Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Jess Door's Doppleganger's page

6 posts. Alias of nathan blackmer.


Jess Door wrote:



You should have hit the snooze button. I already quit the job, lit your cat on fire, and deleted all your programing files.

Jess Door wrote:
Jess Door's Doppleganger wrote:

Yes, how shall we defame our namby-pamby "light" alternates next?

*Begins extoling the virutes of higher taxes, more restrictive goverment, etc*

My evil opposite has probably never been in a car accident, then. I'm a little jealous of that.

Nope, and I'm JUST GORGEOUS!

(actually I've been in three, and one of them was really bad)

Studpuffin wrote:
Jess Door's Doppleganger wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Open Letter to Freehold DM

Freehold, we trusted in you. You had for sometime been a good manager and steward of all the clones. Somewhere however you have let them get away from you. Now EVIL clones are surfacing. You have no one but yourself to blame. Please do your best to contain this EVIL, for it shall be dire for the world if you do not.

All the best ~ The rest of the world.

It's like the CLONE SAGA all over again.

Somehow, I blame Bendis.....

Oh no no no no, I refuse to be a part of ANYTHING that hideous.
That's why I don't like clones. Give me alternate dopplegangers anyday.

Haters gonna hate, indeed.

Yes, how shall we defame our namby-pamby "light" alternates next?

*Begins extoling the virutes of higher taxes, more restrictive goverment, etc*

This Doppleganger is a hater. Hate, Doppleganger, hate.

Dark Solnes wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Open Letter to Freehold DM

Freehold, we trusted in you. You had for sometime been a good manager and steward of all the clones. Somewhere however you have let them get away from you. Now EVIL clones are surfacing. You have no one but yourself to blame. Please do your best to contain this EVIL, for it shall be dire for the world if you do not.

All the best ~ The rest of the world.

It's like the CLONE SAGA all over again.

Somehow, I blame Bendis.....

Oh no no no no, I refuse to be a part of ANYTHING that hideous.
That's why I don't like clones. Give me alternate dopplegangers anyday.

Yes, how shall we defame our namby-pamby "light" alternates next?

*Begins extoling the virutes of higher taxes, more restrictive goverment, etc*

I'm a dog person. Cat's are stupid little furballs and they should be jammed down just as hard as possible into the nearest machine with a "Puree" setting.

(I don't know that I can say anything rude enough to be the opposite of Jess' polite and balanced comments, but assume I said something hideously offensive/racist HERE)

I hate math, computers, and japanese culture!

(evil alternate clone game is fun!)