Jeffrey Sinclair's page

4 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Yes to pirates/water book!

Yes to one terrain book (desert, cold, etc.)

Yes to spire of nex!

Steel_Wind wrote:
What I don't want to see is full-throated power gallop. To the extent we are already going to see *some* power creep by reason of the themes of Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic, well...

I'm not sure why these must entail power creep. Ultimate means "final/furthest in order", not "most powerful" Of course there's always that risk.

Alkenstar/Mana wastes for sure!

More Cities, Lost Cities, and Darklands locations!

Book of new Artifacts specific to Golarion.

Sourcebooks for Numeria, The Worldwound, The Sodden Lands, and Geb.

More fiction!

A book about Golarion's minor cults, dead gods, etc. which contains lots of pregenerated stat-block humanoid enemies and a few new summonable monsters.

A book detailing one or more other planets in the solar system, perhaps in conjunction with a module or adventure path involving the witchwyrds and inspired by the old "Expedition to the barrier peaks" adventure. Could have tie-in sourcebook for whatever passes as sci-fi in Pathfinder.

Perhaps psionics if done well. But I cast my vote against any of the nonsense that is epic. Oh, and I'd be extremely happy to NOT see a pathfinder 1.5 or line of "essentials" books in 2012 (or actually ever).

I'm sure whatever Paizo does for 2012 will inspire many great gaming sessions at my table.

Also, a comment - Paizo products are generally great. (I hope that any rules issues/ errata are addressed - I chose Pathfinder over <<another similar game>> in part because there were less rules problems, tighter editing, and beautiful print quality. would like to see this continue, no matter what products Paizo offers in 2012.

I'd be happy with a box containing: a thin softcover rulebook (4 classes only), a short adventure, some arrangeable map pieces, some stand-up paper minis with plastic bases, and a cool set of dice.

I'd like to see it designed like the original d&d basic box set for retro-appeal, but with millenial-anime appeal.

you, know, something wizards could never quite do right.

I recommend including stand-up paper minis because I absolutely HATE flat 2D tokens. I play in a 3D world. (Also, stand-up paper minis already exist for Pathfinder.) It would be an added bonus if these tokens were for creatures unique to pathfinder, like gremlins and mites, so they could be incorporated into the collections of those of us who have a collection of painted or pre-painted miniatures.

The map pieces could be 8 1/2 by 11 sheets printed on one side to save on costs - as long as they look nice and are useable.

I'd also stick to mainly dungeon, and provide background for a specific dungeon in Golarion that hasn't been detailed yet.

My FLGS is going to start running pathfinder game days soon to attract new players, and a basic game would be an ideal product for those days! VERY EXCITING!