Jessarae (Jessie) Fitzkitzritz
Neutral Good Small Female Humanoid (Gnome)
Oracle (Life) 7
Initiative +1;
Senses Blindsense (30ft), Clouded Vision (No Sight Beyond 60ft), Darkvision (60ft), Low-Light Vision; Perception +7
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 19 (+1 Dex, +1 Size, +7 Soothsayer's Raiment, +1 Light Wooden Shield, Armor Check -5)
HP 64
Fort 6 Ref 4 Will 8
Special Defenses Eternal Hope (+2 Saves vs Fear or Despair), Illusion Resistance (+2 Saves vs Illusion)
Speed 20ft
Melee Shortspear +6 (1d4)
Ranged Light Crossbow +7 (80ft) (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks Channel Positive Energy (3d6, DC 20, 9/day), Combat Healer (2/day), Energy Body (7 Rounds/day, 1d6+7), Gnome Magic (+1 Illusion DCs), Quick Channel, Safe Curing
Spell-Like Abilities (Concentration +13, CL 7)
1/day Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak with Animals
Spells Known (Concentration +13, CL 7)
Orisons-- Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize
1st--(8/day) Bless, Cure Light Wounds (DC 17), Detect Undead, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary (DC 17), Shield of Faith (+3 Deflection)
2nd--(8/day) Aid, Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 18), Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Spiritual Weapon (Force Dagger +11 (1d8+2/19-20))
3rd--(5/day) Cure Serious Wounds (DC 19), Dispel Magic, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 23
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Extra Channel, Extra Revelation (Energy Body), Quick Channel, Selective Channel (6 Creatures)
Traits Ease of Faith
Skills Diplomacy [7]+17, Heal [5]+10, Knowledge (Nature) [4]+10, Knowledge (Religion) [3]+7, Perception [4]+7, Sense Motive [7]+12, Spellcraft [3]+7, Survival [2]+6
(+2 Racial Bonus to Knowledge (Nature), +2 Racial bonus to Perception)
Languages Elven, Gnome, Taldane
SQ Academician (Nature), Gnome Oracle Favored Class Bonus (+3.5), Gnome Weapon Familiarity, Keen Senses
Combat Gear Shortspear (1gp), Masterwork Light Crossbow (335gp), 20 Bolts (2gp), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000gp), Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (4,000gp), Lesser Metamagic Rod of Reach (3,000gp), Soothsayer's Raiment of Life (Combat Healer) (10,300gp), Light Wooden Shield (3gp)
Other Gear Traveler’s Outfit (Free), Silver Holy Symbol of Pharasma (25gp), Handy Haversack (2,000gp), Ring of Sustenance (2,500gp), Bedroll (1sp), Small Tent (10gp), Explorer’s Outfit (10gp), Healer’s Kit (50gp), Holy Water x5 (125gp), 50ft of Hemp Rope (1gp), Grappling Hook (1gp), Spell Components Pouch (5gp), Silver Holy Symbol of Pharasma (Backup) (25gp), Silver Holy Symbol of Pharasma (25gp) (Backup's Backup), 8pp, 1gp, 9sp