John C. Bunnell's page

10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I'll take once as a glitch, but twice looks like a bug.

I've made two tries this afternoon at posting to the "What I'm Watching" thread in the AMAZING Television area, and in both cases, after clicking the Submit Post button, two things happened. One, I got kicked all the way out to the main Paizo page, and two, neither message actually showed up on the board so far as I can tell. (I note that Jenny Scott's attempt at a post in that thread seems to be a blank message, which might or might not be connected.)

I'm using a reasonably up-to-date IE6 setup, and have tried refereshing the pages to ensure that I'm not experiencing a cached-page problem. No luck.

Ergo, I sense a bug, but whether it's the thread or my system we won't know till I try to post this....