
Jessica Redekop's page

Contributor. 76 posts. Alias of Anetra.


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Hello, friends!

This game takes place in Sigil and the PCs are all members of the Mercykillers, agents of law and justice pursuing a dangerous serial killer. Knowledge of Planescape isn't required to play, but it will likely improve your experience with this adventure.

This game has 10 premade PCs of 7th level, with a male-bodied and female-bodied option for each party role. You can preview the characters here:


Hello, friends!

This game is a heist/crime adventure on the Planes with an all-evil party! The game takes place in Torch, a planar town with a permanent gate to Gehenna. Familiarity with Planescape isn't required, as this adventure is pretty isolated to just the one town.

This game has 5 premade PCs of 4th level. You can preview the characters here:


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Hello, friends!

Don't be intimidated by the description of this game, that's just me having a bit of fun :) This game is great for players who aren't familiar with the Planescape setting, as it begins on a Prime World and the PCs are also visiting the planes for the first time!

This game has 5 premade PCs of 6th level, and there are male-bodied and female-bodied miniatures available for all 5. You can preview the characters here:


Hello! It is me, your GM for the games Celestial Intrigue, Metal Gol, Ouroboros Killer, and Sects Abject.

As I am currently unable to create discussion threads for these events, this thread will provide additional information on these games for those interested.

These games are all Planescape games using Pathfinder 1st edition. Prior knowledge of the Planescape setting is not required, but you'll probably like the games better if you're a fan of the setting. Similarly, Metal Gol is a Metal Gear Solid parody game, and is best enjoyed by fans of Kojima's Metal Gear series.

I have run Celestial Intrigue, Metal Gol, and Ouroboros Killer at PaizoCon before, so if you've already played in one of these, register for a different one. These are not continuations, they are the same adventures.

Premade characters are provided for all games. Details as follows:

* Celestial Intrigue [Friday 1:00 to 5:00 PM] features 5 11th-level characters that can optionally be named by players. Artwork and short bios for this game can be found here:

* Sects Abject [Friday 2:00 to 6:00 PM] features 5 4th-level characters. I am still creating their artwork and biographies, but they are a human blackguard, a tiefling inquisitor, a drow oracle, kobold rogue, and a tiefling sorcerer. Artwork of the human blackguard has been completed and can be viewed here:

* Ouroboros Killer [Sunday 5:00 to 9:00 PM] features 7th-level characters that have been pre-named. There are 10 characters available for the 5 players to choose between, offering 2 choices for each 'party role' (e.g. a cleric and an oracle to choose between, a fighter and a paladin, etc). Artwork and short bios for this game can be found here:

* Metal Gol [not yet on schedule] features 3 9th-level characters that have been pre-named. Artwork and short bios for this game can be found here:

Character reservations will not be taken over the forums. Characters can be selected at the table on a first-come-first-serve basis only.

Please reply to this post with any questions you might have about my games. Thank you for reading, good luck in the lottery and I'll see you at the con <3


Hey! I have been unable to create forum threads for my events.

Do they need to be approved by a moderator before they appear, and have I been really annoying putting in multiple requests for the same games? Is there a weird bug? I don't know! I just know that I'm hitting the "Submit Post" button and it behaves indistinguishably from hitting "Preview."


Hello, everyone! You might know me from the con as "weirdo green hair Canadian running Planescape games" :) If you all don't mind, I'd like to do a quick temperature check about the way I've been having my games organised and scheduled.

I've noticed that a lot of other GMs run multiple instances of one adventure, and I haven't been doing this, I've been bringing a bunch of different adventures and doing 1 game of each.

What do you guys like better, though? Do you prefer to have multiple chances to get a single game to work with your schedule, or a bunch of different adventures from one GM (in this case, me!) to choose from?

I plan to bring multiple adventures in 2018 either way, so the difference here is basically, "should I bring 3 or 4 different adventures to PaizoCon 2018, or should I bring 2 adventures and run each one twice?"

Thanks for your help!

Hey everyone!

Please don't be intimidated by the description of this campaign, hahaha, I promise I won't talk funny for the whole game. The characters for this game will all be natives of the prime material plane, and not planar natives, so there's no background information you need to worry about knowing.

I am currently in the process of drawing new artwork for the characters in this game, so I can't show you the finished mini illustrations just yet, but I can show you the older work I'm updating as a little preview :) As you can see, there are both male and female options for each class (ranger, fighter, sorcerer, rogue, cleric).

I'm so excited to meet everyone at the con and play some games. See you all there!

Hi everyone! Like the description says, this game is for 5 players. There are a total of 10 pre-generated characters available to choose from, two for each role in the party (Cleric/Oracle, Fighter/Paladin, Rogue/Ranger, Inquisitor/Bard, and Wizard/Sorcerer).

If anyone is interested, here's a link to the artwork I've done for each character option!


How do metamagic effects interact with Shadow Evocation and Shadow Conjuration? Does the Metamagic affect only the effect of the Shadow spell, or does it affect the spell being duplicated, as well?

Does a Maximized Shadow Evocation duplicating a Fireball give me a Maximized Fireball?

Does a Persistent Shadow Evocation duplicating a Fireball give me a Persistent Shadow Evocation, a Persistent Fireball, or both?

My PCs are exploring a post-apocalyptic prime material plane that was, basically, torn apart by high-level casters and ~dangerous spells~ in "ancient times"; the prime is now divided geographically between the fearful, magic-hating people along the western coast, and those inland, who have been studying the world's history and harnessing its magical energies.

I've converted Planescape's Spellhaunt, and intend to have the plane infested by them inland (drawn to the magic of those who have been harnessing it; explains why they haven't been encountered along the coast), and the Unfettered Eidolon is an attractive option I've found, but I could sure use more ideas for what to fill this dang place with.

Thanks in advance, all! <3

For various reasons, including story/thematic appropriateness, I am interested in multiclassing a character into Oracle with the Nature Mystery and the Wrecker curse.

However, the Wrecker curse will result in the characters weapon having the broken condition whenever the character is wielding it. Are there feats, spells, traits, class abilities, weapon properties, items, etc etc that could allow a character to mitigate the penalties of, or gain other bonuses for, wielding a weapon with the broken condition?

My PCs are interested in burglarizing a house whose occupants possess just the right combination of wealth, paranoia, and spite that they've likely laid all manner of traps to deter theft.

They will be able to bypass most of the more dangerous ones by selecting a desirable route into and through the house, but what are some traps that a party of level 2 characters can handle?

What should you do, as a DM, when a player isn't enjoying the character they made?

This has become a problem for one of my players. He insists that the game itself is engaging and enjoyable, but he's just having trouble getting into character and enjoying the way his characters personality has developed (or rather, not developed). I know this player very well and, while unable to completely dismiss the possibility that he's lying about enjoying the game, I do believe he's telling the truth about it.

He did something different when he created this character, and we believe that this differently-done-thing is the source of the problem. Usually, he does not plan anything about his characters in advance -- leaves age, homeland, occupation, personality, everything up in the air to be determined as they come up according to his whims at the time. This was not the case with this character, however; I'd asked him to figure out some things in advance, in order to better incorporate the character, their background, and their present motivations into the story.

But now that he's been playing the character for a few sessions he's feeling restricted by the stuff he already decided about them, and I don't know what to do about it. I've asked him, and he says there is nothing I can do, because it's a problem between him and his character, but there has to be some way I can sneakily Dungeon Master some mystery and spontaneity back into this character.


I am using the Eberron action points system in my Pathfinder game (I prefer it to the Hero Points system presented in APG), and I'm currently mulling over how to convert one of the possible point uses.

"Activate Class Feature: You can spend 2 action points to gain another use of one of the following class features that has a limited number of uses per day: bardic music, rage, smite evil, Stunning Fist, turn or rebuke undead, or wild shape."

Some of these can be converted quite cleanly -- stunning fist uses/day have remained the same, turn/rebuke can be made into an additional channel energy use, and smite evil/wild shape uses have been increased, but are still within the same general number range.

Bardic music and rage, however, are no longer in uses/day, but in rounds. What is the best way to handle these? Spend an action point to gain X number of rounds? How many? 6? Or something else, such as spending an action point to gain an additional use of a 1/rage rage power? Or gaining an additional use of Lore Master?

Should the abilities of any other class be added to this list? The 3+casting stat abilities of the Wizard Schools and Sorcerer Bloodlines, perhaps? Bane rounds for Inquisitors? X number of additional bombs/day for Alchemists?


Hey! First things first, if your initials are C. L. and you know you shouldn't be reading this thread because it pertains to a game you're a player in, for shame! For shame, C. L.

With that out of the way, down to business: I am running a Planescape game (using Pathfinder, naturally) and find myself in need of some fresh ideas for a session. My players are presently stuck (imprisoned, some might say) in a rehabilitation facility, intending to 'cure' them of their chaotic impulses.

I want to do a series of mini-game-like skill challenges, to patronize them a little and have the individuals running the facility treat them like children. The idea is that they can earn 'merit badges' for completing various orderly tasks, tasks that requite forward planning, or doing something consistently for an extended period of time. I want them to be reminiscent of Brownie or Boy Scout badges, but the kinds of badges you would give a dangerous criminal to reward them for behaving like a constructive member of society.

As this is a D&D game I'd like as many of these to involve game mechanics as I can, though. A cooking badge for volunteering in the kitchens for a months worth of lunches could require a few untrained craft or profession chechs, but what else? Both for the low-levelled PCs, and some difficult-to-get badges other inmates could be toting.

I plan on illustrating the badges and handing them out to the olayers, kind of like X-Box achievements, to make the PCs compete with each other and the NPC inmates for the most number of cheevos.

When you summon a riding dog or a horse, namely the celestial and fiendish varieties with Summon Monster I and 2, do you summon it with a saddle, or without?

What purpose do these animals serve on their home planes before you summon them? If the celestial riding dog was a mount to a small planar creature, and you summon that one, does it come with the saddle that may have been in use? Or, no?

The creatures summoned with Summon Nature's Ally are likely wild horses and wild dogs, but do we believe this to be the rule for all planar animals? Are celestial horses predominantly wild, and not tamed by celestial natives? What of Fiendish horses?


Felling Smash (Combat)

You commit all your focus to a devastating blow, trying to crush your opponent to the ground.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Str 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: If you use the attack action to make a single melee attack at your highest base attack bonus while using Power Attack and you hit an opponent, you can spend a swift action to attempt a trip combat maneuver against that opponent.

Cleave (Combat)

You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can only make one additional attack per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn.

Can I use felling smash to trip someone if I intend to, also, use cleave to make a second attack?

My players are interested in the idea of having a few recurring villains in an upcoming game -- nemesis-type NPCs that are encountered on more than one occasion. I'm up for doing this storywise, and have a couple figures in mind for this, but I'm not sure exactly how to pull it off in the game.

By the time the players have access to the Raise Dead spell, I have no problems giving it to NPCs, so even if the PCs take down Recurring Nemesis 1 and 3, if 2 escapes, the whole Recurring Nemesis party could come back to life. This is fine for me.

The part that is less fine is ... are the PCs really going to loot these dudes every time they show up? :/ Do I have to give them like 1/10th the equipment so they won't make the PCs absurdly wealthy when they get taken down? Can they not regain equipment without it inevitably getting taken off of them by the PCs again?

What are some things I can do to make this situation more viable? How can I let the PCs defeat them without having the PCs lift everything they own from their bodies?

I'm building a nemesis-type NPC for a PC in a game I'm going to run. I know, from experience with the player, that the character I want to counter/challenge is going to be using spring attack at later levels. Probably a lot.

Both the PC and the nemesis NPC are melee fighter-types; the PC is a 2H fighter/barbarian, and the nemesis is a sword/shield ranger. What are some strategies I should keep in mind for this NPC? Readying actions to hit the PC when they 'spring?' Are there any feats I should focus on taking with the nemesis character?


Illusion Resistance costs 1 RP and gives the character a +2 bonus on saving throws against illusion spells or effects.

Fearless costs 1 RP and gives the character a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear.

Plagueborn costs 2 RP and gives the character a +2 bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poison, and becoming nauseated or sickened.

As seen above, a bonus against fear (a specific descriptor) is apparently equal to a bonus against the entire illusion school, while a bonus aginst disease/ingested poison/nausea/sickened is worth 2 RP. Is it just that fear and illusion are 'equal' to each other, or do we really want to charge 1 RP for "+2 to any kind of saving throw, regardless of specific or broad?" Does Plagueborn only cost more because it's giving a bonus to more than one saving throw type, or is a bonus against disease/ingested poison/nausea/sickened really "better" than a bonus against fear or illusions?

What I am getting at is: which saving throw bonuses are considered equal to each other, and which are the better/worse ones? Would a +2 bonus against the necromancy school also be 1 RP? What about a bonus against an element, or a specific alignment? How much would a +2 bonus to saving throws against lawful spells and effects cost?


What metamagic feats, spell combinations, or devious little sparks of creativity work awesome with Mirage Arcana and/or make it a more effective spell?

I've been considering Spell Perfection Mirage Arcana for an upcoming illusionist PC, but I'm having a hard time convincing myself that the spell really benefits from it. Sure, the DC to disbelieve goes up, but is that really all I can squeeze out of this? Or is there some killer feat/spell/class ability combination I've not thought of?

After my roommate lamented that we've not done any games with Pathfinder that have really TESTED the party in gruelling combat, challenging all of its members to be built and behave smart, our group has decided to do a game with super-optimized characters pitted against twinked out monsters. For the challenge. Or something.

I'm not really an optimizer. Once I got bored of tormenting my roommate with promises of Bard/Assassin/Master Spies and Shadowdancers I buckled down and realized that I really, really want to play a flipping Illusionist.

So now I need to munchkin one out. I do not know what I am doing.

My ability scores (edit: rolled) are something like these before racial adjustments,

DEX 15
CON 14
INT 17
WIS 14
CHA 10

Things I have more or less decided include...

Class: Wizard, with the Illusion - Shadow subschool in the APG
Race: Probably elf
Arcane Bond: I am going to take a wand for my Bonded Item
Skills: I want to take Craft: Alchemy and Disable Device as skills. I know this is not really "optimal," but I figure I can stand to do some weird things with my skills. Apart from those, taking normal Wizard stuff. Knowledges, Spellcraft, Linguistics...
Feats: Spell Focus in Illusion, Spell Perfection in... something, I don't know what yet, and possibly Preferred Spell Greater Invisibility? Or maybe just in Vanish, I think I could go for some spontaneous quickened vanishes.


Rest of the party is undecided, but tentatively is looking to be a Battle Oracle, a Cavalier, and the Oracle taking Leadership for I-don't-know-what. I'd guess a Life Oracle.

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Crossposting from the Planewalker boards. I'm converting NPCs from Faces of Sigil into Pathfinder. If these are helpful to you, go nuts. If you have advice on how to make these better, I wannnnnnnt it.

First up was Kylie and Dib. I know some people will probably disagree with my decision to give her levels in Horizon Walker instead of making her pure rogue, but as Kylie was unquestionably a "social rogue" whose abilities focused on being informed and staying on top in an urban environment, I felt that the abilities she got from Horizon Walker by selecting the Urban terrain types were really appropriate. However, I did fudge the class for her a little bit and decided that "The Chant" was more appropriate than "Endurance" as a prerequisite. Also, yeah, traits aren't normal for NPCs. Kylie is special.

Kylie & Dib:
Female tiefling rogue 6/horizon walker 2
TN Medium planar outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60ft; Perception +11
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+2 earring, +4 dex, +4 armor)
hp 48 (8d8+8)
Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +4
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge
Speed 30ft
Melee +2 short sword of quickness +12 (1d6+2/18-20), tail + 10 (1d6)
Special Attacks sneak attack (3d6)
Spell-Like Abilities
1/day - darkness (CL 8th)
2/day - mage armor (CL 6th)
3/day - detect magic (CL 6th)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 15
Base Attack +6; CMB +8; CMD 22
Feats The Chant, Skill Focus (diplomacy), Weapon Finesse, Extra Rogue Talent; Traits Canter, Extremely Fashionable
Skills Acrobatics +15, Appraise +7, Bluff +16 (+21 for secret messages), Climb +10, Diplomacy +21, Disable Device +12, Escape Artist +15, Intimidate +7, Kn(local) +14, Kn(factions) +12, Kn(the planes) +10, Perception +11, Sense Motive +11 (+16 for secret messages), Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +14, Use Magic Device +10
Languages Planar Trade, Celestial, Fiendish, Khaasta, Rhebus
Faction Free League; Deity n/a
SQ Follow Up, Favoured Terrain (Sigil, The Outlands), Terrain Mastery (Sigil), Rogue Talents (coax information, follow clues, minor magic, major magic)
Gear +2 short sword of quickness, mwk tail pike, +2 earring of protection, +2 ring of resistance, hillpop's golden quill (writes messages understood by any being)

Male ethyk HD 2
TN Tiny magical beast (extraplanar)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 10ft, low-light vision, scent; Perception +13
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 size, +2 dex, +2 natural)
hp 18 (1d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Defensive Abilities evasion, uncanny dodge
Speed 30ft, climb 30ft
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d2), bite +0 (1d3)
Special Attacks induce anger (dc 15)
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Attack +1; CMB -3; CMD 1
Feats Ability Focus (induce anger), Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +2, Climb +10 (take 10), Perception +13, Survival +5
SQ scent
Induce Anger (Su) Six times per day, Dib can induce anger in a single target within 100ft. A victim who fails a will save DC 15 becomes angry and argumentative for 3d4 rounds with another target (never Dib or Kylie) also within 100ft. Each round, the target must make an additional DC 15 will save or attempt to attack the target of its hostility, or anyone trying to restrain him.
If the victim cannot attack its target, it hurls verbal assaults that are so belligerent that the target's attitude toward the victim will turn hostile. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Next I did some Arcanaloths. Everyone loves Arcanaloths. Both were made using the Arcanaloth in Dungeon Magazine issue 149 -- so yeah, all I really did was adjust equipment and spell lists. I'm posting these primarily because I'm iffy about how good their spell lists actually are? A'kin's is not really that stellar (especially for the Dungeon Mag Arcanaloth with that Swift Evoker ability) but his spells are supposed to be nutty for an Arcanaloth so mostly whatever ;-;.

Arcanaloth yugoloth CR 17
NE Medium planar outsider (evil, extraplanar, yugoloth)
Init +14; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +33
AC 35, touch 20, flat-footed 25 (+10 dex, +15 natural);
hp 270 (18d10+162)
Fort +20, Ref +21, Will +15;
DR 15/good, silver; Immune acid, poison, mind affecting; Resist cold 10, fire 10, electricity 10; SR 26
Speed 30ft, fly 50ft (good maneuverability)
Melee 2 claws +28 (1d6+5 plus 1d6 strength drain), bite +23 (2d6+2)
Special Attacks arcane strike, flyby attack, summon yugoloths
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th, concentration +24)
Constant - fly
At will - alter self, darkness, fear (DC 23), greater teleport (self plus 50lbs of items), heat metal, invisibility, magic missile, major image (DC 20), telekinesis, warp wood (DC 19)
1/day - mirage arcana
Spells Known (CL 12th, concentration +19)
6th (4/day) - geas
5th (6/day) - false vision, feeblemind (DC 22)
4th (7/day) - confusion (DC 21), charm monster (DC 21), shout (DC 23)
3rd (8/day) - slow (DC 20), blink, suggestion (DC 20), nondetection (DC 23 / 28)
2nd (8/day) - phantom trap, misdirection (DC 19), hypnotic pattern (DC 19), see invisibility, detect thoughts (DC 19)
1st (8/day) - magic aura, ventriloquism, true strike, identify, memory lapse (DC 18)
0 (at will) - prestidigitation, open/close, message, mage hand, touch of fatigue, ghost sound, detect poison, detect magic, resistance
Str 20, Dex 30, Con 28, Int 23, Wis 18, Cha 24
Base Attack 18; CMB +23; CMD 28
Feats Arcane Strike, Empower Spell, Flyby Attack, Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (evocation), Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +28, Diplomacy +30, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana) +27, Knowledge (the planes) +27, Knowledge (local) +27, Linguistics +27, Perception +33, Spellcraft +29, Use Magic Device +28
Languages Read and write all known languages, telepathy 100ft
SQ Flight, Swift Evoker
Strength Drain (Su) A creature hit by an arcanaloth's claw attack must succeed a DC 28 fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Strength drain. On a successful save, the creature takes only 1 point of Strength drain. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Summon Yugoloth (Sp) Once per day, an arcanaloth can summon another arcanaloth. A summoned arcanaloth remains for 1 hour. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th-level spell.

Swift Evoker (Ex) An arcanaloth is particularly adept at quickly casting spells of the school of evocation. Once every 1d4 rounds, an arcanaloth may cast any evocation spell it knows as a free action, as if it were a quickened spell. An arcanaloth may cast evocation spells in this manner even if that spell is cast spontaneously.

Shemeshka the Marauder:
Arcanaloth yugoloth CR 17
NE Medium planar outsider (evil, extraplanar, yugoloth)
Init +14; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +33
AC 35, touch 20, flat-footed 25 (+10 dex, +15 natural);
39 with mage armour, touch 20 flat-footed 29
hp 270 (18d10+162)
Fort +20, Ref +21, Will +15;
Defensive Abilities Nondetection (DC 19); Immune acid, poison, mind affecting, detect thoughts, discern lies, detect alignment;
DR 15/good, silver; Resist cold 10, fire 10, electricity 10; SR 26
Speed 30ft, fly 50ft (good maneuverability)
Melee 2 claws +28 (1d6+5 plus 1d6 strength drain), bite +23 (2d6+2)
Special Attacks arcane strike, flyby attack, summon yugoloths
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th, concentration +26)
Constant - fly
At will - alter self, darkness, fear (DC 25), greater teleport (self plus 50lbs of items), heat metal, invisibility, magic missile, major image (DC 22), telekinesis, warp wood (DC 21)
1/day - mirage arcana (DC 26)
Spells Known (CL 12th, concentration +21)
6th (4/day) - chain lightning (DC 27)
5th (7/day) - cloudkill (DC 24), feeblemind (DC 24)
4th (8/day) - bestow curse (DC 23) , ice storm (DC 25), greater invisibility
3rd (8/day) - aqueous orb (DC 24), fireball (DC 24), vampiric touch (DC 22), slow (DC 22)
2nd (8/day) - scorching ray, mirror image, see invisibility, elemental touch (DC 23), hideous laughter (DC 21)
1st (9/day) - mage armour, burning hands (DC 22), reduce person (DC 20), touch of gracelessness (DC 20), ray of enfeeblement (DC 20)
0 (at will) - acid splash, detect magic, detect poison, ray of frost, bleed, touch of fatigue, mage hand, arcane mark, prestidigitation
Str 20, Dex 30, Con 28, Int 23, Wis 18, Cha 28
Base Attack 18; CMB +23; CMD 28
Feats Arcane Strike, Empower Spell, Flyby Attack, Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (evocation), Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +28, Diplomacy +30, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana) +27, Knowledge (the planes) +27, Knowledge (local) +27, Linguistics +27, Perception +33, Spellcraft +29, Use Magic Device +28
Languages Read and write all known languages, telepathy 100ft
SQ Flight, Swift Evoker
Combat Gear necklace of fireballs type IV (1 8d6, 2 6d6, 2 4d6, 4 2d6);
Other Gear razorvine headdress, headband of alluring charisma +4, amulet of proof against detection and location, gem of seeing, mirror of mental prowess, ring of mind shielding

Last but not least, Sly Nye. Mucked around with his ioun stones a bit, since not all of them exist as they were outside of 2nd Edition. I chose to make him with the Court Bard Archetype because he spends so much time in the Courts, and that's what it's for, right? ;)

No really, it's so he can antagonize people.

Sly Nye:
Male tiefling bard 4
CN Medium planar outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +9
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armour, +2 dex)
hp 19 (4d8-4)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +4; conditional modifiers +4 vs bardic performance, sonic, language-dependant
Immune detect thoughts, discern lies, detect alignment; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30ft.
Melee mwk dagger +3 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged mwk dagger +6 (1d4-1/19-20)
Special Attacks Bardic Performance 14 rounds DC 16 (countersong, distraction, fascinate, satire, mockery)
Spell-Like Abilities
1/day - darkness (CL 6th)
Spells Known (Caster Level 4th, concentration +8)
2nd (4/day) - glitterdust (DC 16), misdirection (DC 16)
1st (5/day) - hideous laughter (DC 15), expeditious retreat, vanish, unseen servant
0 (at will) - sift, unwitting ally (DC 14), detect magic, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 9, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Attack 3; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Alertness, Skill Focus (perform: oratory)
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +13, Climb +6, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +9, Kn(faction) +10, Kn(history) +7, Kn(local) +12, Kn(nobility) +7, Kn(planes) +10, Linguistics +9, Perception +9, Perform(oratory) +14, Profession(law) +7, Sense Motive +16, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +8
Languages understands all spoken languages (knows Planar Trade, Fiendish, Celestial, Infernal, Eladrin, Rhebus)
Faction Xaositect; Deity n/a
Faction Abilities Scramblespeak
SQ Heraldic Expertise 1/day, Versatile Performance (Oratory), Well-Versed
Gear mwk dagger, bracers of armour +2, ioun stones: bright silver cylinder (become ethereal for 2 hours, 14 charges); cerulean blue rhomboid (functions as a ring of freedom of movement); light blue prism (understand all spoken languages); and orange cube (functions as a ring of mind shielding)

Hi there!

I'm tweaking the Dwarf race a little for a homebrew setting in which Dugmaren Brightmantle is the primary/most popular Dwarven god, causing their culture to skew toward lorekeeping, invention, and other scholarly pursuits. The alternate racial traits in the APG are really great, but unfortunately they don't replace the racial traits I'm looking to ditch.

Knowing what is and isn't balanced against each other // what are equivalent bonuses to each other isn't really my strong suit, so I'm hoping some of you dudes and ladies can help me to make this work.

The racial abilities I want to replace are "Defensive Training" and "Hatred," and I'm looking to replace them with abilities like the APG alternate traits "Craftsman" or "Lorekeeper" -- racial skill boosts -- or with something like "Magical Linguist," an APG alternate trait for gnomes.

How do these abilities compare to each other? How many "Lorekeepers" are in a "Defensive Training," or vice versa?

Thanks so much for reading!

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Undo Artifice (Sp)

At 11th-level, you gain the ability to reduce a nonliving item to its component parts, essentially erasing the hand of artifice and rendering the item into a pile of raw natural materials. This effect acts as the spell polymorph any object, working on both magical and nonmagical nonliving objects. The duration is always permanent. Unlike polymorph any object, it cannot be used to mimic the effects of other spells. Items subject to this effect receive a Fortitude saving throw to negate the effect. Magic items receive a circumstance bonus on this save equal to +1 for every 5,000 gp in the item’s value. You may use undo artifice a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.


Regulars of these boards may remember a thread I made when the APG classes were in playtest about this ability. Unfortunately, that thread (here) raised more questions than it answered, and the wording of the ability didn't change in the final version. I am hoping that someone official-like can answer a few questions about this ability. Namely,

Anetra wrote:
If my Oracle had Craft Magic Arms and Armor, could they use Undo Artifice on a +1 Longsword, and then use the "raw natural materials" from this +1 Longsword to make a masterwork dagger into a +1 magic weapon?


bittergeek wrote:
All of that is largely moot because you're missing a critical point: the power duplicates a spell that is permanent not instantaneous. No matter what the pile of stuff you end up with looks like, it's still the original item - true seeing would still see it that way.

I really like the flavour of this ability, but I don't want to take it if all it's good for is finding out what the ingredients of a cake are, and then dispelling it back into the full cake. If that is the case, I'll stick with the similarly flavoured Erosion Touch.


I have never played a druid before, and am very excited to play one as my next Pathfinder character. I don't know much about making them, though. I have scoured the Advice archive for druid topics and read Treantmonk's guide to learn about building druid characters, but there remains one thing I'm just not sure about...

I want my druid to be primarily Wild Shape/melee-focused, and have decided to take the Blight Druid class variant from the APG, which I believe will work well for this plan. I also intend to take a cleric domain instead of an animal companion, but I have permission from the DM to take the Rage subdomain of Destruction, so at Druid 8 I'll have access to Barbarian Rage.

We are going to be using point buy 20 for our ability scores, which is a fairly generous amount, but as I plan to be a melee/wild shape-centric Druid, I will be focusing on my physical ability scores and want to start with the lowest wisdom score I can get away with.

To make the low wisdom score less of an issue at later levels, I am considering multi-classing. I really like the Horizon Walker prestige class in the APG, and flavour-wise it's perfect for this character. It has full-BAB and d10 hp, both of which should help me as a melee character. I also have a good idea of what sort of climate the game will be taking place in, and even if this drastically changes, I should know where we're at by the time I qualify for Horizon Walker and can select my favoured terrains accordingly.

So, my question is this: as a Wild Shape/melee-focused druid, how much am I really losing if I take 4 or 6 levels in another class? Heal is a 7th level spell for Druids, and so going up to 13th level is non-negotiable for access to it, but beyond that the druid spell list doesn't seem to have a lot going for such a character other than Summon Nature's Ally.

If I do take 4 or 6 levels in Horizon Walker, I can focus on boosting my strength and not worry about needing to reach that 19 wisdom... is this worth it, or is giving up those last druid spell levels too much?

The remainder of the party is going to be a Binder of Vestiges, an Inquisitor, and probably an Arcane Trickster, so my druid and/or summons will probably be the ones soaking up most of the hits.

Does anyone know what colour Karzoug's eyes are? I know, what a weird thread. I'm doing a drawing of the PC's we went through Rise of the Runelords with and I was asked to include Karzoug, but I can't tell an eye colour from his art!

Image thus far (yes, that is Orik on the far left)

Thank you to anyone who can help me ;__;

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Gang Up: Allows you to "count as flanking" an enemy that is threatened by at least two of your allies.

Outflank: A teamwork feat that allows you and a flanking ally with the feat to get a +4 bonus for flanking instead of +2, and make attacks of opportunity when your partner scores a critical hit.

If one of the allies threatening the enemy, and the rogue with Gang Up, both have Outflank, do they still get the bonuses from the Outflank teamwork feat?

This thread is not about the rules of learning languages. Yes, in game terms all that you "need" to speak any language is a skill rank in Linguistics. Not the point of this thread!

The point of this thread: What does an elemental language (Ignan/Terran/Aquan/Auran) actually sound like? If they are the languages of elementals, can a human's vocal chords really replicate the sounds, or would a speaker of Ignan be better served by a campfire, an air pump, and a fan to "make the sounds of fire?"

Yes, this is prettymuch going to be a thread of opinions and interpretations.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Undo Artifice (Sp)

At 11th-level, you gain the ability to reduce a nonliving item to its component parts, essentially erasing the hand of artifice and rendering the item into a pile of raw natural materials. This effect acts as the spell polymorph any object, working on both magical and nonmagical nonliving objects. The duration is always permanent. Unlike polymorph any object, it cannot be used to mimic the effects of other spells. Items subject to this effect receive a Fortitude saving throw to negate the effect. Magic items receive a circumstance bonus on this save equal to +1 for every 5,000 gp in the item’s value. You may use undo artifice a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

I think that this ability is very cool. It, and erosion touch, are abilities that I'd like to take with a Nature Oracle I'm planning. Roleplay and flavour-wise I think this ability is amazing, but in game terms and utility to the party, I'm just not sure what it's for or why it's only available at 11th level. Polymorph Any Object is a high-level spell, but that can't be the only reason.

A Nature Oracle could use this ability to take apart buildings, destroy items, etc etc, but what ARE the "raw natural materials" of a magical item? If I take apart a +1 Longsword, are these "raw natural materials" comparable in monetary value to the +1 Longsword? If my Oracle had Craft Magic Arms and Armor, could they use Undo Artifice on a +1 Longsword, and then use the "raw natural materials" from this +1 Longsword to "craft"/magic up a masterwork dagger to +1? Or is the ability, in the end, just for show?

Many people have stated a dislike for the combined skills, particularly in the cases of Linguistics involving Forgery, and other things where it doesn't thematically fit for person with Skill A to automatically have Skill B as well.
What I might humbly suggest is the borrowing of the "Skill Tricks" system, modified to, instead, allow more uses for a given "generic" skill.

For example:

Skill: Linguistics
Represents Speak Language, Decipher Script, Detect Forgery

Relevant "Skill Trick Variant"
Forger: For a cost of X skill points, your character may now use their Linguistics skill for the purposes of creating forgeries

X skill points is suggested to be low, in the vicinity of 2 or 3, but no higher than 5. If this were used, I would further condense skills than they already are, and create more "Skill Trick Variant"s to buy increased functions.

* Combine Fly with Arcobatics, require the player to buy the Fly function.
* Combine Bluff with Disguise, require the player to buy the "Create Disguise" function.
* Keep Spellcraft and Concentration together, require the player to buy the "Spellcraft" function.
* Separate Concentration, combine with Autohypnosis, require the player to buy the "Autohypnosis" function.

Merely an idea to consider.