Son of the Spirit Mother

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Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


With only 4 hours left in the Flat Plastic Miniatures project, we're about to unlock yet another 62-piece themed pack, bringing our grand total to 13x 62-piece packs, 9x 31-piece packs, and a special pack with 12 specially sized 'Legendary Creatures', bringing the totals to well over 1000 miniatures.

The new full packs include an Objects and Scenery pack, an Animals and Familiar pack, and the Legendary Creatures upgrade was just announced.

We've got a great collaboration with Kobold Press to bring a full 62 piece pack of miniatures from the Southlands core rulebook and bestiaries to Flat Plastic Miniatures!

Here's some samples, the update with full details, their original Southlands kickstarter,

and the Flat Plastic Miniatures campaign if you're interested.

FPM Samples

We're offering an "I Want It All" bundle that includes all 310 miniatures from all 5 core packs, 80 bases, domestic shipping thrown in, and a number of 'Legendary Creatures' all for $75

Flat Plastic Miniatures

Easy to Store and Transport

Here's our first 'Legendary Creature' mini that's extra large, and is thrown into your bundle.

Blue Dragon - Our first Legendary Creature

Lastly, we're offering an additional "Bundle" of our add-ons, which includes the upcoming Objects pack, 8 horde packs, and $40 worth of additional bases (colored bases, numbered bases, flying bases, etc) for an additional $125 (Over 300 MORE minis)

Flat Plastic Miniatures ... did that work? Now I think its a link!

Slamron wrote:
I like the multiple wardrobe changes. The minis are pretty sharp, too.

Thanks! Making a video can be pretty annoying, but we did our best.

We're introducing a new type of miniature. Similar to pathfinder pawns, but printed on hard transparent plastic, with double sided art, bases included, and themed packs of 62 pieces for 1 low price.

Our funding goal was reached in ~40 hours, so it's all stretch goals from here. We've announced 3 initial themes, and the next 2 milestones will unlock 2 more, giving backers 5 packs for the price of 3!

Check out a quick image of our maps and minis

The Great Arcknight Giveaway

We’ll be giving away HUGE packs of free stuff to 3 lucky winners!

The first winner will be selected from those who attend Gateway 2014 in Los Angels this weekend and sign up for our mailing list.

The second winner will be selected from among our Facebook fans.
Arcknight on Facebook

And the third winner will be selected from among our Google+ followers.
Arcknight on Google+

Each winner will be randomly selected, so you can triple your chances by doing all 3!

Alright, now on to the prizes!

Winners will immediately receive a set of our high quality printed maps from our original kickstarter, including 58 double-sided pages of fantasy roleplaying Battlemaps, PLUS our new 8-page Map Packs for the Cobblestone Streets, The Graystone Castle and The Winding Caverns, for a grand total of over 160 maps! ($160 value)

As soon as it’s ready, you’ll also get a free copy of our upcoming miniatures pack, Flat Plastic Miniatures: The Grove, a 62-piece set of plastic tabletop miniatures that are transparent with front and back art. The Grove covers everything you’d find in a fantasy forest, from Elves and Druids to Hunters and Monsters, even a slew of exotic creatures and ‘twisted spirits’. ($20 value)

AND you’ll be automatically part of our new maps kickstarter, Arcknight Maps #2 - focused on the creation of a brand new ‘box’ of 40 new maps! This new pack will include Dwarven Halls, Dark Caverns, a set of new ships, and other surprises! ($80 value)

In total, $260 of product (+ free shipping)

*This is not an official contest and there are no official rules*

Changing Man wrote:

Intriguing. :)

Just how thick is the plastic which is to be used?

The thickness of the plastic is exactly what our current hangup is. Coated, printable, transparent plastic is normally only available in 10mils, which is fairly thin. They're acceptable, they stand up, and with a curved base to grip them they're decent. These are shown in the prototypes, but I'd like them to be thicker.

I have a 24mil transparent plastic prototype (uncoated - no printed image) that I think "feels" like the perfect mini. Its firm, flexes a bit but is strong, etc. To have a special order of plastic coated at 24mil thickness, we need to order like 300,000 sheets of plastic from the manufacturer.

So were still looking for plastic options from various sources, and it's likely we'll launch with whatever plastic options we have available, with the "ideal" plastic as a very high stretch reward.

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We're creating a line of flat plastic miniatures, similar in scope to the pathfinder cardboard pawns - they're cheaper miniatures that can supplement your normal miniatures, and even work alongside cardboard pawns, but they're printed (double sided) on clear plastic.

Here are Prototypes

Here's our sketchbook with some really cool unfinished stuff

A pinterest collection of all our completed pieces

And our patreon page if you're interested in supporting us to create new art

A kickstarter will come in time, but we need to lock on a good plastic supplier and make final prototypes that were comfortable with. In the mean time, we appreciate all the support we can get making the new art, almost all of which goes to the artist herself so she can continue working during this transition period.

We expect to release between 4 and 13 "themes" with 62 pieces each, with an entire theme pack costing $20 (domestic shipping included), with a "you get everything" pledge of $100 (which could net you upwards of 800 miniatures with stretch goal unlocks of different themes, bringing your total per piece down below $0.13 cents each, cheaper than cardboard pawns) we'll also be making unique art for every piece, with a set or two of "horde monsters" in each theme, 4-6 of the same basic type of monster (say, 6 zombies) but each being distinctly different so you can tell which monster is which at a glance.

Any and all contributions on our patreon will be credited toward the KS, plus net you extra benefits such as digital copies of the tokens asap and first-production runs of the miniatures themselves.

Gobs and gobs and gobs of hero and monster tokens, specifically useful for VTT, printing onto character sheets, or other personal products. Could also be printed as papercraft for traditional gaming...

but the bottom line is its $2 for EVERYTHING, and they're sweet. Even if it's not your style, it's less than the price of a soda at the theatre.

Check this out if you want a ton of virtual tabletop tokens for sites like roll20 and such, they're nice quality, and they're only asking $2 for the entire pack (plus stretch goals).

If you're into VTT's these are a lifesaver since most of the programs give you nothing to get started and you have to input all your own tokens.

Go to Fun Virtual Tabletop Tokens.

Thank you very much for the clarification.

Since I would be a commercial user, I assume I will not be granted a written allowance to use your PI to make the spellbook as complete as possible, but thats fine.

So, I've long since wanted to create a literal and physical "spell book", filled with all the spells to aid pathfinder players. Of course it would take a lot of time and effort to create, my own art for the cover and pages, etc. To even begin discussion about feasibility, I have to address the OGL and licensing concerns:

I've been told I can publish all the spells in the SRD under the OGL with no license whatsoever. This may not be the 'best' and most complete spellbook, but at least it's something.

So I began comparing the spells, and I have a few very nitpicky questions:

If I include only/all spells from the SRD such as 'Monster Summoning' am I allowed to addend the list of monsters that can be summoned by adding the names of commonplace things, that have been put on the monster summoning list by Paizo's version of the same spell?

Specifically, the SRD version of MS3 doesn't include "Ape" etc. Would it break the OGL license to list the OGL monster summoning 3 spell, using their full list of monsters, and then 'add' other possible monsters to that list like an "Ape" or a "Crocodile" or a "Shark" or a "Wolverine". These are all commonplace real creature names. I would never reference the stat panel of the monster or refer to it again, I simply list them as an available thing to summon.

Also, I AM interested in the process of actually acquiring a license with Paizo, so I can make this spellbook as complete and proper as possible. My original intent was to create a complete listing of all the spells from various official paizo sources, and even put the game's version on it. I think this would be the "most" useful to players. But this opens a legal issue up that I'm not all that familiar with. Whats the process and all that, who actually can give me permission to do this, what are the costs. We create all art ourselves, we have the ability to produce and ship the product ourselves, etc.

Arcknight has released new map images, a full list of all upcoming maps (44 in the initial wave), new map options including grid squares, hex, no grid, 1.5x grid, as well as Lamination options and double-sided printing with alternate B-Sides, and VTT support (digital versions of maps for Virtual Tabletops)

If you haven't heard about this map pack, check it out. Their goal is to make generic roleplaying maps for use in many other RPGs. In the last few weeks, they've completely upgraded to hand-drawn textures, replaced their trees with transparent canopies, and released over a dozen other updates.

Here is their newest map, the Highland Home:

As well as a remade original Wine Cellar map with new textures:

Here is their kickstarter: Roleplaying Maps by Arcknight

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is my story:

When I was a brand spanking new DM, I didn't know what to do. So I made the SIMPLEST campaign I could possibly imagine.

Bandits grab a townsperson and retreat to a fort.

Players, you can (just a mild suggestion) go save said person. But do WHATEVER YOU WANT.

Go. That's all I bothered doing, because I was new, and I wanted to learn 'off the cuff' gming. My players actually debated, because the rogue didn't wanna get killed, and ended up CLIMBING into a tree, and literally abandoning the party / campaign.

It was HILLARIOUS, the rest of the party went and had a hell of a time infiltrating and fighting in the fort. The rogue eventually saw fire and said "okay, at this point I'll go and see if I can help..." he was about 1/4 mile away in the tree.

At the end of the day, it was one of the best experiences in DnD I've ever had in my life. The players felt completely free, and if they "ruined my campaign" it was okay, because I was new, there was nothing to ruin since I didn't invest much into the story and was ready to adjust, and the players did the work to make it fun.

Do NOT complicate things on your first run. Don't get a module, don't make a complex story, don't give yourself more things to juggle. Just get comfortable first.

The fight doesn't sound "b+&&*$@$". I've had a few situations where I designed a scene, and when the fighting started it was a little hot and I looked at it and went .... yeah, that's kind of a misjudgment on my part (expecting it to be a little less nasty)

This is a situation where your PLAYERS caused the risk, and so they died. Great, neato, we all agree on this front.

Here's the thing I think you can learn from:

If you then pull the punches, significantly (which I do in the right situation, I'm not saying don't ease up) as happened, one player will die and the rest will live. But in this case, the IDEAL case for player(S!) to die... they didn't. Only one died and then you eased.

This begs a question - Then when SHOULD multiple players die, if NOT when one blunders in and dies on turn one, and leaves his party horribly torn? AND they want to keep fighting?

This just begged for a real fight. Think of it this way - Were the players TRYING to get run and survive and you were hunting them down like a cruel GM and killing them? Or were they STILL trying to murder their enemies... the enemies that should be murdering them?

You don't have to make yourself choose immediately between easing up and going for the wipe. You can give your PCs a turn or two to react. Make the enemies swarm and kill the companion, then regroup and square off at the party, and really make your PCs decide if they're in or out.

If anyone has any suggestions, where is the "appropriate" place to put a forum post to show people new maps like this? As you can see, they've shoved the post off into

"Gamer Talk - What do you talk about when you're not gaming?" This IS a real product, for every fantasy gamer out there, specifically enhancing Pathfinder and other fantasy games. I've used these maps for years, and they (or something like them) are a MUST HAVE.

Allow me to talk about one of the things I know a lot about; bringing a tabletop session alive with amazing maps.

First, find yourself some awesome maps. I'll shamelessly plug my own kickstarter for Roleplaying Maps by Arcknight. They are awesome, I suggest you check them out, but it could be any maps you wish.

Second, dish out the ~$16.00 for an 11x17 Art Portfolio. I've purchased and tested about 6 different types, and this one is by far the best:
Itoya IA1212 Art Portfolio (11x17)

Put your maps in your portfolio in a manner that lets you 'turn the page' to any battle scenario you wish. Clearly for best results you want 2x maps that are 11x17 and designed to fit together.

This Art Portfolio was not specifically designed to be Dry Erase, but with high quality dry erase markers you can draw all over your maps(and erase) as long as you don't leave the markings overnight.

No matter what the packaging on your markers says, test whether they erase on the corner of your Art Portfolio.

You can thank me later.

Link test :

Roleplaying Maps by Arcknight

Thank you very much! We've only been up for a day and we're nearly funded, but of course we want as many people as possible to enjoy these maps. As a GM myself, I find these types of resources critical, and I ended up creating these products because we couldn't find any to our liking.

Roleplaying Maps by Arcknight

Please check out our new kickstarter, offering a slew of amazing high-quality maps that are reversible, interchangeable, and highly polished.

These maps can be rotated and rearranged to allow dozens of layouts, and are specifically designed for typical campaigns and their needs. We think you'll be impressed.

You should check out this product on kickstarter. Custom high quality maps that are interchangeable and reversible. They can be printed in grid or hex, and look amazing. t

1 person marked this as a favorite. t

Here is a bundle of high-quality maps in grid or hex, printed on durable paper and UV coated. They are rearrangeable to create multiple layouts and look gorgeous.

Check them out, you wont be disappointed. They're great for any roleplaying system in a fantasy universe.

They can be printed in Grid or Hex format on request.