JoãoFalcão |

It may have been at it's most popular, but the splitting of the customer base is the #1 reason why TSR went out of business. It would take me a couple of hours to explain why this was the case, but as the person responsible at WotC for taking the old TSR data and analyzing it to see why they went belly up, the biggest cause that I found was splitting the customer base into segments. Whether it was D&D vs. AD&D. Or Forgotten Realms vs. Ravenloft vs. Greyhawk vs. Dragonlance vs. Birthright vs. Dark Sun vs. Planescape vs. Mystara vs. Al-Qadim vs. Spelljammer vs. Lanhkmar vs. any other setting book that they produced. Splitting the customer base means lower sales on any particular product which means lower profit margins which eventually means going belly up.
Extracted from Could there be a Beginner Box 2?
So, thats why I believe Golarion is so diverse as to contain space traveling, machine-goodness and firearms. Its meant to be the One Setting and try as best to fit any story.
While I dont see Golarion as the best setting ever, theres plenty of good stuff in it so I can just remove the parts I dont want and, say, replace Numeria for Hollowfaust.
So, I dont believe we are seeing anything else from Paizo other than Golarion.
Now, 5E, James Jacobs admits concern on his "Ask JJ questions topic", as well as any wise Paizofolk.
I was hoping for Paizo striking out the Epic Rules for PF at the same time 5E is released, but honestly thats just me. So far, their been silent about their move onto the RPG playing field. At least as far as I know.