I have a lot to say on this matter, but I want to point out something that has been weighing on my mind since I started playing. Which is only alpha 8. Also, I believe the game to be a fantasy game and it drives me nuts when people start to put everything into a realistic game style. What I mean by that is if you can't do it in real life, you can't do it in game. NOT!, it's a fantasy game where I can do things above and beyond real life. So...
1. I foresee bows taking on a bigger disadvantage to use then any other weapon. Bow users will have to buy/make ammo all the time. This will be costly and time consuming. No other weapon has to deal with this. Durability loss should be the only thing I have to worry about, just like other weapons.
I love to play Rangers and Mages and I love to craft. So, I hate to say it, but I think in this game, ammo should be free. Just to keep the weapons all on equal footing. I would love to hear better solutions, this is just one idea.
Plus, we need to consider the weight of the arrows and how that will hinder us. At the moment I go through ALOT of arrows while out in the field farming mats and equipment.
2. I agree that mobs need to let their leash out. My mage makes things look easy when taking on large groups of mobs.
3. I like the idea someone posted earlier in this tread about having the longbow mobs have 35m range like us and you need to use stealth to get closer. I do believe mobs should be able to be built like a player. Just like the tabletop game which this is suppose to sort of following.
Give the mobs CC abilities. I solo a lot, because I like to explore and gather mats for my crafting. With that said, I like the challenge of working against the mobs I run across. I don't want to just walk through them. I want to figure a way to defeat them with my own skills or avoid them if need be.
4. I don't like the idea of having to stand in one place while firing my bow. I think you should have to be facing your target/s in order for your abilities to work. Which means moving backwards. Which should be at a slower then walk pace.
5. I think they should change the range skills in the follow way for example: (I don't remember the name of all the skills, but you'll get the idea)
a. Longshot range 15 - 35m
b. Point blank (only melee shot) 0 - 15 or 20m
I guess what I'm saying is give the skills a min/max range. Maybe taking the longest shot doesn't do so much damage. While mid to short range would be higher or more accurate. Number crunchers would be better to figure this out, not me.
This is just a couple things off my head. Thanks for reading and I would appreciate any thoughts on this.