Cayden Cailean

Jiro Florite's page

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* There be spoilers ahead if the titles wasn't enough of a clue*

Alright, my group is just now (after a long break) making their way through the events in Kalsgard and have just finished taking down Longthews. My question however is about what's just a head for them, Helgarval. So far I revealed nothing about the Five Storms that I absolutely didn't have to, all the party knows is that there are enemies of the Minkai Throne who are out to end the bloodline (pretty much what they could infer from Brinewall and the Visions of Jade). They don't know that this enemy is the Five Storms or any information about them. Hell, right now they're not even sure that Longthews or the Rimerunners are even connected to what happened at Brinewall (all be it tangently). I decided that I wanted to keep that secret for as long as possible (I've some people playing who've been gaming for years and could read the plot from a mile away, I want to try and keep them on their toes).

With all that said, Helgarval presents a bit of a problem for me. I know that once he starts talking they're going to ask him a lot of questions about who their enemy is, and I have no problem telling them, through Helgarval, that it is this shadowy entity is known as the Five Storms. With that said I really would like to play a bit of a shell game with them and not give out much more then that. They already figure that they'll have to fight whoever this Jade Regent is (out of character), but if I can pull a bit of a trick and distract them with the possibility of the Five Storms being something else, the might throw them for a loop. What I want to know is how everyone else is incorporating the back story into the campaign and how well that's going.

Mind, I am a first time DM and also haven't had the time to read through all of the AP as I've been busy with classes and I'm just taking it module by module until summer comes and I can read it all (though I am making strides at reading ahead). If this was covered in another thread I didn't see it and decided to make this one, if that's the case a link to that thread would be nice.

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Hello, I'm a first time DM running Jade Regent and I'm having a little trouble coming up with treasures for the Brinewall vault that fit my group. My group consist of a healing witch, Summoner, Rogue rake, Ranger and a Gunslinger. I've been racking my mind for some unique ideas but I'm still pretty new to this.

So far I've only got ornate Special Ceremonial Armor +3 (for the witch who's lacking in AC badly) and a vague idea for some item that would allow the Summoners Eidolon and him to share cloak of resistance bonuses (which I have no idea how to do outside of another item slot). I've got nothing for the Rogue and the ranger just bought new armor (which was my original idea) and he's doing pretty well in the damage out put area. As for the Gunslinger I've already worked out for him to build a revolver over the course of the adventure.

I could really use some ideas as I'm pretty much banging my head against the books here.