Jmacq1's page

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I don't have the Adventure Path book that goes into detail on Abadar and his church, but a thought struck me as I was pondering Abadar and his faithful:

As a God of Nobility, would Paladins and Clerics of Abadar have to be from the Noble classes?

Would the higher ranks of his church hierarchy be reserved for those of noble blood or title (as I would imagine that Abadar himself would not discriminate between those who are noble through inheritance and those who were lawfully raised to the ranks of nobility)?

Would a Paladin of Abadar be required to be a "social climber" (in a lawful good sort of way, of course) if not already born into the nobility? If not, would they be expected to defer to those that were (assuming no chaotic or evil actions are involved)?

Or would it all depend on the particular sect/temple/locale in question?

That's what I get for having multiple tabs open at the same time. I intended this for the Pathfinder Campaign Setting board...) Pay it no mind....*waves hand* This isn't the post you're looking for....