
JoãoFalcão's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Lisa Stevens wrote:

It may have been at it's most popular, but the splitting of the customer base is the #1 reason why TSR went out of business. It would take me a couple of hours to explain why this was the case, but as the person responsible at WotC for taking the old TSR data and analyzing it to see why they went belly up, the biggest cause that I found was splitting the customer base into segments. Whether it was D&D vs. AD&D. Or Forgotten Realms vs. Ravenloft vs. Greyhawk vs. Dragonlance vs. Birthright vs. Dark Sun vs. Planescape vs. Mystara vs. Al-Qadim vs. Spelljammer vs. Lanhkmar vs. any other setting book that they produced. Splitting the customer base means lower sales on any particular product which means lower profit margins which eventually means going belly up.

Extracted from Could there be a Beginner Box 2?

So, thats why I believe Golarion is so diverse as to contain space traveling, machine-goodness and firearms. Its meant to be the One Setting and try as best to fit any story.

While I dont see Golarion as the best setting ever, theres plenty of good stuff in it so I can just remove the parts I dont want and, say, replace Numeria for Hollowfaust.

So, I dont believe we are seeing anything else from Paizo other than Golarion.

Now, 5E, James Jacobs admits concern on his "Ask JJ questions topic", as well as any wise Paizofolk.

I was hoping for Paizo striking out the Epic Rules for PF at the same time 5E is released, but honestly thats just me. So far, their been silent about their move onto the RPG playing field. At least as far as I know.


Not because Monte Cook left, but even more doom now.

Truth be told, when the lead designer leaves the project midrun, somethings actually wrong. Monte is already famous for his work on 3E, being on 5E would glorify him if 5E was a sucess and would put the guy among names like Gygax and Arneson. Some people put him there already.

If he is leaving, well, all leads us to believe that 5E will not be a sucess.

It is a fact that many players were interested on 5E solely because of his presence and now those people are no longer following it.

I do have mixed feelings about 5E.

1 - It is doomed. It proposed something already impossible on itself. And if I had any hope of that happening, now that Monte is gone, its even more doomed.

2 - I hope its a 4E boardgame again. Honestly, 3E folks got pathfinder, but whats gonna happen to those 4E folks if 5E is not what they expect? Given the nature of 4E, if 5E doesnt please them, theres not a publisher that will give support to their 4E games.

3 - I dont mind if the brand dies. The game lives through Pathfinder. Many people defend that they want 5E to sucess because it is after all D&D and thats how new folks get into RPGs.
Well, if the D&D name fades, I am sure the Pathfinder name will rise and we will be there to get new folks into RPGs.
Not seen it myself, but the reviews I read from the Pathfinder Begginner Box are always more positive than those from the D&D red box.

At least it will show companies like paizo what happens to companies who mess with their brands.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

The D&D experience trancends editions. It's how you play, not what you play.

Stop complaining about the system and recognize it's the playstyle you hate.

This is as much as saying the game doesnt matters. Its the people who matters.

People matters a lot. Makes all the difference.

So is the game and what it offers to the people. Why are we debating editions if what doesnt matters?

It does matters.

Diffan wrote:
Healig surges work similar to the situation I just provided. They're a gamist element to represent a person's innate ability to "forge on" even when they're in a great deal of pain.

Except theyre called healing surges. So, healing surges does not heal, right? I know that suspention of disbelief is relative to the person as well I know that people who care to immersion are not buying this. Sounds forced up. Like a bad plot movie that people does not believe in and needs to be backed up. Sure, the guy who is watching for the special effects wont care, but the other folks will go out of the movie less than satisfyed.

Diffan wrote:
Then why do people still like to argue and make it a point to come to the 4E sub-forums just to say how much they dislike 4E or that 4E is a Pen-Paper MMO or well.....half a million other reasons that it doesn't suit their fancy?

You know, I asked myself exactly this and this question is what brought me here to post again, despite the fact that I ll be called a preacher again (boy that one really hurts).

Why so many threads and anger and some deleted offensive posts about 4E?

Why is wizard$ making a new edition?

Why is paizo so sucessfull?

What keeps me typing on 4E forums?

Go figures. =/

memorax wrote:
One can also say that Pathfinder plays lie a video game as much as an rpg. If some insist on using the 4E = MMO reference.

I really dont get it. Honestly, I am baffled.

Diablo for instance. Theres this big temple that leads into hell. Out of nowhere. You go down, kill stuff and loot and finally kills the big demon. Why its related to 3.x to you guys? It totally strikes me as 4th edition material. Only a dungeon and no concerns if the game made any sense. Gee, If you replace the final boss for Orcus, you preety much have one adventure recently released for 4ed by wizard$ I forgot the name(Prince of Undeath perhaps?).

Recently I ve read on the PFO forums a discussion about how realistic people wanted PFO to be. One of the folks came up with the link below:


3.x was the dnd experience. It had simulation and immersion and the books and systems were built to provide a game that was concerned if I believed or not in what was presented. Not that the game emulated reality, but that the reality presented made sense on itself.

This is why 3.x folks like me gets so attached to it. In 3.x I was a hero on a fantasy story I believed and felt I was part of it.

In 4th edition, I was a guy playing a boardgame and having a hard time trying to explain/believe to my players how a mundade warrior could heal itself with healing surges without thinking of cartoon characters. It had no concern to make sense. It was the casual-est experience... Gather your friends and some snacks and drinks, but instead of letting the computer do the math, lets roll some dice.

memorax wrote:

How exactly did Wotc perosnally disrect anyone. I'm no longer as huge a fan of 4E or Wotc yet never did I feel disrespected by them or their products. It's not like D&D is some sort of lving entity. It's an rpg and that' all it is. Rules on a non-sentinet piece of paper. Wotc did not kill your favored puppy or burn your house down. Get over it. Nor was anyone forced to buy $e. Either. It's almost like some in the hobby act like they are Jack Bauer and Wotc has thier family hostage.

Its easy to understand a person who spends a great deal of time and money who gets upset when the products he loved gets canceled. RPGs have a deep feeling of simulation and immersion and its easy to get an attachment to them.

If it wasnt for paizo, I can say at least for myself, I wouldnt be playing DnD anymore.

I see 4ed like those movies losely based on a book. And I consider bad movies as a disrespect towards fans and books alike.

As well as paying to watch Stardust expecting a Neil Gaiman worth of a movie and actually spending money on something else completely different that just steals the name from the book.

A fan cannot help but feel deceived and disrespected.

memorax wrote:

Let's not kid ourselves here. Every rpg publisher including this one wants to make a profit.

The difference lies where you make a profit by respecting your costumer or not.

loaba wrote:
DigitalMage wrote:
Hopefully D&D Next will be able to be a rebirth of 1e, 2e, 3e and even 4e
That's a tall order, man. I would hazard to say that 1e and 4e have zero in common. They're just completely different systems, from different eras.

This is exactly the point of my post. Dnd5 ed is prolly going to be a mistake worse than 4ed. Instead of amassing the 3.x crowd, theyre going to lose the 4ed crowd as well.

As for dnd Next, its is going to be dnd 5th edition. They even have a hotsite for it, heheheh *grims with malice*


I ve read an article on the early days of announcement of dnd5 of Monte Cook's colummn on the dnd site. Legends and Lore or something like that. Basically, the article explained the main traits of each dnd edition and stated that dnd5 was going to be an amalgam of every edition as to embody the dnd spirit so every group could play dnd as they wanted. Something amongst those lines.

While I had a great deal of respect for monte cook for his work on 3.x, I couldnt help but notice the article was weak on one key aspect of the proposal. HOW?

It strikes me as a contraditory and impossible task. Wich is to please everyone who played his edition of dnd. Thats not going to happen. You cant please everyone. No real need to discuss any game mechanics or flavor between 3.x ed and 4 ed, everybody knows how it works.

I remember seeing one of those "oh boy I hate 4ed" videos on youtube upon the announcement of 5ed. The author said that when people asked what he played, he would say he played dnd. He had a pathfinder DM screen/shield (we call it a shield on brasil, almost sure you guys call it screen) and had admitted transferred his games to pathfinder. But he would answer he played dnd because thats whats he played. Because pathfinder is what dnd 4ed should have been.

I agreed with him right away. I play dnd now, and its new name is pathfinder. I dont care what wizard$ is doing now. I dont buy stuff from them anymore.

My personal perspective on 5ed? If wizard$ try to please the 3.x crowd, they betray and lose the 4ed crowd. Its what this whole 5ed movement looks like. Its a lost battle already.

Brand fanboys not included in this 'math'.

What's Paizo doing about 5ed? They stated before and I believe them so far. They make their own standards instead of following others. Sure they wont change their game because of dnd 5ed or world of warcraft or whatever is on the hipster parades.