Jennesseeted's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what you mean, Jennesseeted. You designed a character (XXXX-1) and played it at an event, received a chronicle sheet, and received a wooden "Year of the Ruby Phoenix" token for your participation, yes?

Even a human has things like additional skill ranks and feats which it would lose in trade for spell-like abilities and energy resistances.

If that's what the Venture-Captain was suggesting, he was wrong. If you tried to bring that character to my table, and were honest about what you were doing, I'd ask you to revert it back to its original race before we begin play.

But it's likely I've misunderstood. Perhaps you were playing a pre-gen through a short delve experience, and won the Aasimar boon, to apply to your first character.

No, you understood correctly, and that is how I interpret the boon use as well. I wanted to aske in case there was an established "use of a boon right away" rule or something I was unaware of. I will apply the boon to xxxxx-2. My only regret is that I will probably start using the #2 guy, and let my original character (and all his experience from the con) languish, poor fellow.

So, I got a couple of the boons at GenCon, including one of the races (Aasimar), which I thought was pretty neat. In fact, though I understand some of the negative feelings some of you posted about the boons, I have to say that the treasure box and prizes were definately a factor in my having an excellent time and wanting to play Pathfinder again.

My question is this: I got that boon immediately after my first game of my first character at my first Society event of any kind (and first Pathfinder game, too). I would assume that it would be unsportsmanlike to apply that boon to that character right away, but I thought I might throw that out to the boards and see what folks thought. One of the Venture Captains hinted wink wink that no one would say anything about it if I did, but some other players thought I would be a dirty rotten rule breaker.
