Full Name |
Johan Seiberling |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Cleric 2/Rogue 2 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
M |
Special Abilities |
Chaotic Aura (Ex) |
Alignment |
CG |
Deity |
Myridan |
Languages |
Common |
Occupation |
Adventurer, carouser, troublemaker |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
17 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
16 |
Charisma |
13 |
About Johan Seiberling
AC: 18
Hit Points: 45
Initiative: +3
Melee Attack Bonus: +2
Ranged Attack Bonus: +5
CMB: +2
CMD: +15
Sneak Attack: +1d6
Saving Throws:
- Fortitude: +5 (+7 vs. Fear Effects)
- Reflex: +7 (+9 vs. Fear Effects)
- Will: +8 (+10 vs. Fear Effects)
- 0 - Create Water
- 0 - Detect Magic
- 0 - Purify Food and Drink
- 0 - Read Magic
- 1* - Disguise Self
- 1 - Comprehend Languages
- 1 - Protection from Evil
- 1 - Shield of Faith
Domain Abilities:
- Agile Feet (Su) - Ignore Difficult Terrain for 1 round 6/day as a free action.
- Copycat (Sp) - Create an illusory double (as the spell Mirror Image) 6/day. Double lasts for rounds equal to cleric level.
Channel Energy(Su):
- Acrobatics +7
- Appraise
- Bluff
- Diplomacy +8
- Climb
- Disable Device +11 (+13 with tools)
- Disguise
- Escape Artist +10
- Heal +10 (+12 with kit)
- Intimidate
- Knowledge(Arcana)
- Knowledge (History)
- Knowledge (Local)
- Knowledge (Nobility)
- Knowledge (Planes)
- Knowledge (Religion) +5
- Linguistics
- Perception +11
- Sense Motive
- Sleight of Hand
- Spellcraft +5 (+9 Casting Defensively)
- Stealth +11
- Swim
- Use Magic Device
- Combat Expertise
- Turn Undead
- Combat Casting
- Indomitable Faith - +1 Will Saves.
- Courageous - +2 to saving throws vs. Fear Effects.
Class Abilities:
- Trapfinding - +1 Perception to find traps; +1 Disable Device to disarm traps.
- Evasion (Ex)
- Fast Stealth (Ex) - Move at full speed using Stealth at no penalty.
Racial Bonuses:
- +2 to one ability score (DEX).
- Bonus Feat (Turn Undead)
- Skilled - Additional Skill Rank.
Demographic Data:
- Height: 6'1"
- Weight: 187 lbs
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: White
- +1 Mithral Shirt
- Cloak of Resistance +1
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges)
- +1 Rapier (+3 to hit; 1d6 dmg; Crit 18-20)
- Dagger (+2 to hit; 1d4 dmg; Crit 19-20)
- Light Crossbow (+5 to hit; 1d8 dmg)
- 20 bolts
- Backpack
- Bedroll
- Crowbar
- Flint and Steel
- Grappling Hook
- Hammer
- 2 pints Oil
- 5 Pitons
- 50' Silk Rope
- Tent
- Bullseye Lantern
- Waterskin
- Masterwork Thieves' Tools
- Silver Holy Symbol
- Healer's Kit
- Cleric's Vestments
- Explorer's Outfit
- Copper: 5
- Silver: 5
- Gold: 204
- Platinum:
Johan comes from a long line of followers of Myridan. Often persecuted for their faith in the god of luck, most followers of Myridan lead a nomadic existence, moving from one town to another as their beliefs become known.
Because of this, Johan has learned not to openly display his beliefs. On the other hand, he is also prone to spontaneity when his emotions get the better of him. As such, he has also had to travel from place to place when things got too "hot" for him. Of course, Myridan teaches that home is wherever you are, so the constant moving does little to dampen Johan's spirits.
Johan has recently arrived in a small town who seems to be accepting of people with "different" beliefs and/or characteristics, so he is cautiously optimistic that he may have found a home - at least, for a while.
Having settled in to a room at a convenient tavern, Johan has made a few friends and is actively seeking employment...