Jeff Young 82 |
Ok Brass tacks against Mages having played on both sides of the fence since TSR owned D&D, and through all the iterations to date.
Your best bets are fighters or fighter/Rogue Multiclass in Pathfinder, Or of course a Rogue. I will neglect gear at this point because that is swingy based on your game, but some stuff remains the same universally.
Feats: Iron will you want this at first level if human, and not an Elf, other wise soon after. Failing will saves is the worst case scenario because not only does it take you out of the fight, it could turn you against your party which is capital B BAD.
Charm/Dominate is the worst thing that can happen to you, it will turn you on your allies, and that can change the entire fight, so Wisdom and Iron will will be your go to feats, along with Improved Iron will later on.
Great Fortitude. I taught a friends group a painful lesson in Con back in 3.0 Swords and sorcery with a Guest Necromancer. I took the typical SoD build, added ability damage from The spells there (Which are grossly OP) and the pain began. Fort saves are usually against debuffs or kills, so great fort and a con score are high on your list as well. I would go Improved if you are solid fighter just for that reroll on a failed save. The lesson here is not stopping the mage it is surviving him.
Reflex saves tend to be direct damage so Lightning reflexes is more optional, Still don't dump dex because that is touch AC and you will need that against certain spells.
Improved Initiave. Casters take this at level one You need it too because it is the only way you are gonna beat them in initiave. If you do lose then ready for the next round and be ready to deal with what ever he cast
Remember your tools, Lassos, Tangle foot bags, thunderstones, even nets can slow a caster down just enough to keep him controlled.
Vital strike, This can be used with a move and it results in a good solid hit.
Fleet Move is key
Take perception, Invisibility can be spotted, and this skill is probably the only one worth skill focus, taking cosmopolitan for, and even greater focusing. Also blind fight, and it's subsequent feats Especially if you are ranged and will be dealing with invisible flying casters.
Remember Sunder. Break the staff, the wand, cut off a mage's extra source of spells.
Throw anything. Dust! Paint! Pitch, Ale, invisible is not intangible, Mix this with dirty fighting for more fun but it can screw with some one who is invisible rather easily. Also things like thrown table cloths might mess with his line of sight.
Line of sight, effect, etc. Pretty much mages need to see you to hit you. Learn stealth and use it. Throw smoke bombs, or put a bag over his head if you are close. I had one person with the catch off guard feat stuff an enemy caster in his bag of holding. He kept him in there until the rest of the encounter was down then let him out to the entire party fully healed and ready for a beat down.
Wind wall is a good archer deterrant, but remember you can move around it, and should not just be standing still shooting. It takes one arrow to disrupt a caster so if your enemy is using walls make use of your move to get shots that hit.
Use lighter armor. In the later game heavy armor is really not the best against an enemy caster, it restricts your mobility Unless you are a fighter with Armor training then wear the heaviest armor you can get and tank away.
Remember it is a RPG and use your skills. You can really mess with a caster if you have bluff, disguise, and or stealth. Fake being charmed and deliberately miss party members, or play dead after making the save of course. then when the Mage shifts his attention let him have it full force. Remember you can elect to miss an attack roll or fail a check, and getting creative can definitely throw a controller type a massive curve.
Speaking of Charm, thunderstones again, If a member of the party gets charmed toss a thunderstone at them, his new buddy won't be able to give him orders.
That's just for starters.