
Jinji Nobaru's page

1 post. Alias of CaveToad.















I started new adventure threads for some PBP action, I opened the gameplay and discussion threads, and put a post in each of them. After doing so I deleted those posts to clean up the clutter. I believe that after doing so, it caused an issue and no one, including myself can post to the threads. It seems to take a submission and the url for the submission will have an incremented number such as post#5 but it cannot be seen. Is there a way to resolve this?

Out of 5 threads i started, one worked, in which other players responded before I deleted my original posts.


EDIT: nevermind, I just recreated the threads. Oddly, by going in and editing the new thread, renaming it the same as the original seemed to fix the original and make it editable again. The other ones I had to get rid of and didn't work the same way.


You stand in a large crowd, gathered on a hillside, the air is fresh, crisp; a brisk wind blows. The breeze is cool, but not cold. This hill is part of a larger mountain plateau. The hill is close to the treeline. You can smell the trees on the air, and see them nearby as the dot the mountains rising up around you. It is mid-day. The sky is clear and the sun shines down brightly. Warning: Derro and light sensitive people! The ground under you is unremarkable, covered in typical flora for this altitude, tufts of rough grasses, lichens, a few scraggly flowers and other ground cover.

I will open this for non-gameplay items, as usually. This can be used for additional questions not related to recruitment. Also as we move forward and begin setting up the tables and trial period, we can use this as a discussion for that.

Please post or dot in here (with your character) so that your character appears on the Character Tab.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I’m starting a home brew campaign with a ton of customized class and race options. I will be using most Pathfinder material, and some select resources from Dreamscarred Press. Crazy gestalt class builds, with nonstandard races. Start reading for quick summary, followed by lots and lots of reading for the nitty gritty. I will keep recruitment open for a reasonable amount of time, at least a couple of week, maybe more, depending on interest. I will nail down a finalized date as things get under way. At some time in June recruitment will end, and there will be some time for character review and other coordinating as well as a trial period to weed out the less than serious. I would expect July to be when things really get rolling.

Quick Rules & Summary:

Powerful wizard raises a bunch of humanoids to be heroes. Wizard disappears and they must find and rescue him.
1. Triple Gestalt. Extra bonus classes later above and beyond triple. All core, base, hybrid, alternate(no anti-paladin initially), also Path of War and (eventually)Psionic classes from Dreamscarred Press, Pathfinder Unchained alternates allowed.
2. Non-standard races only (gnoll, grippli, kobold, changeling, duergar, nagaji, orc, vanara, catfolk, hobgoblin, kitsune, lizardfolk, ratfolk, goblin, monkey goblin, wayang, derro, merfolk, tengu, vishkanya, wyvaran, bugbear, ghoran, skinwalker, goodwin golem, mite, gargoyle, ogre, troglodyte, boggard, spiderling, medusa, minotaur, mind flayer, mongrelman) – special rules for customization beyond stock.
3. Special rules for Multiclass and Prestige classes.
4. Fast XP Advancement.
5. A feat every level. Five feats at level 1.
6. Stat advancement every 3 levels instead of 4.
7. Special starting item with bonus feats, skills, advancement, etc.
8. No starting gear besides special item.
9. No Evil Alignments
10. Generous Stats (5d6 7 times ( top 3 dice, top 6 stats ), add 10 more points and rearrange 1:1
11. Potential Mythic
12. Bonus traits (some thematic and equipment based restrictions)
13. Max Hit Points plus Free Toughness for all.
14. Hero Points
15. Pathfinder Unchained Stamina and Combat Tricks
16. Frequent Posters preferred.
17. Trial Period for Posting.
This quick summary just to let people see the basics, so you can determine if you are interested in participating or not, or at least interested enough to read the wall of text that is the extended information below.
Why the triple gestalt and so many bonuses? Simply, its one part experiment and one part that I want to play something powerful from the ground up. Also I want frequent posting, and if we have large party sizes and overlap of powers, you aren’t waiting a whole week for the one party member to post that can pick the lock or do whatever (usually forcing the GM to bot them ). There will be many who will scoff and chafe at such absurd levels of power, but I honestly don’t give a F*^$. I feel this could be fun, and I hope there are others too who are interested in blowing out the top and coming up with some crazy combos. It can still be challenging, and it will be.


The Archmage Gombrian Goodwin, son of the planetar Socharial Xreychar, was a bit of an outcast from the other celestials. ‘Only’ a half celestial, he had his own goals and ideas in mind. After centuries in the outer planes fighting evil, he created his own demi-plane where he retired to dabble with his own ideas. Goodwin was intensely curious about morality and mortality. The idea that mortals with souls can choose their own path was fascinating. He was determined to try an experiment. He would rescue and convert members of evil races, raising them to be just and true, or at least not evil and debased, to show that anyone can be heroic. Over time he searched and researched and found various exceptional members of a large variety of races. These he brought to his demi-plane, a magical place where time seemed to flow differently, and day and night were something based more on the whim of Goodwin than any regular event. In this plane, no one aged, and scarcely needed to eat or drink, except for pleasure. He raised all of his new progeny to be heroes, trying to wipe away and undo much of the evil learned in their past, if any. He introduced them to some of the best trainers as well as creating a variety of training golems tailored to the needs of his students. Very skilled in planar magic as well as golemcraft, Goodwin even dabbled in necromancy and other magic. He even created his own race, a half-construct race, made from partial clones of himself, blended with arcane golemcraft. After an indeterminate amount of time, living and training with the Archmage, he told his students that he would be undertaking a lengthy and possibly dangerous trip. You are one of such students. While he revealed little else, it weighed heavily on each of your minds that your benevolent teacher was leaving or could be in any danger given his power and mastery. The last you remember is going to bed after a period of intense training. Now you awaken to something else different. You are in a small chamber of some sort, encapsulating you almost like a coffin. The lid is clear however and you see out of it as your brothers and sisters are also awakening. You hear a deep rumbling all around you and things seem ‘odd’, as if distorted slightly. You recognize Jovar, the homunculus familiar of Archmage Goodwin. It seems as though he was responsible for waking you, although you are unclear why you are in these chambers and not your quarters. The homunculus explains in a voice that sounds eerily like that of Goodwin. ”The master has been captured I fear, by powers of the lower planes. Here time passes differently, but even on the mortal planes, Master Goodwin was captured a long time ago, perhaps ten thousand years. I apologize, I do not measure time well, and here it is meaningless. He sent me to find you and tell you. I believe his hope is that you can assist in his rescue. I have spent time here pouring through the libraries and the labs to figure out how to wake you, after the Master placed you in suspended animation. I finally figured out a way and not too late, for the plane in which we inhabit is starting to rapidly collapse. I believe I know of a way to take us from here, and we must seek out a very old friend of the Master’s to determine what to do next. Quickly, gather yourselves, and what possessions you have. We must flee now.” With that Jovar flaps over to a circular design on the floor and begins chanting, holding out his tiny hands to you all. You quickly join the circle and are transported from the demi-plane moments before it collapses in on itself. You find yourself, somewhere, a rugged wood covered hillside spreads out before you. You see no sign of civilization.

OOC additional details:

You are all members of various humanoid or uncommon races, plucked from your people at what would be young adult age or so. You were raised by the wizard and over time were able to overcome some of the more brutal tendencies of your race or culture. Through his patience and care, you realized you were not only special, but that some of the traditions of your original culture were less than desirable, or, if not necessarily brutal or evil, at least you felt like you could make more of a difference under the wizard’s tutelage. Goodwin saw the potential in you, and trained you in a variety of vocations, and under his watchful eye, and that of his training golems and other masters, excelled in his magical demi-plane. He trained you to be heroes of some sort, but never mentioned a plan or quest or mission. Now, you see that you have a potential purpose, to rescue your benevolent master, if you choose. Things will be hard, most of you do not even look like any civilized race, perhaps outright hated or killed on sight. Second, if Jovar is correct and ten thousand years have passed, the world will be nothing like you remember. The languages you speak may not even be spoken any more, or perhaps drastically changed. You have no possessions (although see below) and no real world experience, although Goodwin did take some efforts to teach you manners and culture and how to interact in society. Your life has been one of two worlds, that old world, your previous life before Goodwin took you and your new life, one where you lived in harmony in the utopian paradise of Goodwin’s personal plane.

Potential Players!
My plea to you: There is a lot of information here and I have created a large set of custom rules, part as experiment, part because this is an idea I have had for years. Please read all of the rules. Ask questions if things seem unclear (they probably are, I have read and reread these, but it took a while to write and compile all of this in no specific order). I will not accept characters in which it is obvious that they have not read or understood the character creation rules. I also want quality, committed players who can post frequently. I will accept most players into a trial period of actual play. After the trial period ends, people who have participated enough will be moved to various tables in groups of 7 or so based on post frequency and quality. Those who sort of disappeared will be tossed or mothballed and rejoin later if their schedule changes. I have no idea how many will apply for this (maybe no one), but if there are enough people, I will definitely run multiple tables. As mentioned, I am thinking of up to seven people for a table (yes this seems a lot, but this is going to be a whole different level of power). It is conceivable that different tables could interact over time (although the faster paced tables will outstrip the others in levels). Also, people could move between tables as their posting frequency ebbs and wanes (although I don’t want this to happen too often). Further, if you read everything and decide you want to make a character just to show off your character making skills, but really have no intention of ever playing, just say so. I see this a lot, people just want to showcase a build or even ‘claim’ a concept, and when chosen or the play begins, they disappear. Just mark your submissions ‘For Show Only’ and everyone can marvel at your superb build or be inspired by it, but we can move on and focus on those truly serious about playing. Also, recruitment may stay open or reopen at different periods but won’t affect anyone already playing unless we need more players. At the start of the story there will be many NPCs that are part of the exodus that will be unnamed, but may turn into PCs later on. (This allows people to join up down the road as attrition pulls people away).
Characters will be very frontloaded with power at level 1 with triple gestalt and max Hit points, bonus feats and special rules. I am hoping for knowledgeable and organized players. Keeping track of all the gestalt and bonus abilities for multiple classes will take a lot of bookwork. Put the effort in to keep it organized. I won’t accept players with half-finished sheets or vague outlines. I might even award bonus XP for organized accurate characters from time to time. I will provide some a list of stuff at the end that will help keep your character organized. Everyone has their own style of organization, I don’t really care as long as all the information is there somewhere. Despite everyone being pretty powerful, there will be a lot of plot and storyline stuff, not just non-stop carnage. I hope everyone has fun and can suit a variety of playing interests.
Materials – All Pathfinder, PF Unchained, DSP: Path of War, Psionics:

As mentioned in other places herein, I will use most of the Pathfinder material available. I am also using Dreamscarred Press Path of War and supplemental materials related to this, as well as some of the material from the upcoming Path of War Expanded. I won’t use classes from it yet (such as Zealot or Harbinger or Mystic) but feats, styles, disciplines, archetypes, warpaths, etc. are all available, keeping in mind they may change with final publication. If so, you must change to match the final version, or use retrain rules to pick something else. I also understand that DSP is possibly tweaking some of the already published Path of War stuff, for balancing and errata, so some of that may change too. I am also using their Psionics rules. I have Ultimate Psionics, but not any of the other material such as the various Expanded subscriptions, so I will have to rely on the SRD for whatever exists there. I also have Pathfinder Unchained and will allow the new unchained class updates, or if you want, you can still play the older version(s) if they synergize better. I will also comment on other variant rules that I will or will not be using from Unchained:
1. Multiclass fractional bonuses: Yes ( see class building rules below for how I am doing multiclassing)
2. Staggered Advancement: No ( too much bookkeeping with triple gestalt plus bonus stuff)
3. Adventuring and Background skill split: No
4. Changes to Skills: No
5. New Action Economy stuff: No
6. Stamina and Combat Tricks: Yes (feats must be chosen though, it won’t be awarded for free)
7. Wound thresholds: No (I like the concept, but I think I will hold off for now, maybe later I will change it)

In depth character generation rules:

Ability score generation:

Triple gestalt can require serious MADness. Plus, you are super heroic, so let’s be generous here:
1. Roll 5d6 for each stat, using the three best rolls of the five for the stat. Roll a 7th time to generate one extra stat.
2. Ditch the lowest stat keeping the best of six of the 7 stats.
3. Arrange the 6 remaining stats as desired.
4. Rearrange points on a 1:1 ratio.
5. Take 10 more points and add on a 1:1 ratio.
6. Before applying racial bonuses or penalties (or other mods such as RP purchased bonus mods – see race stuff below), no score can be over 18 or under 8. (If by some chance you roll so well that this would cause you to waste some of the 10 bonus points – well, too bad and grats you on being so awesome )


1. Fast Advancement.
2. Feats every level instead of every other level. Five feats at level 1. Free Toughness feat at level 1.
3. Ability increase every 3 levels instead of every 4 levels.
At some point I will begin incorporating Mythic stuff, probably more around the mid-levels, like 9+ or so.


Please read and reread the following rules. There are three separate class levelling systems that you will get to use in conjunction with each other. I am introducing some odd and probably overly complex rules as an experiment, and there may be a lot of questions, feel free to ask for clarifications or rulings on things I may have forgotten or not spelled out very well.
Main Class System
1. This will be a TRIPLE gestalt build. Gestalt rules are here: Gestalt Rules. One of these gestalt classes must be designated as your Favored Class, for purposes of Favored Class bonuses. This class also has restrictions on it in terms of multiclassing. The other two of the three, less so.
2. You must select from the following classes: Allowed: All Core (Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard) All Base (Alchemist, Cavalier, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle, Summoner, Witch) All Hybrid( Arcanist, Bloodrager, Brawler, Hunter, Investigator, Shaman, Skald, Slayer, Swashbuckler, Warpriest) Alternate (Samurai, Ninja only) Dreamscarred Press: Path of War: Stalker, Warder, Warlord. Pathfinder Unchained (new Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, Summoner variants )
3. Not Allowed: I will have initial restrictions on classes like Anti-Paladin as well as any archetype that requires evil, or is fairly evil themed. This also includes starting with evil or evil-ish powers such as the Black Seraph discipline or other evil Path of War disciplines. Eventually as the campaign goes on people may multiclass into, or select these classes if their character evolves into evil or the like.
4. Note about guns: Initially I was going to ban guns, but I decided they were ok. However this is a low gun world (even 10,000 years later). Guns are somewhere between Very Rare and Emerging. I will allow Gunslinger, Amateur Gunslinger feat, Gunsmithing feat, and archetypes. All firearms are Early though, so no advanced guns. Also, I have tweaked guns in the following manner:
a. Using a gun within its first range increment does not go against just touch AC. It is a regular attack (not touch), however, opponent’s armor values are reduced. All armor, shield and natural armor bonuses are halved at this first range (add them all up then round down, don’t round each one down). Any of these values from a force effect are not halved (for example mage armor or shield spells. I realize this is a bit of a nerf but a change I want to make.
b. Due to my rules about special items, those who start with a gun as their special item, will have it already considered masterwork. (Thus gunslingers/gunsmiths don’t have to spend time and money to upgrade their battered starter weapon).
Multiclassing and Prestige classes with your three primary gestalt classes
Multiclass and Prestige classes will work in a somewhat inhibited way due to the triple gestalt set up. The best way to think of it is that each of your three gestalt classes represent separate individual columns, each a silo of autonomy that cannot interact with each other for purposes of prestige class qualifications. While feats and skills taken can help qualify for any of the three columns’ prestige class advancement, Base attack bonus or class ability requirements must be met within the column that you wish to take the prestige class with (as illogical as this may seem). Here is a summary of restrictions:
1. Primary Gestalt Favored class column: Cannot Multiclass, Can Prestige class if the requirements can be met with the single class.
2. Secondary and Tertiary Gestalt class columns: Can Multiclass within their respective columns, but not until level 4. Can Prestige class if the requirements can be met within the column.
3. You can never take a level in a class that has levels in another column.
Example, Bob starts out as a wizard, cleric, rogue gestalt. Bob declares his wizard class as his favored class. He can never multiclass his wizard column with anything else, however he can advance in a prestige class if he meets the requirements for it from his wizard class alone, although he can use feats and skills gained from any class or source. For example Bob could become a Loremaster. As Bob’s career advances, he decides he also wants to become a mystic theurge. At 4th level with his secondary gestalt class (cleric) he decides to multiclass to sorcerer, because he can’t level in wizard within that column since his primary column already has wizard levels. Eventually Bob levels to 4th level Sorcerer and at level 8 qualifies for Mystic Theurge in his second column. With his third column, Bob started as a rogue, but wants to become an Arcane Trickster as well. He already knows mage hand and can cast second level spells but he cannot use these to qualify for Arcane Trickster because he can only use class abilities from his third column to qualify for the prestige class. Cursing CaveToad’s stupid rules, and after reaching level 4 as a rogue, Bob multiclasses into Arcanist and reaches level 4 before taking the Arcane Trickster class. As a level 10 character Bob would be:
1: Wizard 7/Loremaster 3
2: Cleric 3/Sorcerer 4/Mystic Theurge 3
3: Rogue 4/Arcanist 4/Arcane Trickster 2
Additional Rules to help clarify:
1. The new errata will apply stating that Spell Like Abilities do not qualify you for prestige classes (in the past you could cheese your way in with stuff like Aasimar Daylight etc).
2. Remember, for something like BAB requirement for a Prc, you must use only the BAB within that column to qualify, even though your character may have a better BAB over all.
3. I will use the fractional BAB and saves for Multiclassing detailed in Pathfinder Unchained. This may assist in a few cases.
4. As the new Path of War Expanded stuff comes out of Beta, classes like Harbinger, Zealot and Mystic will become available to multiclass into later as well as other classes (see psionics below). Also, see the rules below on Cheese Dips and Twin Mind before settling in on a concept.
5. Since you will be higher level and have developed your character, perhaps sliding back into evil, things like assassin, anti-paladin and other evil classes, powers and abilities are legal for multiclassing and prestige classing into later on.
6. A prestige class that allows advancement in spellcasting, (or any other class ability progression) must advance the progression of the classes used to enter the prestige class in the same column. In the Bob example above, Bob cannot use his Mystic Theurge levels to advance his wizard spell advancement, it must advance only cleric and sorcerer. The same applies to his Arcane Trickster advancement, it can only advance his Arcanist spell casting levels.

Cheese Dips aka Extra classes for fun!
Cheese Dip: Everyone has that class or two that they want that class skill or power from and only need a level or two to get it, or maybe even a few levels. But why anguish over messing up your sweet primary gestalt progressions and dealing with CaveToad’s overly complex Multiclassing rules to dip into this cheese? Since CaveToad is so generous, you will gain some limited advancement in some dip classes without having to worry about your main gestalt progressions. At level 4, you can choose your first Cheese Dip class. This class will level up alongside your primary gestalt by 1 level every 4 levels. Therefore at levels 8, 12, 16, and 20 you will gain a level in this class for free. At level 20 you will be 5th level in this extra class. Advancement past level 20 results in a level every 4th.
Of course there are rules governing this however.
1. As before you cannot level into a class that you have already taken levels in with your three primary gestalt classes.
2. You can multiclasses with this first class, but you cannot select Prestige Classes within it. The multiclass rules follow the same rules as the triple gestalt ones (if any are needed).
3. Since you will be level 4 by the time you select this free class, by now your character may have evolved or perhaps devolved back into his old ways, and may choose evil classes or classes and powers, abilities, etc that are considered evil or at least fairly naughty.
But wait! There’s more! One cheese dip is never enough, even though you can multiclass in your first one, maybe you want to get all 5 levels in one side class by level 20.
Featuring the second cheese dip. At level 8 and level 16, you can choose ANOTHER class to level up in the same way as the first one. Assuming the campaign advances past 20, this class would advance one level every eight normal ones. Otherwise it will never be higher than 2nd level. This second class cannot multiclass nor can it prestige class ever.
Both the primary and secondary cheese dip classes do not add BAB, HP, Save increases, skill points, ability increase or feats, although it can add class skills and any bonus feats that result from classes taken.

Twin Mind – Extra Insanity
You don’t know it yet (well now you do), but via story and plot, I will introduce psionics. We will use all of the Dreamscarred Press Psionics rules. You cannot start with a psionic character or take levels in psionic classes, feats, traits, etc until this is introduced, but I wanted to make players aware that eventually this option will be available as well. So how will this work?
1. You will gain a special separate ability at some time called Twin Mind. This will allow you to accumulate a separate pool of experience points. Once this ability has been acquired, (and not before) whenever you are awarded XP (for the usual combat, challenge, story etc) that goes towards your character’s advancement, you gain an identical amount of experience points that goes into your Twin Mind pool. Within this pool you can level up even MORE classes! CaveToad wtf is wrong with you?
2. Purchasing level 1 in a class costs 500 XP. Purchasing additional levels costs the same XP as it would cost to level up with fast advancement (1300 for level 2, 3300 for level 3 etc ).
3. You can advance as many classes as you like with this twin pool, creating another mega gestalt (potentially even more ridiculous) set of classes as long as you can pay for the levels of the classes. There are restrictions however.
a. The first class must be a manifestor class, either one of the Psionics classes or a psionic archetype of one of the core classes. It must grant power points or manifester powers.
b. These follow the same rules for multiclassing and prestige classing as the main Second and Third gestalt classes for the character. IE no multiclassing before 4th; any PrC qualifications must be met within that ‘column’. No advancement in a class in that column that has already been leveled before from another column.
c. Within the Twin Mind pool, before you can choose a second class, your first class must be at least level 3. Before you can choose a third class, one of your other two classes must be at least level 5 and both must be at least level 3. Before you choose a fourth class, one class must be at least level 7, two must be at least level 5 and all must be at least level 3. Subsequent classes follow this same pattern, allowing up to 10 classes by level 19. Once you select a class, it can level at whatever pace you can pay for and can surpass other classes chosen earlier.
d. As with your bonus Cheese Dip classes, Twin Mind classes do not add to your BAB, saves, or skills. You do not generate extra feats or ability increases from levelling up in this pool (although you do get class skills added to your list from them, and you also gain any bonus feats awarded via classes). HOWEVER, keep track of the following for each column of classes taken (You do not add them all together):
a. Hit points
b. BAB
c. Skill points
d. Saves
If any of these values would surpass the values of your core three gestalt classes, you can use these new values (say for example you choose the psionic archetype for barbarian and get d12 hit points and apply a lot of your Twin Mind XP pool towards advancement, it is conceivable its hit points could surpass your gestalt primary classes if they were all low hit dice classes.
e. As with higher level advancement with cheese dips etc, you can take classes that might have evil abilities or themes, if your character has become evil.

Overwhelmed or Confused yet? Great! On to the complicated race rules!

(See Next Post)

Players sign in here:

Riggar, level 2
Jack the Smith, level 3
Bubo Sraga, level 3
Meka Magetail, level 1
Leena Almadill, level 4
Kit'Arr, level 1

Open for Discussion

An Encounter for the Pathfinder Encounters Series

Discussion is open! I can lay out some more general information once everyone is checked in, or answer anything else ahead of time if it seems feasible.

The Curse of Green River Dale

Throughout the rolling hills and dales of the Green River basin life is happy. Cottages and farms dot a patchwork of fields and meadows. Pastured animals graze sleepily in the sun. The feeder springs and creeks of the Green River babble merrily throughout this pastoral paradise. The sounds of insects buzzing through the flowers and birds chirping in the trees fill the air. In one of the larger villages in the area, Cobbleston, a summer festival is being held. Lasting a week, the Highsun festival, celebrating summer, is in full swing. The sound of music fills the air, combined with laughter, merriment, and the clunking of earthen mugs full of frothy ale. The smell of fresh pies, grilled meats, and savory vegetables wafts through the summer breeze. Festival goers wander the streets with garlands of flowers about their necks and ruddy cheeks from the strong local ale. You find yourself passing through this village and its festive atmosphere. Merchants from other villages are here and the village market center is packed and filled with sounds of vendors hawking their wares.
Finding yourself hungry and thirsty you’ve made your way into a large tent. Several youthful minstrels play a light tune in the corner, barely heard above the din of the crowd. The tent is filled with other travelers, merchants and their guards, solo wanderers, monks, priests, hedge wizards, craftsfolk, wizened elders and playful youths. Over your second beverage you hear some idle conversation. Unable to pinpoint the speakers in the chaos of chatter, you listen in,

“Do you think the curse will manifest this year? They say its every one hundred years. Old Kavel says his grandpappy told him about it, and he reckons that this year is the year of the curse.”

Another voice responds…”I think its hogwash! That was another time. Didn’t some heroes kill the risen evil then?”

“Yes but they say the curse cannot be ended, that a new evil will always rise from the haunted cairns where the Battle of the Blighted was fought every one hundred years.”

“Well, all I know is I am going drink ale until I cannot see straight, and haunt some lass’ skirt! Haw haw haw…”

The conversation becomes lost as people begin to sing a common local song, your food finally arrives, and your mouth watering, you dig in to the hearty fare.

Before long, a commotion at the end of the tent catches the attention of most, and within seconds the music and all conversation stops. A bloodied man stumbles out of the parting crowd, voices shocked and aghast at his appearance.
Several people attempt to help him, but he merely screams, “The curse has returned! The dead have risen to feast on the living! They took Aelfa, Tam, and Gordy! Oh, the horror! I will never forget their screams as they were dragged into the forest. They came after me too, their bloody claws ripping at me, some of them even had weapons, they were all dripping blood, everywhere and… and, their leader watched from the forest! I ran and got away, I couldn’t save them...”

He collapses from shock and a friend carries him away right as another man bursts through the crowd, “Did he say Aelfa? My Aelfa!? It ... It cannot be! Noooo! She was everything to me!”

The man curls his fingers into fists.

“This curse must be stopped, the evil destroyed! Who among you can tackle this threat to us? I will offer my life savings to any heroes who can bring me proof that these denizens are destroyed.”

Several people look up, interest in their eyes, perhaps understanding that this unknown man has some considerable wealth. He does seem well dressed compared to the commonfolk.

“10,000 gold crowns I can offer! Just…bring me the bodies of Aelfa and her friends...if…if…”

The man breaks down and is escorted away by friends. The stunned crowd mulls about uncomfortably. Conversations begin in hushed tones, but many slip away, the merriment ruined by the tragedy. Quite a few people remain discussing in quiet voices, rubbing their chins, scanning the crowd. Some appear capable types, seasoned veterans, and others who have seen their share of adventure, but most appear to be farmers or other tradesfolk. It appears that groups are forming, interested in the chance at a fortune in gold, or perhaps just to do the right thing and help the community. You wonder whether the gold has made them overly brave, and whether some of these folks actually have what it takes to defeat anything other than a rabid dog. The death count could get awfully high before this all plays out. Perhaps you and a some of the more capable looking folks could sort this out. The gold wouldn’t hurt either. A few questions and an overheard conversation or two and the man offering the reward is Fitzsimmons, a local burgher of some wealth, and Aelfa is/was his daughter.

You realize time is of the essence, in order to stop the threat as soon as possible, but also to prevent others from either winning the reward for themselves, or from getting themselves killed in the attempt. You wonder abstractly if you will be one of those who do not return, as you honestly have little idea what the situation involves. You assemble your hastily thrown together group, and make your way to Burgher Fitzsimmons’ home.
His home is a large well maintained home, and a servant shows you into a front parlor where several other men are already waiting. They appear to be of the local militia. Also present is an extremely old lay priest of Erastil. Within minutes Fitzsimmons enters the room, still looking distraught. He eyes your group over and you see a glimmer of hope in his eye.

“You folks look capable. I thought we might have to rely on our local boys to deal with this, but we just don’t have the experience with this sort of thing.”

A few of the militia sitting in the room make an attempt to look indignant, but you see the secret relief in their faces.

“Anyone around here can tell you I’m good for the money, if that’s a concern. Although this is a farming community, I have done well over the years with regional trade. This community doesn’t have a lot of big town resources, but you may be able to find plenty at the festival; weapons, armor and things of that nature. Father Melvidine here can explain what he knows of the curse."

The old man pulls himself to a standing position, leaning on an aged worn staff. He speaks in a cracked voice.

“Twelve hundred years ago the so called Battle of the Blighted took place on the plain and the forests to the east of what is now the village of Cobbleston. In those days these lands were governed by King Volkrin IV. To the south lay the empire of Krath, its vile lich king A’Shug growing more and more powerful over time. Eventually he sent his armies of the dead north wiping out village after village. King Volkrin responded, and his army met the massive undead horde near here. After a battle lasting days, the king’s forces, exhausted and greatly depleted began to win out. They destroyed the mindless minions and their more powerful undead officers to the last, but not before one of the undead generals, a mighty Warrior-Witch, pronounced a very powerful curse on the lands, stating that every one hundred years the king’s men who fell dead would rise again to haunt these lands until every last one had all risen. Few know or remember, but this curse has held true every century with some of the dead coming from the graves. Sure, in the past heroes like yourself have put a stop to the menace, but it always happens again, and will always continue to happen.”

He trails off and then clears his throat.

“Pilk, the young fellow who survived the attack, was at least able to tell us that these risen dead are infesting the area around the Vanor Wood. If you follow the road to the east, and take several well travelled trails used for hunting or livestock you will approach the woods. Personally I would go during the day, but that may not matter. Those woods and the surrounding area are filled with the graves and cairns of the dead of the Battle of the Blighted. The undead corpses were burned in huge pyres, while the living were laid to rest in graves whose markers are long since gone. In some cases many were entombed in huge burial mounds within the forest. Of course that was centuries ago and the forest has changed much since then. May Torag or whatever gods you pray to protect you.”

With that, his eyes glaze over a bit and coughing several times he departs from the home, without so much as a word, leaving many unanswered questions. The militia fellows, appearing uncomfortable, rise almost as one, and depart as well. Fitzsimmons and some of his household staff remain.

“Well, do you think you can handle this?”
