee that I’ll do my best to make it as fun as possible.