Female Human

Jessarae Fitzkitzritz's page

30 posts. Alias of Josh M Foster (Developer).

Full Name

Jessarae (Jessie) Fitzkitzritz




Oracle 7








Neutral Good




Elven, Gnome, Taldane



Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 17
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 15
Charisma 23

About Jessarae Fitzkitzritz

The gnome before you is small, even for a gnome. She stands only 3 feet tall, but she has an easy confidence that makes her seem larger. Your gaze first goes to her eyes, and they seem very un-gnome-like: completely white.

Perception DC 20:
You can barely make out silvery pupils, but they are nearly invisible.

If this is an impairment she does not show it, moving forward not with the slow stumble of one blinded, but with confidence and grace.

Her complexion seems almost human, until you realize that it's actually a bright pink. She is lithe, and not strongly muscled, but she does not seem weak, as she wears a fine suit of mail. Her hair is gold - not blonde, but truly golden. It is as if every strand was made of precious metal.

The aforementioned suit of armor seems made from silver with parts covered in black lacquer. It is covered with religious symbology.

DC 5 Knowledge (Religion):
The symbols are obviously Pharasman

DC 10 Knowledge (Religion):
and clearly depict the life-giving birth aspect of the goddess.

She wears a silver holy symbol of Pharasma around her neck, and her hair is tied back with a simple black ribbon. A small shield sits on her left hand, though it is simple and bears no heraldy or symbols, simply silver lacquer. A shortspear is held in her right hand, though she seems to consider it more a walking stick than a weapon.

Perception DC 15:
There are no notches in the tip; it is unlikely that this weapon has ever tasted blood.

A light crossbow sits on her back and a matching quarrel of bolts on her hip. She carries a simple backpack on one shoulder - it seems not to contain all that much given the lack of bulk. Her other shoulder has a black cloak trimmed with silver thrown over it.

Character Sheet:
Jessarae (Jessie) Fitzkitzritz
Neutral Good Small Female Humanoid (Gnome)
Oracle (Life) 7
Initiative +1; Senses Blindsense (30ft), Clouded Vision (No Sight Beyond 60ft), Darkvision (60ft), Low-Light Vision; Perception +7


AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 19 (+1 Dex, +1 Size, +7 Soothsayer's Raiment, +1 Light Wooden Shield, Armor Check -5)
HP 64
Fort 6 Ref 4 Will 8
Special Defenses Eternal Hope (+2 Saves vs Fear or Despair), Illusion Resistance (+2 Saves vs Illusion)


Speed 20ft
Melee Shortspear +6 (1d4)

Ranged Light Crossbow +7 (80ft) (1d6/19-20)

Special Attacks Channel Positive Energy (3d6, DC 20, 9/day), Combat Healer (2/day), Energy Body (7 Rounds/day, 1d6+7), Gnome Magic (+1 Illusion DCs), Quick Channel, Safe Curing

Spell-Like Abilities (Concentration +13, CL 7)
1/day Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak with Animals

Spells Known (Concentration +13, CL 7)

Orisons-- Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize

1st--(8/day) Bless, Cure Light Wounds (DC 17), Detect Undead, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary (DC 17), Shield of Faith (+3 Deflection)

2nd--(8/day) Aid, Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 18), Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Spiritual Weapon (Force Dagger +11 (1d8+2/19-20))

3rd--(5/day) Cure Serious Wounds (DC 19), Dispel Magic, Neutralize Poison, Prayer


Str 10, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 23
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Extra Channel, Extra Revelation (Energy Body), Quick Channel, Selective Channel (6 Creatures)
Traits Ease of Faith
Skills Diplomacy [7]+17, Heal [5]+10, Knowledge (Nature) [4]+10, Knowledge (Religion) [3]+7, Perception [4]+7, Sense Motive [7]+12, Spellcraft [3]+7, Survival [2]+6
(+2 Racial Bonus to Knowledge (Nature), +2 Racial bonus to Perception)
Languages Elven, Gnome, Taldane
SQ Academician (Nature), Gnome Oracle Favored Class Bonus (+3.5), Gnome Weapon Familiarity, Keen Senses


Combat Gear Shortspear (1gp), Masterwork Light Crossbow (335gp), 20 Bolts (2gp), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000gp), Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (4,000gp), Lesser Metamagic Rod of Reach (3,000gp), Soothsayer's Raiment of Life (Combat Healer) (10,300gp), Light Wooden Shield (3gp)
Other Gear Traveler’s Outfit (Free), Silver Holy Symbol of Pharasma (25gp), Handy Haversack (2,000gp), Ring of Sustenance (2,500gp), Bedroll (1sp), Small Tent (10gp), Explorer’s Outfit (10gp), Healer’s Kit (50gp), Holy Water x5 (125gp), 50ft of Hemp Rope (1gp), Grappling Hook (1gp), Spell Components Pouch (5gp), Silver Holy Symbol of Pharasma (Backup) (25gp), Silver Holy Symbol of Pharasma (25gp) (Backup's Backup), 8pp, 1gp, 9sp

Jessarae, Jessie to her friends, has never been able to see the world well, at least in terms that others around her see. Anything further than a dozen yards seems a blur, but this has never bothered her. She can feel something that no one around her can feel; she feels life.

She can feel life itself the way others might feel the wind. It was as though Pharasma herself took pity on the blind gnome, and showed her beauty beyond sight, and life is beautiful in the small girl's eyes. She shares its joy whenever possible, and this is made all the easier through another gift - not only does she feel life, she can use this connection to heal. She can make a difference. She can help. This knowledge makes the gnome happier than many know.

She was born in the River Kingdoms, though she is not really sure precisely where. Her mother was in the midst of a wanderlust, and as soon as Jessie could travel she was taken along. At first there was nothing wrong with the child's vision, but as time went on, all color faded from her eyes. However, around the time her eyes turned completely white, she found she could heal others just by willing it. It took time to learn to control it, and she never received any formal instruction in spellcasting, acting more on instinct than learning.

She is naive, and trusting, but she is also a wielder of some of Pharasma's most potent magics. Despite this, she's not particularly pious, and Pharasma's gift does not seem to depend upon worship or ritual in any way. She simply has a gift, and she feels the need to use it. Jessie has adventured with many people, helping heal wounds and seeing the world, in as much as a nearly blind girl can.

The only creatures for which she has no patience are undead - even moreso than most adventurers (probably a result of channeling Pharasma's will so often). She accepts all faiths; her mother ensured that she would never be closed minded. As such she approaches all people with a smile. She manages to keep her perkiness just shy of annoying, though she has been known to cross that line when she has cause to be especially happy.