Joekuklinski72's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


velvetnsatin wrote:

Going as a Tier 1. This I have worked 8 cons a year for 20 years, so while I am familiar with Conventions, I have never been to one as big as Gen Con for gaming. My biggest was a Comic Con. 30,000 people just about.

Any suggestions?

Also, this is my first time working for PFS. Um can anyone tell me a bit about Tier 1 positions? I am super excited for the convention!


i have been to only one Gen-Con when it was back in Milwaukee. I can give you this big tip, when you are carrying your wallet. Put it in your front pocket, overall it will be safer. Then you do not have to worry someone to pick pocket you. Plus enjoy yourself there. I want to go back, maybe next year.