
Jeryn of the Leopard Ekujae's page

14 posts. Alias of Trevor86.


F Half-elf Bard 5

All right, I'll give it another try :) There's another deadline for tomorrow but I have the friday off to try and get it to work. I'll be sure to gratefully accept some of the offered help if I run into the same things.

F Half-elf Bard 5

I'm sorry, I've just not had the time to study the system the way I wanted to... i know it might not seem like it from the other campaign but i've actually dropped from 12 campaigns to 6 and i've felt that's been kind of hard to keep up on. Multiple deadlines at work for presentations and similar projects and getting used to the post-divorce situation haven't helped this. Perhaps it's just a mental thing, but I find it hard to learn 2e as well. I got stuck on the character creation multuple times, especially the spell selectiom for which the guides on bards i could find don't seem to offer suggestions, plus what feels like dozens of special conditions to learn to even be able to understand what they do.

At this point, I'm not sure what to do. I have great respect for you as a GM Meow and part of me still wants to join, which is also why i've been putting this of for a long time. But..
I'm not sure when I will actually have the time to learn this system well enough. Maybe a workaround of sorts could be to retroactively make Jeryn a very simple martial character or healer perhaps? If such a build is possible within the system.

F Half-elf Bard 5

Thanks for the support, everyone. Tomorrow my vacation of sorts starts and I'll try to catch up and post then!

F Half-elf Bard 5

Hey everyone.

I wanted to drop a note explaining my absense after the last few posts. I've simply had a very busy last few weeks, adjusting to some major life changes set to happen shortly. Additionally, I keep getting stuck in creating the character rulewise and simply haven't had time to really learn pathfinder 2 the way I was hoping to. I can offer to bow out, so you can find someone more active to replace me now, with no hard feelings. Otherwise, I still would like to do it. But I wouldn't know when I'll get around to finishing the core rulebook. The fastest is probably in two weeks or so from now if all goes well, but I understand you all might not want to wait that long.

Kind regards,

F Half-elf Bard 5

"It rather seems like the ousiders are getting along well with the locals," Jeryn says to her sister, and should he be nearby, his father. "I admit, I am curious to see how they hunt. Or should I stand back to give them more of an opportunity to prove themselves?" She asks them.

Not entirely sure what is expected of Jeryn in-character as an Ekujae, she doesn't know the others that well yet. Does the invitation extend to her? Side note I'm still working on the stats for her, got bogged down in spell selection last time. Seems most bard guides do not include advice for this. Is it because the lists are shared? Hm...

F Half-elf Bard 5

Perform: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

It wasn't her best signing, certainly. But the mood was cheery, and the entire situation with the other village women having a dance of with the newcomers was amusingly distracting, in her defense. In the end, she just kept to the well known Rhythm and lines as best she could, wondering who would come out on top.

F Half-elf Bard 5

Jeryn, for her part, just joins her sister in maintaining the song with rhythmic voice and clap. "They seem quite adapt at this. At least better than might be suspected of a stanger." She compliments, brows raised, to her father and sister as Beau and Beatrix give them a good showing.

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F Half-elf Bard 5

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Jeryn laughs softly at her father and sister's antics, followed by their guest's banter of child fantasies. Perhaps out of politeness, she waits for the others to make their way up first before vine-swinging and climbing herself up in extremely proficient fashion - as was expected from a native.

Bojas 'Beau' Gladhand wrote:
"Is it alright if I make sketches of Akrivel? I am no great artist by any stretch of the imagination, but it would mean a great deal to me to put to paper the beauty I find myself surrounded with."

"So long as you select but a limited portion of the settlement to draw, I am sure most would find that agreeable. The only real concern is safety to the village, should your drawings find themselves into more nefarious hands," Jeryn states. "Which we of course hope they never will," She adds with a wry grin.

"Father is correct in that not many Ekujae speak Taldane, as he already stated multiple times. My sister and I often joke between ourselves that his memory is slipping." She says, though with obvious fondness for her family. "As you are our guests, I can offer to translate should you wish to speak to the locals. Or I could point out some interesting aspects of the village, should you find it interesting."

F Half-elf Bard 5

Jeryn chuckles at the implicit praise, a hint of embarassment shining through her as yet formal and reserved exterior. "Sister, it is good to see you well, as always. Has anything changed while we were gone?" She asks, and walks forward to embrace the other half-elf as she speaks. Put against one another, it seems Jeryn is younger than Nketiah, though such a thing was hard to estimate exactly when one's prime youth extended through four decades.

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F Half-elf Bard 5

Slightly earlier to now

Beatrix Mortimire-EbonGray wrote:
She apologies to Jeryn. "How long have your people resided here?"

"Us, as in the Ekujae, and here, as in this part of the Mwangi expanse?" The half-elf clarifies. "If so, our ancestors have been here since before Earthfall. Unlike most elves, the Ekujae remained on Golarion to fight the great Darkness that followed that event, so that life could persevere even with the lands shateered and the skies in perpetual darkness." Jeryn explains, and there is definite pride in her tone and tentative smile.

She listens to her father elaborate further on the tribal history and their distaste for gold. She frowns, and seems to consider her words carefully. "Yes, it is true. Dahak is the same darkness that I spoke of. His cultists, whom you have been fighting, believe that there is a way to bring him back involving these travel gates. There is more to this, but perhaps that is best kept to a later time."

During the travel, she lowers her voice to speak more with Beatrix and any others at the rear of the convoy. "Personally, I am not as against gold as most of my tribe. After all, it is my belief that it is not gold itself that drives people to do horrible and selfish things, but a greed for riches in general. There are many different forms of which that appeal to men, about as many as the Aspis Consortium and their allies seek to steal from the natives. And for that, we kill them," she states plainly.

Her sea-green eyes gaze over each of the party in turn. "However, we are not warmongers. As travelers and guests, you have nothing to fear from us. It is our way to safeguard and guide those traveling through the dangerous jungles should we feel it necessary. But, I would still advise you to be on good behavior. The tribe remains in conflict with Dahak's cultists, for one, as I'm sure my sister and father will speak more of when we enter Arkrivel."

The rest of the trip there, she spends time explaining how to present and conduct themselves to make a good impression, demonstrates the correct greetings and shares the titles of those in important positions, such as Linguist - her own - a function of diplomats and translators. Predictably, she is not surprised by the 'appareance'of her home city. and rolls her eyes at her father's mannerisms in amusement, but does smile warmly to the buildings forming the town above.

GM, are such mannerisms and such in the module or do I have some freedom to come up with a few for the Ekujae?

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F Half-elf Bard 5

Jeryn regards the proceedings, at first worried these people would prove her father wrong and were now openly looting a place sacred to the Ekujae right in front of them, but fortunately it seemed such fears were ungrounded, with the gold probably belonging to the cultists.

Thus, she patiently waits for the inspection to be done and the group to begin moving.

F Half-elf Bard 5

"Of course, father - That would be a disaster. Though I wonder if everyone in the village will trust them as easily, or be as ready to accept outside help. Are you planning on testing them in some way to prove their worth? Up close, they do look rather worse for wear."[/b]

Now that she got a better look at the many injuries and extend of battle damage on display, Jeryn's features soften somewhat, and she regards the party with a mild curiosity. "You seem very polite and well-mannered, Bea. If you have specific questions, I would happily offer to explain what I can on the way. Yet, it is true that my older sister knows much more than I. I am but a visitor of sorts, whereas she is a resident."

F Half-elf Bard 5
Beatrix Mortimire-EbonGray wrote:
"It is a pleasure to meet to Jeryn, daughter of Jahsi, student of the Magaamyba." Beatrix curtseys respectfully. "Proof? What would... hmmm, we did take prisoners from the cultists attack. We could use the portal again to go back home and retrieve one of them. Would that suffice?"

There is a small nod as Jeryn inclines her head at this polite greeting, and she translates the offer to her father - whom then promptly decides to trust the group. She nods to him and bows in subserviant manner. "Sawa baba. Ikiwa hayo ni mapenzi yako. Ingawa ninauhakika njia yangu ingefanya kazi pia, ikiwa ungeniruhusu nijaribu."

"If that is your will, father. Though I believe my method would work as well, if you would but let me try."

"Father trusts you on your word and extends his greetings. He also extends his sympathies for damage suffered on your end by the Cinderclaws, and offers compensation or aid from the tribe in rebuilding. As he believes the Ekujae are partly responsible by allowing them past the gate on our side," She then translates to her accented Taldane, facing Bojas and Gofrain, unsure from their demeanor if they could understand either Elven or Mwangi. "He also wishes to ask your aid for a local problem we have been facing," she follows, and respectfully waits for Jahsi's further instructions.

The welcome and invitation to visit the tribe were implied, but not hers to offer - or so she figured.

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F Half-elf Bard 5

At that moment a dark-skinned, young half-elf steps forward from the circle of warriors. Unlike the others, she was not as well-armed, only clad in light tribal armor and not having a visible weapon other than a whip on her side. While she was strikingly beautiful, she also seemed rather fierce, her expression serious and edging towards severe. Notable, too, were the number of Ivory - or bone? - ornamental 'jewels' she wore, with what seemed like a full human skull hanging from the other side of her belt as the most eye-catching one.

"Baba, niruhusu nikutafsirie. Ufahamu wangu wa Taldane ni wa kina zaidi," She calls to the leader, Jahsi.


"Father, allow me to translate for you. My knowledge of Taldane is more extensive."

After receiving a nod from the man, she turns to the group. "I am Jeryn, daughter of Jahsi, student of the Magaambya," she speaks in formal Taldane. "You tresspass on sacred ground, recently taken from us by cultists of Dhahak and now reconquered. You say you are not aligned with them, or the agents they sent through the portal. Do you have proof of such a claim?" she asks, her gaze piercing, as if carefully scrutinizing you for the slightest hint of lies.