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Full Name

Jimmy Jenkins










68 Herkimer St, Brooklyn, NY 11203





Strength 8
Dexterity 8
Constitution 8
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 7
Charisma 9

About JimmyJW

How to write fantasy: the magic around us

Fantasy is an unusual and very complex genre. Being quite young, he is a synthesis of many older genres. So, in fantasy, you can find features of a detective and a love story, a thriller and an action movie. And yet all fantasy books have a trait that distinguishes them from books of other genres. And this feature is an emphasis on a magical phenomenon or element that does not exist and cannot exist in the familiar reality, in our everyday world.

Accordingly, if you want to write a book in the fantasy genre, then get ready to fantasize always and everywhere, finding magic and magic even where they have no place in the ordinary world. The element of magic and magical phenomena should be present everywhere - from the structure of the world to the personality of the protagonist.

Let's take a look at how you can fit an element of magic into the basic links of your story.

Fantasy book world

The structure of the fantasy world can be copied from ours. So, in fantasy there is geography (seas, continents or islands, cities and countries), political structure (kingdoms or principalities), social statuses (rich, poor), economy, culture, religion, etc.

It seems, where in such ordinary things to find an element of magic? First of all, in history, or rather, in legends. If you think that you can write my essay today and now, then you are greatly mistaken. For example, the giants, who once divided the land, may be to blame for the features of the relief, and people carried faith in them through the centuries, calling the islands and continents by their names.

The next element of magic is religion. In our example, it can be created on the basis of belief in and worship of giants.