
JoeCargo's page

Organized Play Member. 81 posts (95 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Hama wrote:
Or just go in with two cans of air freshener and start spraying until your fingers cramp from pressing on the button.

I laughed out loud when I read this. I pictured someone in a ski mask like it was a freaking robbery and the utter look of bewilderment on everyones faces in the store

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You could always run modules or adventure paths too. Keep on chucking! (The dice that is)

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Voltron? :p. AND I'LL FORM THE HEAD!!

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Can someone please make the dragonlance chronicles and not make them sucktastic? Loooong over due!

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master_marshmallow wrote:

the biggest thing about fighters that makes them under powered is that they are reliant on gear, and require more wealth be invested in them than other classes

in campaigns where your PCs are all selfish jerks, playing a fighter is very difficult because not only will you not have good gear, but your wizard cares more about shooting fireballs everywhere and stealing your kills than throwing you a buff, and as fa as he's concerned, you never earn your share of the loot anyway because he kills all the things anyway, making it even more difficult to play a fighter in that kind of setting

So a wizard without his gear (spellbook) is awesome? Take away a fighters weapon he has like 4 others. Take away a spellbook for a wizard and it aint pretty. Thats if u have a dm diabolical enuff to steal someones spellbook AND the player dont ward it against theft

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Azmyth wrote:

For $9 an issue, I'll wait for the pdf's.

The cover is awesome, but after seeing an unveiling of #1, I'm not sure it holds enough value for me to bother.

The age of print periodicals is dead.
Sad, but true.

It is sad. Its a generational gap i guess. I like thumbing through a book and the heft and heck even the smell of books. I love walking into a barnes and noble and wander around for a few hours enjoying the environment. I guess im a 38 yr old grognard lol :p

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I dont think about hp at all like that. Just sit back and enjoy the game for what it excuse to hang out with friends and roll some dice. Reality goes out the window in any setting. Star wars, middle earth, indiana jones, ghostbusters and so on and so forth. I think you are just over thinking things. Relax and enjoy its just a game :).

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Land of the linnorm kings for sure. Vikings are awesome (unless from Minnesota ) GO LIONS!! :p

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Welcome to pathfinder and the boards! Now just give paizo your credit card number and let them take all Your disposable income. Dang u paizo! :p

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Kobold quarterly can also be purchased from paizos site. Highly recommended. I love that mag.

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Was thumbing through some old ad&d stuff just this morning. Ahh memories. The old monster manual folder and deities and demigods with the lovecraftian mythos in it. I love me some pathfinder though. 4th just wasn't for me.