Jeffrey Norman |
I came up with a good method for XP management when the whole group doesn't always make it.
I track all experience in the campaign that the party got at the party level. At the start of every session I divide by the number of people that show up. Then everyone's minimum level is based off of this. This helps balance to module while rewarding PCs for victories.
I do have RP experience rewards so some people may level sooner then others but no more then two fights earlier.
I am running Jade Regent with six PCs. Last session only three PCs made it. So those three PCs went from level 11 to 13 at the start of the session. Now they will be stuck at 13 for a long time but session balanced out well. With no extra treasure the extra levels don't break the game when all the players are at the table. The limited number of actions leveled out the power level for the session. This works really well after level 2 and has been used for the entire campaign with no hiccups.
We have only lost two PCs and one of those was to a slaying arrow, almost a guarantied one shot kill.
It does help that the healer is an Oracle with a cleric cohort thanks to the leadership feet so the group can heal through the bad stuff.
My DM philosophy. Knock unconscious one PC every other sessions equals challenging, fun, sessions with few PC deaths. Less then that I may be going to easy. Try not to kill more then one PC every five levels. More then that I am going to hard and the PCs need some help (i.e. gear or levels).