The idea is being useful in combat, hitting things with the Greatsword and calling down Judgments in the bigger fights. On top of that, I'd like to flesh out his knowledge as he levels, which are always useful for in and out of combat.
Out of combat, thanks to the Conversion Inquisition, he'd be a competent face. Lying and threatening people as needed, which is what you want to see with a Tiefling. (a chunky +12 Intimidate and +11 to Lie at level 1)
I really just need to know if I'm missing anything obvious here.
PFS build rules, looking to build a bad ass demon slayer.
I really like the flavour that Hellknights offer and I'm considering Paladin onto Hellknight. How would you build a Hellknight? If there are other options out there, I'm open to them!
I have a boon that opens up Nagaji, Wayang and Kitsune, if that affects anything.
Take Skill Focus: Knowledge:Arcana from the Half Elf at creation.
At level 3 take Eldritch Heritage: Arcane. (Bonded Item for a floating extra spell slot)
With this, at level 6 I can cast Paragon Surge, and select the feat "Expanded Arcana" and open up a choice of any of the Cleric/Oracle on the fly.
At level 11 when I cast Paragon Surge again and instead of Expanded Arcana, I opt for Improved Eldritch Heritage. Which lets me choose one spell from the Sorcerer / Wizard spell list and put it on mine.
Have I found a back door into Arcane & Divine casting or does it not work?
Finally playing through Rise of the Runelords for the first time (no spoilers please!) and finally playing a full caster. I *think* I'm doing something clever here. But if history has taught me anything, it's when I think I'm being clever I should probably consult advice.
CN Half Elf
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 17(+2)
Dual Cursed: Haunted and Consumed(doesn't improve).
Dark Tapestry
Longspear as my weapon of choice, using Aid Another a lot to help out melee.
Is there a better first level feat for me?
First level Spells: Murderous Command, Bless, Haze of Dreams
Here's the plan:
Progress as usual (probably doing the healing) in the lower levels.
Take Skill Focus: Knowledge:Arcana from the Half Elf at creation.
At level 3 take Eldritch Heritage: Arcane. (Bonded Item for a floating extra spell slot)
With this, at level 6 I can cast Paragon Surge, and select the feat "Expanded Arcana" and open up a choice of any of the Cleric/Oracle on the fly.
It gets even more interesting at level 11 when I cast Paragon Surge again and instead of Expanded Arcana, I opt for Improved Eldritch Heritage. Which lets me choose one spell from the Sorcerer / Wizard spell list and put it on mine.
What I hope this does is make my character more useful by being able to pull those incredibly situational spells out of the bag when needs arise. Reduce the "oh, I would sell our bard for a scroll of X" moments.
Going to be playing the Shattered Star AP soon and want to build play as a a Dragon Disciple. I'm not looking to be the big hitter but I wouldn't mind playing a versatile character.
After the first 5 levels, I'm going to go straight Dragon Disciple, up to 15. I don't know what level the AP goes up to but that should be enough, right?
+6 to hit +4 damage. Not sure about what weapon to take yet.
AC: 20 (10 +6 from Armor, +3 from Charisma, +1 Natural)
Saves: Fort 5, Reflex 5, Will 7
Resistances: acid, cold, electricity, fire resistance; 5
Feats: Really drawing a blank here. I'm not going to be useless in a fight but is Power Attack going to be worth it? I'll have a very limited +2 BAB until level 7. Maybe Skill Focus: Knowledge Planes and get the Abyssal Powers as I level?
So is this going to be okay? The group I'm going to be playing with optimise quite a bit so I don't want to be left behind.
I'm trying to build a PFS character that's brilliant with blade and book. The fluff being he's a the son of a noble Elven family that finally let the guy out of the library and adventure off on his own. He's not sheltered, he's just the kid who's parents were a bit too overprotective.
What I've come up with so far:
Elf, Lore Warden.
STR 10
DEX 16
CON 12
INT 16
WIS 12
CHA 13
Traits: Scholar of The Great Beyond, Anatomist
1. Weapon Finesse, Noble Scion (of Lore)
2. Combat Expertise, Improved Trip
3. Breadth of Knowledge
5. Improved Unarmed Strike
6. Kirin Style
7. Greater Trip
9. Kirin Strike
12. Kirin Path
The idea being a secondary combat guy, identifying the weaknesses of enemies and (in later levels) exploiting them.. all the time wielding a traditional Elven Curve Blade, of course.
As you can probably guess, I'm going for a more rounded character than optimised.
I'm just reluctant to use Feat slots that could be used for something under 'General' that could help identifying creatures. I know there's Scholar but can you take that more than once?
So I rolled up a new 1st level character for PFS to play a Thornkeep module (it was awesome). I rolled up a Gunslinger (Musket Master) and had a huge amount of fun with it and I think I want to make this my primary PFS character.
Str 10
Dex 19
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 10
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
Traits: Reactionary and Vagabond Child
My thinking was to bring it up to level 3 This would mean by then I'd have reloading as a free action and rapid shot.
Then at level 4 take a dip into Wizard, specifically Foresight school. This grants a +1 on initiative, always being able to act in a surprise round and that neat Prescience ability (for important, 'lord, please don't let my gun jam now' shots). That would bring my initiative up to a monstrous +14 (+5 dex, +1 forewarned, +4 familiar, +2 trait +2 Gunslinger Initiative) I would also get true strike as a spell (which also conveniently has no somatic components).
What I'm hoping with this build is that at the start of the round, I'll always be able to get two shots off which are essentially always just need to hit 10+size+deflection.
First question: Is it really worth losing the +1 BAB and being a level behind? Secondly, does the crunch all add up?
Full Name
Exsedol Folmo
32 (Adult)
Special Abilities
Bonus Trained Skill, Bonus Feat
Basic, Binary, Jawa Trade Language, Mon Calamarian
About Exsedol Folmo
Dark green, antenna-sporting, bug-eyed humanoid.
Experience: 0
Hit Points: 18 (Threshold 11)
Second Wind: 1
Force Points: 5; Dark Side Points: 0
Speed: 6 squares (9 meters or 30 feet)
Initiative: +6
BAB/Grapple: +0/+0
Defenses: Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 11, Will 12
Bonus Trained Skill: Humans are versatile and accomplished at many tasks. A human character chooses one additional trained skill at 1st level.
Bonus Feat: Humans gain one bonus feat at 1st level.
Initiative +6, Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +8, Knowledge (Technology) +8, Mechanics +13 (+15 with visor), Perception +5, Persuasion +5, Pilot +6, Use Computer +8.
Outlaw Tech
Fast Repairs: Whenever you jury-rig an object or vehicle, the vehicle gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the result of your Mechanics check. Damage is subtracted from these temporary hit points first, and temporary hit points go away at the conclusion of the encounter.
Clothing (Credit Chip tied to his account)
Mechanical Interface Visor
Stun Baton
Hip Holster (Blaster Pistol with 100 shots left on power pack)
Utility Belt (3-day supply of food capsules, tool kit, glow rod, comlink, medpac, power pack, energy cell, liquid cable dispener with a small grappling hook)
Mechanical Interface Visor
This visor translates images received through its visual sensors and scans them for common mechanical designs. The visor then provides the wearer a heads-up display of basic information and tips on dealing with those designs. The mechanical interface visor allows the wearer to attempt trained-only applications of the Mechanics skill even if untrained, and grants a +2 equipment bonus on Mechanics checks. A mechanical interface visor cannot be worn at the same time as armor with a helmet or any other device worn on the head.
Cost: 1,250 credits; Weight: 0.5 kg; Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Credits in his account
335 credits
Planned Generation for Ability Scores
25 points total
2 points in Strength (score of 10)
4 points in Dexterity (score of 12)
2 points in Constitution (score of 10)
13 points in Intelligence (score of 17)
2 points in Wisdom (score of 10)
2 points in Charisma (score of 10)